Open Chronicles Chasing Dreams

A roleplay open for anyone to join
Inhale. Exhale. Regain composure. The sorceress pulled herself upright in her seat and breathed. It was comforting to know that she had acquired such reliable allies...friends, perhaps? She hadn't had many consistent "friends" over the decades, mostly due to having to step on people to get what she wanted, or because those she had trusted were actually backstabbing scum. "Friends" was likely too strong a word for now, despite a nagging inner longing to call Aivrid and Fiera as such.

"Thank you both, Aivrid, Fiera. It is a nice change to have reliable individuals to fall back on, such as yourselves." She confessed, relief marking her tone.

Trust would come in time. Medja was slow to do so, but the dark elf at the very least had proven to be both competent and resourceful, qualities that were worth relying on in her book.

"Nak'Ehim of the Imperial Army, lieutenant of Vizier Ashuanar. He is up to something dubious...more so than usual." She paused, scanning the room for eavesdroppers both visually and with her earthsense. Confident they were not being listened to, she continued. "I have reason to believe he may be involved in a rebellion of sorts. I would like for you to find him and uncover the truth of his dealings.

The courtier's gaze narrowed as she spoke to Fieravene.
"I don't care how you get the information from him. Break him if you must. Just deliver him to me alive if you do..." A sadistic smile stretched across her lips. "...seeing him broken will be endlessly fulfilling."
Tag: Medja Fieravene

Reliable individuals.

The dragon bared his teeth -- it wasn't quite a smile. Aivrid wasn't very good at smiling. Still, it was nice to know that Medja at least mildly trusted him. It would make future manipulations much easier... of course, it was clear she had a closer relationship with Fieravene.

"Sounds like a serious matter," Aivrid mused. If there was a rebellion brewing, wouldn't it be best to speak to Gerra about it? The divan as well? To be fair, he wasn't the best at sharing important information with anyone. It hadn't caused him any problems yet. For the moment he wasn't going to be asking too many questions; Medja would reveal more as necessary. In truth he wasn't worried about this 'rebellion'. The Abtati seemed to be loyal to Gerra. It'd take quite the change of mind on their part for any major rebellion. It hadn't been long since the Empire had been proclaimed, surely the people were war weary enough...

The not-dragon glanced at the dark elf beside him, eyebrow half-raised. "Do tell about how you plan to break this supposed traitor..." His gaze returned to Medja. "And how do you plan to expose this Nak'Ehim? Surely speaking to Ashuanar would be the best way to do things."
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