Shayleigh's Song
Biographical information
Ixchel Wilds
437 Years
Vitae Court
Physical description
Soft blue ( Amber in color if having just shifted.)
Light, with a touch of sun
Political information
Truth Seeker
Out-of-character information

Having spent most of her years in the wilds, her features were surprisingly soft. Skin immaculate and sun kissed. Hair, honey brown, always hung loosely in soft curls that ended just above her derriere. light blue colored amber eyes that hold an animalistic quality to them.
Animal Form: Brown Fox, more commonly known as a breed of Silver Fox. Her fur sleek, matching her hair in human form. Eye's the color of amber while in this form.
Animal Form: Brown Fox, more commonly known as a breed of Silver Fox. Her fur sleek, matching her hair in human form. Eye's the color of amber while in this form.
Skills and Abilities
Mesmerization - Eye contact has to be made and kept as she invades a person's mind, with a simple phrase and a distinct change in her tone of voice, she’s able to make that person do her bidding. Works on humans more often than not but has been known to work on other species as well..
Telepathy - The ability to read others minds, images can also be relayed through this ability. If the person she’s entered the mind of is weak enough, she can erase certain memories and plant new ones. Telepathy isn’t an ability that she uses often, only when in need of it.
Glamour - Able to cast vivid and convincing illusions in order to trick others. Let it be of herself or her surroundings.
Coercion - The ability to coax truths out.
Telepathy - The ability to read others minds, images can also be relayed through this ability. If the person she’s entered the mind of is weak enough, she can erase certain memories and plant new ones. Telepathy isn’t an ability that she uses often, only when in need of it.
Glamour - Able to cast vivid and convincing illusions in order to trick others. Let it be of herself or her surroundings.
Coercion - The ability to coax truths out.
An outgoing introvert. Will speak her mind with ease, regardless of the outcome. Willing to put in every effort to win the “good” fight. Beautifully cunning. She has an absolute love for nature and music of all sorts, especially when both intertwine.
Biography & Lore
There is not much anyone knows about Shayleigh’s upbringing, nor whom her family was. That information would be kept that way, a void in her life that she was perfectly fine to never revisit. Born and raised (if you could call it that) within the Ixchel Wilds, most of her time was spent honing her skills and learning new delicate ways to use them. There always seemed to be too much calamity amongst and within the courts that caused much distress amongst the people. Because of which, she found herself spending a few years in solitude within the wilds. Some would find that to be rather lonesome, she found those years to be beautifully peaceful. As the times changed, as did everything else. A calmness of sorts, if you will. It wasn’t long before she found herself amongst those within the Vitae court, working for and with the court. “Life, Freedom and Unity” seemed like something to fight for and it was evident her skills could be used for such. What would this new chapter in her life bring? Adventure, Curiosity, friendships.. Secrets..Many many secrets..