Fae Courts Delusions of Peace

Threads open to all members of the Fae Courts group
Character Biography
A beautiful glass palace decorated with a confusing and jumbled mass of stained glass that cast colors and lights about the grounds. An assortment of lights floated around the grounds, only ever fading in their shining when covered by the constant smoke that never dispersed. Each room featured its own beautiful music that had no rhyme or reason to the tune in the next room. If this bombardment of the senses was not enough, the glass of this palace had been shattered, adding even more chaos to the light and sounds of the abode.

Yes, this was the Palais de Intinn. Home to the Court of Mysts...or former Court. No those days were long past them. That Court had been broken by civil war and an invasion of magical beasts in Malakath centuries ago. Now, all that remained was the Parlor of the Mind.

"No one will come to this."

"Then they will miss a wonderful party, Condatis."

Sederohein stood in front of his mirror, and he was experiencing the worst moment of his life. He had nothing to wear. As he stood before the broken mirror, each shard showed Sedo a different image of him with an outfit. Somewhere in his ear, Condatis was continuing to worry, but Sedo had long ago ignored him.

With a sad sigh, he waived his fingers, and a long flowing robe that barely clung to his shoulders appeared on him. The colors were random and many, and the robe would leave a long trail while he walked...This would have to do.

"Our Parlor still holds some power. We could be a valuable asset for this war that is coming. Better to let them vie for us rather than running around groveling in front of everyone. If not then...we will find some other way to occupy our time."

The complaining continued until Sedorohein slammed his foot down shattering more of the floor beneath him. His horns now glowed with a crimson color. A big smile stretched across his face, but it did not match the anger in his aura.

"Connie, I want a party...so I will have one."

Sedorohein then slipped out the door and smiled at the guests already wandering the halls. Many of them were simply members of his Parlor, but soon other Parlors and maybe a Court or two would arrive. Then the real fun would begin.


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  • Peek
Reactions: Lirielle
Vulpesen's eyes peered about the room as he stepped into the main hall of the parlor's palace. It wasn't that long ago that each of these beings dwarfed him in power. The fae were gods to the Zorrens, and each one was seen as a powerful spirit by those in the know. Even as most of his people knew what the fair folk were, they knew better than to interfere in their machinations.

Vulpesen was not like most of his people. He had been chosen as the champion of the brothers Vitae. His hand acted by their will and his voice spoke with their authority. Being Varos' warlock had made him powerful enough to contend with most lesser fae. Being linked to all three of the Zorren "gods" had made him a force to be reckoned with, barely even recognizable as a mortal.

Golden eyes moved across the room until they came upon a brightly colored duannan, the tall being instantly registering with an image that had been placed in the representatives head. Steeling himself, he stepped forward, his black brush of a tail flicking behind him as he did so. Sedorohein had almost two feet on the Zorren but still, Vulpesen kept his head tall, only offering a respectful bow once he was before the duannan. "Vulpesen Torrevaso, representative of the Vitae court of Stars. A pleasure to meet you, sir."
  • Wonder
Reactions: Sedorohein