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It had been months since the last spot of trouble.
The overcast sky only offered just enough light to see by. It was difficult to tell when dawn would finally roll around, not when the autumnal clouds rolled in out of the north on a blustery wind that made her want to wear extra layers. She felt out of place wearing the sensible pants and shirt, if not like an outright fraud. She was no warrior and would never be. She felt that Elijah offered her the training more because she would not stop the pressure to learn how to fight for herself than for any desire on his part.
She wished for her dress. It would have been a foolish thing to wear though. It restricted movement too much even if it was warmer.
Elijah insisted on training early and late, which had also taken some adjustment. She did not like waking early to begin with. Elijah also insisted on training far, far more than she had ever considered a soldier might train. She couldn't understand how they had time to do anything else if this was what they did on the daily. Or the energy to do anything else.
Perhaps her life had been too sheltered before it fell apart.
She might have balked at it more (aside from the fact that she was the one insisting on the training) if not for the infuriating man himself. It quickly became apparent how he had climbed the ranks in a woman's world. The brutal efficiency expected of a Dynast soldier came as second nature. It was no wonder he was built like an ancient, nameless God. Sometimes it could be quite distracting, especially when he made adjustments to her posture or the way she held a weapon or... or a great many things.
Her cheeks heated thinking about the casual touch, the closeness. All of her heated, eyes growing distant and glassy as she imagined them...
She shook her head. Elijah had not admitted any feeling for her. She sometimes wondered if the sudden end of his wife would leave him emotionally closed and unwilling to entertain another entering his life. Especially some girl who was about as far away from the soldier he had loved before. And one that had brought more trouble than she was probably worth in the bargain.
Love. Was it that, or was it something less? Baser? She did not really know. She had no experience with such things. Even so, she wondered at times if this ... ease in his presence was something more than just two disparate souls thrown together in a whirlpool of chaos.
She huffed a bitter laugh to herself as she crunched across the enclosed yard provided by the local Lord for their use. Here she was, thinking about such silliness when either of them might be dead a year from now. Erdeniin sat on the edge of a civil war that she wanted desperately to stop. Erdeniin sat in thrall to some unknown faction that sought to kill the Dynast herself. If she was even still alive, for the highest in the land had not been seen in months.
She had managed to rally allies back home. She had even managed to rally allies here, in Oban, as detestable as that was. The time to do something was approaching; before long it would be time to pull the Captain aside and speak of the coming plans. What good gathering resources if she sat paralyzed by indecision, or by believing herself never ready?
Never ready, like she felt right now as she stepped into the private place where the two of them did their morning exercise and training. "To get the blood flowing," she muttered to herself ironically as she opened and shut to the coral that had been repurposed as a training ring. Gypsy stood not far off, watching her with typical equine innocence. Likely looking forward to the usual drubbing Lyssia would experience this morning.
The overcast sky only offered just enough light to see by. It was difficult to tell when dawn would finally roll around, not when the autumnal clouds rolled in out of the north on a blustery wind that made her want to wear extra layers. She felt out of place wearing the sensible pants and shirt, if not like an outright fraud. She was no warrior and would never be. She felt that Elijah offered her the training more because she would not stop the pressure to learn how to fight for herself than for any desire on his part.
She wished for her dress. It would have been a foolish thing to wear though. It restricted movement too much even if it was warmer.
Elijah insisted on training early and late, which had also taken some adjustment. She did not like waking early to begin with. Elijah also insisted on training far, far more than she had ever considered a soldier might train. She couldn't understand how they had time to do anything else if this was what they did on the daily. Or the energy to do anything else.
Perhaps her life had been too sheltered before it fell apart.
She might have balked at it more (aside from the fact that she was the one insisting on the training) if not for the infuriating man himself. It quickly became apparent how he had climbed the ranks in a woman's world. The brutal efficiency expected of a Dynast soldier came as second nature. It was no wonder he was built like an ancient, nameless God. Sometimes it could be quite distracting, especially when he made adjustments to her posture or the way she held a weapon or... or a great many things.
Her cheeks heated thinking about the casual touch, the closeness. All of her heated, eyes growing distant and glassy as she imagined them...
She shook her head. Elijah had not admitted any feeling for her. She sometimes wondered if the sudden end of his wife would leave him emotionally closed and unwilling to entertain another entering his life. Especially some girl who was about as far away from the soldier he had loved before. And one that had brought more trouble than she was probably worth in the bargain.
Love. Was it that, or was it something less? Baser? She did not really know. She had no experience with such things. Even so, she wondered at times if this ... ease in his presence was something more than just two disparate souls thrown together in a whirlpool of chaos.
She huffed a bitter laugh to herself as she crunched across the enclosed yard provided by the local Lord for their use. Here she was, thinking about such silliness when either of them might be dead a year from now. Erdeniin sat on the edge of a civil war that she wanted desperately to stop. Erdeniin sat in thrall to some unknown faction that sought to kill the Dynast herself. If she was even still alive, for the highest in the land had not been seen in months.
She had managed to rally allies back home. She had even managed to rally allies here, in Oban, as detestable as that was. The time to do something was approaching; before long it would be time to pull the Captain aside and speak of the coming plans. What good gathering resources if she sat paralyzed by indecision, or by believing herself never ready?
Never ready, like she felt right now as she stepped into the private place where the two of them did their morning exercise and training. "To get the blood flowing," she muttered to herself ironically as she opened and shut to the coral that had been repurposed as a training ring. Gypsy stood not far off, watching her with typical equine innocence. Likely looking forward to the usual drubbing Lyssia would experience this morning.