Was far more concerned about the lives of
Olyssa and the rest of those in his court than he was about himself. If he was unable to rid the Realm of this ancient plague and ensure that the Summer could not use it against them in the looming conflict, he was not fit to be a King in the first place. Once Olyssa had renewed her offensive, Nairth began to retreat, firing off similar weak but enticing volleys of magic to draw the savage thing toward him as he moved.
This was a gambit, without a shadow of a doubt. Becoming King had cut Nairth's free time into thirds, and he'd no way of knowing whether the last grasp of hope he led them towards was even there any longer. He'd certainly had no time to maintain it properly. Still, watching the Sabakuu thunder towards them with a ripping cry of raw hatred as it tore across the path and into the brush Nairth fled towards, he knew not how else they could garner an advantage.
But, for a while, it seemed in vain. All that baiting the twisted Sabakuu around accomplished was destroying and warping more and more of Spring's lands with it's darkness, seeping out of the monstrosity's black pores and coating everything it touched.
Nairth did his best not to look, to focus on reaching the small clearing by the river, to that patch of bright purple flowers, that glittered like gemstones in the sun. Certainly, they must be near now? His magic was nearly exhausted, and the Sabbaku grew more aggresive and pursuant with every passing second.
Then, a sharp cry from the beast. Nairth turned, releasing the breath he'd been holding. A massive arm of stone had reached out from the clearing, colliding with the Sabbaku's head in a gargantuan punch, sending the thing reeling back with a howl of agony.
It was still here.
A golem, one rivalling their foe in size, thundered through the thick wall of trees ahead of them, stepping forward with a rumbling growl. He'd fashioned it to defend a particularly defenseless patch of gerrin violets, but hadn't the chance to return and dispel the thing. It was a wonder the magic was still holding together, though chips and moss definitely showed that it was worse for wear.
"Behind it!" He called.
"Recover while you can!"