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Once the two of them were out in the light, Rainie could see it was still quite early in the day. Was this a new record? Arrested just after breakfast and broken out by lunch? Surely it may be a little too early for a drink… However, she considered that perhaps her day warranted it. After, she had been arrested.
Rainie nodded along to Muirin’s description of Garramarisma, and then jolted with recognition. “South of Alliria, that’s right! Hm, I don’t know…” She weighed the pros and cons of going to a place so close to home, especially a place that may or may not contain dodgy members of her past. She reasoned that she had never been there before, so it was likely that no one would actively look for her here. She’d just have to avoid drawing attention to herself.
Yes. Well.
“That doesn’t sound too bad. If you don’t mind being my escort, I could keep you company,” at this, she jokingly leered at him, all smirks and batting eyelashes. The effect was ruined when she snorted a laugh.
As they walked, something was nagging in the back of her mind. Her thoughts turned to the murdered noble lady. Faces flashed through her memory, feebly trying to determine who had the proper sort of look about them…
She supposed she’d never know.
“So!” She ejected. “A quick drink, then a boat?” She looked up at Muirin, curious and utterly nonjudgemental regarding his reply, whatever that may be.
Rainie nodded along to Muirin’s description of Garramarisma, and then jolted with recognition. “South of Alliria, that’s right! Hm, I don’t know…” She weighed the pros and cons of going to a place so close to home, especially a place that may or may not contain dodgy members of her past. She reasoned that she had never been there before, so it was likely that no one would actively look for her here. She’d just have to avoid drawing attention to herself.
Yes. Well.
“That doesn’t sound too bad. If you don’t mind being my escort, I could keep you company,” at this, she jokingly leered at him, all smirks and batting eyelashes. The effect was ruined when she snorted a laugh.
As they walked, something was nagging in the back of her mind. Her thoughts turned to the murdered noble lady. Faces flashed through her memory, feebly trying to determine who had the proper sort of look about them…
She supposed she’d never know.
“So!” She ejected. “A quick drink, then a boat?” She looked up at Muirin, curious and utterly nonjudgemental regarding his reply, whatever that may be.