Private Tales Creatures Of The Night

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


The Speaker
Character Biography
Osteriam wasn't a place you'd normally go out of your way to visit: It could barely be considered a village, it was tucked far out of the way from any of Arethil's major settlements, and the only way in and out of the village was an old path through a tall, menacing rock formation, which surrounded the sparse few buildings it did have. It certainly wasn't on Varys' list of places that he wanted to travel to, and yet here he was, organizing the back of the wagon parked outside the miniscule tavern situated near the mouth of the rock formation, just inside the tiny town of Osteriam. It was better than living on the streets of Fal'Addas, he supposed. He'd been nothing but a vagrant until a traveling fireworks artist and Transmutation Mage had taken a liking to him, and taken him on as an apprentice. He'd much rather have been practicing his magic right now, not spending the night in a glorified rock pile.

The only reason anybody truly stayed in this boulder enclosed settlement was for what was beneath it.

Osteriam was populated mainly by miners, eager to explore the vast cave system that ran deep beneath the surface of Osteriam. Rare resources and minerals were often found when one traveled particularly low down into the tunnels, and if you were able to make it back up into town, that meant good money. Of course, not everybody made it out of those caves, and Osteriam had garnered a reputation of swallowing up brave adventurers looking to get rich into the depths that lie below it.

Varys' master and teacher had turned in early, and had asked him to make sure all of the supplies in their wagon were secure. That had been an easy task, but Varys found that he was far from tired, even if the rest of the small town seemed to disagree with him. The entire village was as dark as shadow itself, apparently tradition here. The bartender in the tavern, a grizzled old miner with a soft patch over his left eye, had warned him rather forcefully that it was in his best interest not to go out at night during their stay.

Still, Varys was interested in seeing what else this little place had to offer. What harm would be a quick walk down the dark abandoned street? He wasn't defenseless, and in the worst case scenario, he could whistle for help. He had somebody who would come rather quickly should he call. So, the young elf set off to see just how small Osteriam was. He would at least be careful to stay away from the caves. Who knows what had taken to living in there?

Still, in the dead silence that came with the sleeping village, there was a sense of unease that washed over his body. He'd been restless all night, as though his soul knew that something was to happen tonight that the rest of him wasn't privy too. Surely it was just nerves, he was under a lot of stress, after all.

  • Scared
Reactions: Iris
Osteriam had been perfect, a good place to get a few meager sacrifices for Lord Cinder whist she worked on her mastery of the infernal books, the first two anyway. Two books, with pages of human skin, with ink of blood and written in a moving language only legible by those whom Cinder permitted they read.

But she'd run out of explorers for now, and the screams of their fellows warned loners against going in, they might be able to get her if they came in with a group, but she didn't want to risk that, and she was getting hungry. She didn't like eating other humans but she didn't hate it either, and she'd run out of food. She wasn't going to eat insects or bats, so she'd have to get some directly from the village, it was time to leave the caves for a little while.

Besides, hunting down Drow wasn't fun anymore. She pulled her cloak over her shoulders and his her wings under it, before pulling up her hood to hide her horns.

It took almost an hour to get to the surface, it would have been longer were she incapable of flight, but she was in luck, as she emerged into darkness from darkness.

So she stalked the streets, looking for a way to steal some food, she wouldn't be welcome in a tavern, and she had no money besides. The other option was to kill one of their mountain goats and cook it. It would also be a good source of fleece in case she needed a little extra coverage in certain places.

She was contemplating on how exactly to do this when someone rounded the corner just ahead of her. What was he doing?! She'd been out in the town after dark before, noone left their homes once the sun went down.

She jumped back a short ways to put distance between herself and him, and prepared to summon her sword. Her cloak had been cast aside just enough to reveal one of her wings in its batlike form.

"Who are you?"
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Varys
It took the elf a moment to register the sharp tone; It was so dark that he couldn't see well, and he hadn't even noticed the other creature approaching. When he did see her, his expression only grew more puzzled. She certainly wasn't like anything he'd seen before. As chilled as the air was last night, she was barely wearing anything over her skin, and she appeared to have a pair of wings sprouting out of her back. Needless to say, her wingspan didn't give off a friendly aura, however easy on the eyes the rest of her may have been.

Perhaps this is what had the villagers here so spooked of the night. He took a paltry few steps back himself, widening his stance. He had to be ready to run should she choose to attack him, though he certainly hoped it wouldn't escalate that quickly. She was asking questions first at least.

"My name is Varys. Just... passing through."

He tilts his head to look at her wings once more, nodding towards her. "Are you some manner of Demoness? That's the only thing I can think of with a pair like that."

He has to fight back a smirk at his double entendre. He could have been in danger, yes... But he'd been so resigned to a quiet boring night that having something this interesting crop up actually made him a little bit happy. Maybe Jon was rubbing off on him, making him crave a little trouble?

"I'd really rather not fight. Don't think I'd win."

  • Devil
Reactions: Iris
"My name is Varys. Just... passing through."

She cocked an eyebrow. "If you're just passing through, why are you out here after sunset?"

He tilts his head to look at her wings once more, nodding towards her. "Are you some manner of Demoness? That's the only thing I can think of with a pair like that."

She shot a glance down at her exposed wing and quickly pulled her cloak back over it. "What interest have you in what I am?"

Clearly, she didn't much like people seeing that. At least not when she didn't want them to.

He has to fight back a smirk at his double entendre. He could have been in danger, yes... But he'd been so resigned to a quiet boring night that having something this interesting crop up actually made him a little bit happy. Maybe Jon was rubbing off on him, making him crave a little trouble?

"I'd really rather not fight. Don't think I'd win."

Before she could say anything her stomach growled, loudly enough to be heard, ruining a great deal of her intimidation factor. She gave a frustrated face.

Then looked up at him. "Very few people 'just pass through' this town. What are you doing here, really?"

Not the most trusting of types, not by a long shot.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Varys
Varys relaxes a bit, his arms falling to his sides. Whoever this was wasn't the type to take a stranger on his word, but then neither was he. Regardless, it didn't seem like she was going to attack. Thank gods, he really would have gotten in trouble if he'd started something when he'd been told to stay in.

He clears his throat, dusting off his jacket. He was well dressed for somebody this far out into the middle of nowhere. A sleek black dress jacket over a similarly colored button up shirt. What would a well-to-do looking elf be doing in Osteraim?

"I really am just passing through, lady. I'm a traveling Illuminator's Apprentice. We stopped for the night to rest and gather supplies. As far as I know, I'm leaving first thing in the morning. I just didn't feel like sleeping so early, though now I see why everybody is staying inside."

He offers another little smirk, and crosses his arms as he hears the odd rumbling sound. Was that... her..? If she was out looking for food, she wasn't going to have much luck here.

"If you're not going to kill me, I suppose I can scrounge some food up for you. As long as you're willing to play nice and introduce yourself, and assuming you don't want Elf for dinner."

  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Iris
"If you're not going to kill me, I suppose I can scrounge some food up for you. As long as you're willing to play nice and introduce yourself, and assuming you don't want Elf for dinner."

She gave him a grumpy look then sighed. "Fine. Call me Iris. And no, I'm not going to eat you, elves are too stringy, not enough meat, except in the case of Drow I suppose. Either way I only eat people as a last resort. So what kind of food are you offering? And what exactly is it you want in return?"

Demons, like Devils, operated largely with pacts and deals, and she didn't want to owe this man anything for very long. So if he was going to give her food, she'd need to pay him back somehow, and if he didn't name a price she'd have to pay him back anyway.
Varys, of course, didn't know that little rule about her kind. Hell, she'd never even told her what she was, just her name. He rolls his eyes and waves for her to follow him as he turns on his heel, headed back towards the tavern.

"Iris. Well, it's a pretty name at least. Just keep yourself covered up. Obviously you can't waltz into the tavern and order yourself a meal, so I'll do it for you, you can wait outside."

He rubs his hands together, trying to keep them warm in the cold night air. You'd think such expensive clothes would actually do something to insulate your body a bit better. He'd have to use his next pay for a heavier coat.

"I've met a lot of interesting types since leaving home, but you're a new one. You're the last thing I expected to see all the way out here, to say the least."

Arriving at the Tavern, he leaves her outside as he walks in. About 10 minutes pass, and he returns, carrying a wooden plate with a small selection of food on it.

"It's not much, but it's what they had. A chop of cooked hog, some bread and water. I figure you look like a bit of a meat eater."

Varys, of course, didn't know that little rule about her kind. Hell, she'd never even told her what she was, just her name. He rolls his eyes and waves for her to follow him as he turns on his heel, headed back towards the tavern.

"Iris. Well, it's a pretty name at least. Just keep yourself covered up. Obviously you can't waltz into the tavern and order yourself a meal, so I'll do it for you, you can wait outside."

She nodded, still a little grumpy but she owed him a thanks at the least and so she said, "thanks."

He rubs his hands together, trying to keep them warm in the cold night air. You'd think such expensive clothes would actually do something to insulate your body a bit better. He'd have to use his next pay for a heavier coat.

"I've met a lot of interesting types since leaving home, but you're a new one. You're the last thing I expected to see all the way out here, to say the least."

"You're more likely to find the stranger things out in the more isolated places of the world, it's where they like to hide. Take me for example, this town is small, barely even a town, and noone comes here, so it's the perfect place to hide. You may not have expected me, but you should have been ready for something peculiar."

Arriving at the Tavern, he leaves her outside as he walks in. About 10 minutes pass, and he returns, carrying a wooden plate with a small selection of food on it.

"It's not much, but it's what they had. A chop of cooked hog, some bread and water. I figure you look like a bit of a meat eater."

She took the plate and tankard of water. She said, "thanks. You still haven't told me what it is you want in return."

She ate the bread quickly, downed the water then tore into the meat. Maybe not the most polite eater but she wasn't messy about it.
Varys would lean against the wall of the Tavern, watching her as she all but devoured the small meal he'd put together, raising a rather quizzical eyebrow at her words. She was right, of course. It only made sense that the more outlandish and rare types would be hiding out of the normal line of sight.

"A fair point. I've only been travelling a few months now. There's still a lot that I've yet to learn. Working on that though. Now, what's this about something in return?"

He tucks his silvery white hair behind his ears, tightening the tie that held it somewhat up in the back as she continues to eat.

"I'd say not killing me is something in return. Really, I just thought I'd help. I know what it's like to go hungry all too well. Nobody deserves that. I suppose if I have to ask for something..."

He hums, and nods to where he'd spotted the peeking wing before.

"I'm curious about the wings. Think I could get a better look?"

So he wanted to see her wings, and she said, "not here."

She got up and gestured for him to follow her. She found them a secluded little nook behind a few buildings with no windows and a near guarantee of no traffic.

She held up a hand, which caught fire instantly and she cast the flame on the ground where it stayed. Removing her cloak with her back to the fire he'd see her wings, and her horns.

Her wings were granted freedom by a lack of coverage for her back. The stereotype that a couple of cuts down one's shirt didn't actually work, whether the wings had feathers or membrane it didn't really matter. So her leotard had no back, only stopping just above her butt and leaving the first vertibra of her spine visible through her skin. How the front stayed up was a mystery.

But regardless, he now has full view of two large draconic wings sprouting from her back, black and leathery but smooth and just barely translucent in the membranes. She crossed her arms in front of her and was happy to be facing away from him.

She'd never allowed anyone to inspect her wings, and letting him do so made her feel oddly exposed, which in turn gave her cheeks a light tint of nervousness. She wasn't sure what to think of his request, but she'd abide by it.
He wasn't privy to the details when it came to his request; He'd figured it would be as simple as sliding off the cloak, as surely she was wearing something underneath. When she ushered him to somewhere more concealed, his curiosity spiked a bit. The sudden burst of flames caused a few cautionary steps backwards, and for a moment he wondered if she hadn't changed her mind about hurting him.

His fears turned out to be quite unfounded, and when the flame dropped to the ground she finally slid the cloak off. The wings were as large and as dark as he'd heard about in tales of those who'd seen this manner of being.

He did take a pause to admire the... unorthodox... outfit. It certainly didn't leave much to his imagination, but he didn't have any unseemly motives. He certainly wasn't trying to get eye candy. He was more or less merely interested in what she was. It wasn't every day you got to see one of these up close.

He tilts his head, attempting to look over her shoulder. "They're something else alright, really impressive. Are you... uh.. okay?"

He did take a pause to admire the... unorthodox... outfit. It certainly didn't leave much to his imagination, but he didn't have any unseemly motives. He certainly wasn't trying to get eye candy. He was more or less merely interested in what she was. It wasn't every day you got to see one of these up close.

She could tell he looked somewhere else, other than at her wings, she wasn't surprised, she wore what she did for a few reasons, one, it allowed her to move much more freely than pants did, and it didn't get in the way like a skirt would. Her mid-thigh length boots, of the same black leather, protected her feet and most of her legs. Other than that her cloak was her only garment. A lot of people looked when they had the chance, even, or perhaps especially, the men and women she fought with on the road every now and then.

He tilts his head, attempting to look over her shoulder. "They're something else alright, really impressive. Are you... uh.. okay?"

She forced her blush away, with great effort, and looked back over her shoulder, "yes. Why wouldn't I be?"

She didn't have much time before a scream was head behind the two of them. A woman had come down the alley, her motive seeming to be an insubordinate child as a young boy, of about six or seven stood there with her. Both were pale with terror, and the woman grabbed her son and ran screaming "DEMON!" for the whole village to hear.
Varys wasn't particularly interested in ogling her; He'd never been of a perverse nature, though he couldn't say the same of some of his companions. He had to admit that he would have plenty of questions to answer should they be seen, however. She obviously was trying to avoid looking directly at him, be it due to nerves or otherwise. He smiles. "I'm not up to anything untoward, you know. There isn't a need to be so wary."

His pointed ears straighten a bit as the scream pierces the air. Quickly, his body turns to face the now fleeing people. Under his breath, Varys swears at his luck. There was so stopping them now, not without causing even more of a scene. He looks behind him at Iris and nods towards the caves. "I think that's our cue to leave, Iris. If we're fast, nobody will see a thing."

Varys wasn't particularly interested in ogling her; He'd never been of a perverse nature, though he couldn't say the same of some of his companions. He had to admit that he would have plenty of questions to answer should they be seen, however. She obviously was trying to avoid looking directly at him, be it due to nerves or otherwise. He smiles. "I'm not up to anything untoward, you know. There isn't a need to be so wary."

She nodded her understanding of this and said no more.

His pointed ears straighten a bit as the scream pierces the air. Quickly, his body turns to face the now fleeing people. Under his breath, Varys swears at his luck. There was so stopping them now, not without causing even more of a scene. He looks behind him at Iris and nods towards the caves. "I think that's our cue to leave, Iris. If we're fast, nobody will see a thing."

She didn't hesitate. She threw her cloak at him, grabbed him and took off with her wings. It wasn't flight per se, more like enhanced jumping. His added weight was too much for her to straight fly with, so she had to take long leaps more like and use her wings to produce thrust.

Within two minutes they were in the caves, not too deep but inside. She let go of him and stepped a few paces away before turning to face him completely. "Do you know who that was?"
The elf would have been content to run; The caves weren't that terribly far away, and while he'd likely be gasping for breath by the end of their sprint, he certainly didn't know what she'd had in mind. He turned to hurry her along, brushing the sliver hair that had fallen down his brow from his eyes. "Let's not waste any time and ge-mmpth" The rest of his sentence was muffled by her cloak being thrown over his head.

He felt her hands hook underneath his arms, and then his feet leaving the ground. For a moment, he reflexively kicked, trying to find his footing. That action only seemed to cause a strained sound to come from the one carrying him, so he instead tucks his legs whenever he feels her leap again, lessening the drag she had to resist.

After what was only a paltry few minutes, but felt much longer to somebody 'flying' for the first time, he felt himself hit the rocky floor of the cave, and promptly fell to his feet in a heap. The sheer amount of adrenaline and fear that such an escape sent through his body left his heart racing. Turning over and pulling the cloak off of his head, he looks up at her from the ground with a meek smile.

"They aren't with me. Maybe just fans of yours, looking for an autograph?"

Turning over and pulling the cloak off of his head, he looks up at her from the ground with a meek smile.

"They aren't with me. Maybe just fans of yours, looking for an autograph?"

She rolled her eyes at that. "Normally I wouldn't believe you but I can't think of any reason you'd have to lie."

She looked further down into the caves and back at him. "Why did you want to see my wings if I may ask? It doesn't seem like something to be very interesting to me. The only other people who've wanted a look wanted to dissect me to find out what I was."

She lit her hand aflame as before to light their way as she waited for him to get up and walk with her. But she wasn't sure if he would, or if he'd just go back to the town.
He lets out a breathless laugh as he rolls to his knees. "You'll find I'm not one for bullshit. I don't have the time to be spending my night lying to Demonesses. That sounds awfully counter-productive." He reaches out and uses the cave wall for leverage to pull his shaky knees straight, dusting himself off before eyeing the wandering woman as she walked off.

"You said I needed to get something in return. Only thing I could think of was the wings. I couldn't see them under that cloak, and I've never seen a pair like that before. Call it curiosity, that's all there really was to it. I enjoyed the sight though. They're beautiful wings."

He locked his arms behind his back and followed her, a small yawn escaping his throat.

"I guess I'm stuck here for the night. I can't very well go back into town until things calm down."

He lets out a breathless laugh as he rolls to his knees. "You'll find I'm not one for bullshit. I don't have the time to be spending my night lying to Demonesses. That sounds awfully counter-productive." He reaches out and uses the cave wall for leverage to pull his shaky knees straight, dusting himself off before eyeing the wandering woman as she walked off.

"Sounds reasonable." She commented. "But I'm no demoness. I'm closer to a tiefling in nature, I have demonic traits, but I'm not a demon."

"You said I needed to get something in return. Only thing I could think of was the wings. I couldn't see them under that cloak, and I've never seen a pair like that before. Call it curiosity, that's all there really was to it. I enjoyed the sight though. They're beautiful wings."

He locked his arms behind his back and followed her, a small yawn escaping his throat.

"I guess I'm stuck here for the night. I can't very well go back into town until things calm down."

"That's how we work. Demons, like Devils, operate with deals, equivalent exchange. You give me something, and I have to give you something or do something for you in return. It's how it works. I may not be the most pure in my nature, but I have some semblance of honour. Whatever I'm given must be paid for. I expected you to ask..." Beautiful he called them. Never before has anyone said anything like that to her. Terrifying. Evil. Condemning. But never beautiful. She didn't know what to say, but if he was observant he'd see her hesitate for a moment soon after he said this. "For a favour," she finished, "someone dead or otherwise removed from the picture, or perhaps some kind of help accomplishing a task."

"I suppose you are. Unless you want to play the part of either captor or captured. You can walk out with me in tow or I can put on a show of you being a hostage. Otherwise we just wait a day or two then you go back up, say you escaped and go ahead from there."
Varys usually wasn't one for frivolous flattery; If he said he found the creature to be one of considerable beauty, he meant it. Still, it was interesting to learn more about the nature of Demons, Devils and their dealings. So she was required to return the favor for his meal, that must have been it. Gods, he could only imagine what some of the beings of lesser repute would wish for. She didn't have to say what she expected, he could make a few guesses. "That has to be a bit frustrating, doesn't it? You can't have anything nice done for you without doing something back?"

He walks a bit further into the cave and removes the tie in his silver locks, letting them fall down his back. If he was going to stay here with her, he was going to make himself comfortable. The situation was undesirable, but not unsalvageable.

"If you think you can handle me, I'd prefer to keep it quiet and not make a scene. Things will quiet down soon enough. That is, of course, unless you have a desire to put on a show?" He teased her.

"That has to be a bit frustrating, doesn't it? You can't have anything nice done for you without doing something back?"

"I usually pay them back with gold or we negotiate terms beforehand, so that nothing... Unsavoury is required, though it's happened before so I'm not terribly bothered by it." She said with a sigh.

He walks a bit further into the cave and removes the tie in his silver locks, letting them fall down his back. If he was going to stay here with her, he was going to make himself comfortable. The situation was undesirable, but not unsalvageable.

"If you think you can handle me, I'd prefer to keep it quiet and not make a scene. Things will quiet down soon enough. That is, of course, unless you have a desire to put on a show?" He teased her.

She gave him an unamused stare. "I've been put on display before Elf. Putting on a show is perhaps one of my specialties. But waiting seems best, though whether they will calm down soon or not remains to be seen, I've been down here a while, and now that they have an idea of what I am, I doubt that they won't hunt me."
He shrugs, sliding his hands into his pockets. "So what's your plan, just sit in this cave until they forget it exists? That's not any way to live, I'd say." He felt bad for Iris, but she certainly didn't seem in a hurry to change her situation. It was familiar, and it took him all too long to realize why: She was acting a bit like he'd used to.

"You're not a bad person, Iris. A bit cold? Maybe, but I don't think you have any desire to do them harm. It's not right for you to stay in this cave and hide until they start hunting. You have just as much right as they do."

Biting the inside of his cheek, he closes his eyes for a moment, not looking directly at her. Her... lack of coverage... tended to make him feel a bit guilty when he did so anyways.

"It's settled then. I'm helping you out again. We'll figure out how to get through to them together."

  • Cheer
Reactions: Iris
He shrugs, sliding his hands into his pockets. "So what's your plan, just sit in this cave until they forget it exists? That's not any way to live, I'd say." He felt bad for Iris, but she certainly didn't seem in a hurry to change her situation. It was familiar, and it took him all too long to realize why: She was acting a bit like he'd used to.

"No, just sit in here until they get tired of chasing me. Then I leave to go somewhere else." She said simply.

"You're not a bad person, Iris. A bit cold? Maybe, but I don't think you have any desire to do them harm. It's not right for you to stay in this cave and hide until they start hunting. You have just as much right as they do."

This brought a laugh from her throat. "You're so naive. I'm a half demon, I made a pact with a demon, a demon lord no less. If that doesn't make me a bad person I don't know what does. Besides, I'm only here for a little bit longer. As for right to live here, I never had any rights to live anywhere among any civilized society. Even before I got my wings I wouldn't be welcome. Really it doesn't matter to me."

Biting the inside of his cheek, he closes his eyes for a moment, not looking directly at her. Her... lack of coverage... tended to make him feel a bit guilty when he did so anyways.

"It's settled then. I'm helping you out again. We'll figure out how to get through to them together."

"And what is it you want in return friend?" She asked. "A traveling companion? Someone to defend you and your teacher whilst you travel? Or perhaps just so that you can study me?"

She also noticed him averting his gaze, "And feel free to look, there's no shame in it, if a woman doesn't want you to look, she'll cover herself more completely."
Varys clears his throat, feeling a small tinge of color rise to his cheeks. It was true: He was naïve. There was still a lot that the Elf had to learn about the world. So, she was just in the neighborhood, and this was her 'inn' so to speak. Still, there was something he didn't necessarily agree with.

"I don't think having a pact with any demon or demon lord necessarily makes you a bad person. In fact, I'd say you've proven you aren't bad at all. A bad person wouldn't have bothered bringing me with them here. I'd be in some serious trouble if you hadn't helped me. And before you object, you'd already done what I asked, so that wasn't in return for anything."

He shrugs his shoulders, unsure what she expected to hear from him in terms of return payment. "I'll figure that out later. Besides, it's too late tonight anyways." Clearing his throat, he peers over at her from the side of his vision. "That your way of saying you want me to look at you? I'm flattered."

  • Devil
Reactions: Iris
"I don't think having a pact with any demon or demon lord necessarily makes you a bad person. In fact, I'd say you've proven you aren't bad at all. A bad person wouldn't have bothered bringing me with them here. I'd be in some serious trouble if you hadn't helped me. And before you object, you'd already done what I asked, so that wasn't in return for anything."

She had been about to object when he stopped her with before you object, and he guessed exactly what it was she was going to say. She she exhaled, a little frustrated that her argument had been so easily shut down. So she just crossed her arms and sat back against the wall.

He shrugs his shoulders, unsure what she expected to hear from him in terms of return payment. "I'll figure that out later. Besides, it's too late tonight anyways." Clearing his throat, he peers over at her from the side of his vision. "That your way of saying you want me to look at you? I'm flattered."

She rolled her eyes, he took it one way he could have, and she couldn't exactly object to him doing the one thing she just said he could do. So she decided to have fun with it, putting her hands under her head, which in turn pushed her chest out, "if that's how you want to interpret that feel free."
He'd learned to appreciate the small victories in life, and his little win over Iris's argument was one of those victories. He shot a cocky little grin her way when she didn't finish what she was about to say and continues. "See? I'm already getting the hang of you. Soon enough I'll be finishing your sentences." He had an inkling she'd react quite negatively to that, however.

He raises his eyebrows at her suggestive gesture, his eyes indeed getting their fill for a second and a half before he shook his head and walked closer to her, searching for a spot to sit. "Well, I at least know how you could win over the male hunters. They're probably starving for eye candy like that."

  • Devil
Reactions: Iris