Private Tales Dinner and Daggers

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


Ain't Dead Yet
Character Biography

Music rang out from the end of the ballroom where a small stage like dais supported a full band, eagerly plucking at lyres and playing on flutes. The food was delicious and patrons gossiped, flirted, and talked amongst each other as they meandered from table to table, their fingers wrapped around glasses of shimmering sparkling wine. At the waist of every man was a small sword designed for dueling, and even the women held some weapon on their bodies, whether it be a sharpened hair pin, or a barbed ring. This was Veradune, a place where savagery met civilization.

This particular ball, one of many hosted by the locals, was run by the distinguished Herverick Crasios. A philanthropist among the Veran people, the zorren man, despite being in his prime, had never spent any time marching against the enemies of the fae joined city. He had however, given no small amount of his gold to the causes of the Veran Government, the Vitae Alliance, and their fae counterpart, the Vitae Court.

It was that bountiful generosity that had eventually caught the eye of Varos and Rerreno. The lords of Shadow and Diplomacy, while thankful for the influx of gold, had nonetheless been curious as to its source. And what had started as an innocent bid to sate their curiosity had led to a quagmire of false accounts and wild goose chases that led to a singular conclusion. Lord Crasios’ finances were anything but clean.

That conclusion had led to the two agents that now walked through the door, both dressed for the party yet holding an entirely different purpose from merriment. “Remember, Lord Varos wants this done quiely. As far as anyones aware, we’re here to dance, drink, and make merry.” His tail flicked behind him as a hand moved to smooth his uniform. It was perhaps one of the nicer perks of his position as the voice of the brothers Vitae. Always on duty, he was expected to forgo the stuffy doublets and other useless adornments that were often worn by the nobility in favor of the more professional looking dress uniform that the Brothers had issued him.
