Fate - First Reply Death Sails The Sea

A 1x1 Roleplay where the first writer to respond can join
Character Biography
Akea'Oma'O Sea
Wreck of The Heart of Luin

Edric floated, his fingers all but clawed into a piece of wood that had once belonged to a mighty Anirian Frigate. His head was a haze, his body dehydrated, and his body bloody. Cuts and gashes lined his flesh, though they had stopped bleeding hours ago. Salt water lapped over him, dragging him around at the whim of the waves.

In his mind the last few days still played over his head.

The Captains insistence at taking the ship into the storm, the massive beast that had arisen from the water, the tendrils which had sundered the ship and broken it into a thousand pieces. There had been no word of warning, nothing that he or anyone else on board could have done. A violent rent had torn the Heart of Luin asunder within seconds, as if an act of god had simply wanted the ship gone.

It was only by his magic that he was still alive. The slow drag of life that he managed to steal from the fish around him before they ran, the healing he could give himself, and the nutrients he could claim from the reserve. He had no idea where he was. No idea where the tide was taking him, no idea if anyone else had survived the disastrous catastrophe.

As dawn came, the weariness clouded his mind beyond all reason.

He did not notice the waves growing larger. He did not notice the island growing in the distance.

Edric did not even feel the sand as it began to brush against his feet. Too tired, and too weary to even realize that he might yet live.
Fritz staggered straight into a tree. He felt sand and grass beneath his feet and heard a rumbling, much akin to the sea. he struggled to open his eyes and once he did, he found himself resting underneath a tree. He looked up and indeed see that big ocean blue. His eyes shot open and then goggled.

THE SEA?! How was, why was he here? He realizes the last thing he remembers is adventuring around the Falwood area and encountering a fae with a giant train of human slaves. He tried to fight her, and lost. How stupid could he have been. Human thralls were commonly traded and bought in the courts that ruled over that land.

"Bitches. Here I was minding my own business and you just had the brilliant idea to throw a bunch of malnourished humans out where I could see them, knock me out....and stash me? Come back later, like I'm some kind of garden that grows and then you pick the crops?"

"Oh well, I need to focus on getting out of here. Let's see, if there's anyone else around. This should get their attention.." he said, before effortlessly summoning two magic missiles, one for each hand. He wasn't spectacularly magical, but it was a simple spell.

He shot them into the air, where they were on a path to hit each other. As it turned out, simple was a overstatement. When they hit each other, the explosion could barely be seen in the sky, and made as much noise as a large boulder hitting grassy ground.

"Fuck. I'd better get moving." he grumbled, trekking into the forest. He had no weapons, and apparently no clothes, either. That was, in a word, uncomfortable. Luckily, his shorts appeared to have drifted in the wind, so once he put them on nobody could see anything private. Not that there were any other people or humanoids on this island apparently.


The words came back to smack him in the face as the would be possibly life saving echo ran into a nearby tree and echoed off. He finally gave up. "Dammit. No time to waste." were his last words before entering the trees and foliage.


(Sorry if my reason for being on the island is a bit shabby!)
  • Wonder
Reactions: Edric
Edric woke with his face in the sand, fingers curling slowly through the grains.

A voice echoed off far in the distance, beyond where he could clearly hear it. His head hurt, his body seemed to ache. A growl rumbled through his stomach, hunger clawing and grasping at him desperately. He frowned for a moment, then slowly picked his head up.

His eyes flickered over what was ahead of him.

An island, that much was clear. There was a jungle, a low mountain, and not much else besides. Pieces of the ship had washed up onto the shore alongside him, though he saw no steps in the sand nor bodies among the rubble.

A frown pulled at his lips, and slowly he reached out. His magics lashed towards the life beyond the beach, sapping and leeching.

Almost instantly the hunger within his stomach began to fade, the wounds upon his chest and sides sealed shut. The reserve of magic was refilled as the trees just ahead of him began to die and fade. By the time they collapsed in on themselves Edric pulled himself up.

"Where the fuck am I." He grumbled, slowly looking around.
Edric woke with his face in the sand, fingers curling slowly through the grains.

A voice echoed off far in the distance, beyond where he could clearly hear it. His head hurt, his body seemed to ache. A growl rumbled through his stomach, hunger clawing and grasping at him desperately. He frowned for a moment, then slowly picked his head up.

His eyes flickered over what was ahead of him.

An island, that much was clear. There was a jungle, a low mountain, and not much else besides. Pieces of the ship had washed up onto the shore alongside him, though he saw no steps in the sand nor bodies among the rubble.

A frown pulled at his lips, and slowly he reached out. His magics lashed towards the life beyond the beach, sapping and leeching.

Almost instantly the hunger within his stomach began to fade, the wounds upon his chest and sides sealed shut. The reserve of magic was refilled as the trees just ahead of him began to die and fade. By the time they collapsed in on themselves Edric pulled himself up.

"Where the fuck am I." He grumbled, slowly looking around.
As Fritz trekked on through the leafy green palms and oaks, he reminisced on what else he had plotted to do after his adventure in fae territory. Maybe hit the seaside towns for some swashbuckling. After all, one of his top ambitions was to see the whole world before he died.

Whatever that meant, this sure as hell was not it.

"Leave it to the great Fritz to be such a dumb fuck." he self-deprecated. It made him laugh a bit, and he decided to make the best of his situation, picking a mango from a low hanging tree. It was really good, better than most fruit he had ever eaten. "Wow...I will never buy another fruit from cart or store."

He then noticed something quite curious. Strong, young looking trees were wilting and dying at an egregious pace. He hid behind one of the collapsing trees and saw a peculiar looking man indeed. Strange tattoos covered his body.

He gathered his courage and stepped out from behind his wooden hiding spot. "Hello! I see you have been marooned here as well!"

He sort of cleared his throat before saying: "Those sure are some strange tattoos you bear, my friend. I was just noticing how all these trees wilted while I was exploring this place for food. You had something to do with those, maybe?"

"Oh, and my name is Dune Erlain, sort of! What's yours?"
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Edric
Edric glanced up towards the voice, almost immediately tensing as he saw a figure approach him out of the trees.

Fingers unconsciously curled towards a sword that had been lost in the chaos. Lips thinned for a brief moment, but he just shook his head and tried to run through some of the magics he could use in his head. Just in case this man turned out to be a threat. "I didn't."

It was a lie.

"Must be something on this island." There wasn't ever a need to give away information when you didn't need to. "I'm Edric."

A name was just a name. "How did you get to be here?"

He asked, turning his head as though he were searching for another ship that might have been struck by the storm.
Edric glanced up towards the voice, almost immediately tensing as he saw a figure approach him out of the trees.

Fingers unconsciously curled towards a sword that had been lost in the chaos. Lips thinned for a brief moment, but he just shook his head and tried to run through some of the magics he could use in his head. Just in case this man turned out to be a threat. "I didn't."

It was a lie.

"Must be something on this island." There wasn't ever a need to give away information when you didn't need to. "I'm Edric."

A name was just a name. "How did you get to be here?"

He asked, turning his head as though he were searching for another ship that might have been struck by the storm.
"Be well! I mean no harm. I know magic though, so harming me is not a harmless endeavor. However, I believe you to be a nice man. You showed great amounts of restraint in not trying to pulverize me the minute I stepped out from the oaks." He said.

For some reason his voice sounded older than he was, about 22.

"Edric, was it? Well then, lovely to make your acquaintance. I don't know the method of arrival, but I remember being knocked out by a fae slaver."

"My guess is this is where they store slaves to pick up later. Luckily, they left me in my shorts!"

"Since you were so truthful with your name I suppose it is time for me to be truthful with mine. My name that I prefer is Fritz Erlain, but I did not technically lie. My real, birth name is Dune. Do you know anyway off this place? Perhaps a raft of some kind?"
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Edric
Edric watched the man with a small tilt of his head, lips thinning.

Trust never came easy to someone like him. He had spent the last decade of his life being tortured, taught to be a soldier. No one entered his life without a leash of suspicion. He eyed the other man for a brief moment. "I don't know."

He answered honestly.

His ears piqued at the mention of Fae though.

There had been rumors of such things back at the Academy of course. Distant and long forgotten, but lessons that had been taught. He remembered them well even know, and still wondered what they would have done facing him.

"A raft might do it." He said, glancing towards the forest. "But it might take some time to build."

There was ample forest, but...building something that would take them away from here would take days, if not weeks. "How long have you been here?"

Edric asked.
Edric watched the man with a small tilt of his head, lips thinning.

Trust never came easy to someone like him. He had spent the last decade of his life being tortured, taught to be a soldier. No one entered his life without a leash of suspicion. He eyed the other man for a brief moment. "I don't know."

He answered honestly.

His ears piqued at the mention of Fae though.

There had been rumors of such things back at the Academy of course. Distant and long forgotten, but lessons that had been taught. He remembered them well even know, and still wondered what they would have done facing him.

"A raft might do it." He said, glancing towards the forest. "But it might take some time to build."

There was ample forest, but...building something that would take them away from here would take days, if not weeks. "How long have you been here?"

Edric asked.
"I believe that, but for two like us, trapped on land trapped by sea, we have nothing but food, purefiable water, and time."

"Building a raft can be our little quest. I....hmm, I don't know. It feels like It's been only a day, that's about as far back as I can remember from what I was doing before I met you."

"So, should we get to it? I am a Adventurer first and a Smithy second, so if we can find heat or fire, I can make tools, and a house should be top priority. For now."

"As we all probably just saw, there is a strange decay about, and I don't want to be around when that disease stops eating trees and starts trying to suck our life force."

"Maybe a ship? A raft would be hard to create and less safe. A ship, however, will be harder to create but safer."

"Any apprehension about this plan you have is obviously warranted. I can I see you arrived here on pieces of one."
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  • Sip
Reactions: Edric
Edric frowned as the man spoke a mile a minute, his lips thinning as he tilted his head. "Right."
At the best of times he had never been one for conversation.

Most of the others back home tended to stay away from him, save for Ralene and Talia. He had never once in his life been one for making friends. He shook his head slowly, stepping passed the man and glancing at the Jungle that lay behind the beach.

"Raft will do." They didn't need a ship, mostly because he had absolutely no fucking intention of being here long. "We just need to get to one of the other islands."

He told the man. "Find a town with an actual ship."

From there they could actually get home, wherever that was for the other man.

"But you're right." He told Fritz. "Shelter and fire first."

That much they'd both need.
Edric frowned as the man spoke a mile a minute, his lips thinning as he tilted his head. "Right."
At the best of times he had never been one for conversation.

Most of the others back home tended to stay away from him, save for Ralene and Talia. He had never once in his life been one for making friends. He shook his head slowly, stepping passed the man and glancing at the Jungle that lay behind the beach.

"Raft will do." They didn't need a ship, mostly because he had absolutely no fucking intention of being here long. "We just need to get to one of the other islands."

He told the man. "Find a town with an actual ship."

From there they could actually get home, wherever that was for the other man.

"But you're right." He told Fritz. "Shelter and fire first."

That much they'd both need.
“A town? My friend, this is the fucking middle of nowhere." he said seriously, just trying to define the severity of their situation.

"Also, if there was a island with town, do you think they would just let us into their town? Let alone to take a ship? After we’ve gotten our bases checked and have shirts and some sort of shoes minimum, we can talk about that.”

“I’ll start working on fire. We shouldn’t be here long, so if you see anything that would make a good cave door, that’ll do.” He said, picking up a sharp piece of wood. “I can take gathering food as well.”
"It's the ocean." He said with a shrug. "There's always another island."

Plus, the way he understood it, they were near enough Cerak that more than a few Pirate enclaves were spotted around them. It wasn't exactly a pleasant thought, but the Dreadlord was hardly worried about a few pirates.

If anything they'd just help him live longer.

A grunt escaped him. "Shoes I still got, just need to try them."

He'd at least been spared that. Mostly because when the storm struck he'd been on the top deck. Though the leather was half shriveled. With a shake of his head he began to head off the beach, beginning to gather some of what they would need.