Private Tales Blessings of Nature

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


Character Biography
The quiet burble of a spring made it's music behind her as she tended to the flowers that thrived here in Spring. It wasn't her job per say, but everyday she made her way to every nook and cranny of the city, communing with all the flora that adorned their beautiful Court. Her face was common, and her routine was established. There were very few fae in Spring that did not know of her. The last stop on her agenda, the throne room of Nairth himself, though she always timed it until she knew he was away. She was not here to disturb, only to sing and commune.

This space was always her favorite, the rarest of seeds lived here. Their beauty was always unparalleled, and each time they bloomed it made her heart happy. Chocolate tresses were kissed by the breeze as she knelt to attend to a small group of unbudded flowers. Her skin was bare, preferring the freedom of it while she did her rituals, it made her feel closer to the blessings that nature had bestowed upon her.

She began to sing softly to the little buds, though the words would be undecipherable. She sang in the flower's own language, a language that did not exist beyond her and the flora. Each soft lilt and dip of her song, a bud opened, encourage by her voice. Each time, her eyes widened with joy, a smile wide upon her lips. When she had finished, there was still one bud that had yet to reveal its colors to her amid the rainbow of her brothers and sisters.

She leaned in, speaking softly in that same strange language, encouraging the little bud to open. It took a few minutes, but finally she relented, and her colors shone the most vibrant crimson Hyacinth had ever seen. She laughed softly, stroking the wide petals with a delicate feature. "There you are little one, free at last."

Tharu San'Seya
It was difficult to appreciate the beauty of the castle when his blood simmered with anger. Even as the birdsong and sunbeams did their utmost to embrace the young Duanann, to ease his troubled thoughts, the heat of his skin repelled such comforts. Thraru San'Seya took pride in his composure, something his father had so notoriously lacked at his age, so it was all the more frustrating that even he had reached his limit.

This beautiful court was in danger, from multiple threats. First there was the increasing odds of aggression from The Summer court, no doubt using Oberon's untimely demise as an excuse. For that, they'd employed the help of Autumn and the Vitae, two valuable allies who would allow them to stand a fighting chance should war erupt.

The second was a shadowy parasite of an unknown origin, a plague that infected and twisted innocent life into something ugly and violent. It was this mysterious foe that had slain Oberon, and ever since it had made multiple attempts on both he and his father's lives as well.

It was decided that his father, the King, would combat the parasite with Midir of Autumn's chosen representative, while Tharu handled preparations for the confrontation with the Summer. It was a task he gladly took, one he was honored to be trusted with. Already, he'd visited the Vitae lands and formulated a plan of defense with their forces, mapped out on parchment long enough to span his entire chamber.

Then that damned Sidhe helping his father had stormed in and ruined it. She thought herself so important, she'd used him in some wild hypothesis, and in the process had destroyed the only copy of his battle plan with the Vitae. It was all Tharu could do not to explode with wrath, to bottle his fury and leave Grovehaven.

That had been his intent, but...

As The Prince crossed one of the catwalks that arched over the Grand Hall, he caught sight of something that seemed a bit out of place... it was a woman, beautiful and completely bare of clothing, humming and singing along happily as she ascended the tall spiral staircase that led to his Father's chamber.

Her lack of modesty wasn't anything unusual for Spring, but that she was going up to his Father's room was. None were usually allowed to enter without being accompanied by The King himself, and Tharu knew for a fact that Nairth was on his way out of Grovehaven with Olyssa. Furrowing his brow, Tharu changed course and moved to intercept the strange girl.

By the time he reached The King's chambers, she was already inside. Slowly pushing the large stone doors open, The Prince poked his head in with a pensive look about his pale face.

"Miss? Are you... in need of help? We don't usually allow visitors in this part of the castle."

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Hyacinth could almost feel the atmosphere change, before he had even found her there. She had been throughout the castle many times, but she was careful not to distrub the occupants that resided in its brilliance. Her King was unlikely aware of her visits, and she certainly had thought she had continued to avoid disturbing the other royalty within the halls.

She looked up, a soft smile on her lips as Tharu San'Seya confronted her. He was kind about it, polite and well spoken. She had been on her knees talking yet another bud into blooming, and she rose before responding. Her voice was soft, her eyes looking down demurely.

"No, I am not in need of help." She laughed softly as she met the eyes of the son of Nairth, the one that brought Spring to its current glory. "I usually manage to slip in and out without bothering anyone, my apologies. I like to make rounds on the plants. Even though we are in the Spring Court, not all fae speak to the flora like I do. I try to keep them happy, it's the least I can do to contribute to my King, and my Prince I suppose."

Tharu San'Seya
Tharu listened to the words of the strange and admittedly captivating girl, his brow furrowing at the idea of a covert gardener that was so agile as to not be detected by him nor his father up until now. Still... The Prince supposed there wasn't any harm to her actions.

Looking back over his shoulder to see whether anybody was watching him, Tharu quickly slipped through the Chamber doors to join her. As he stepped gently across the stone floor, feet padding lightly against the smooth surface, he bore witness to the stranger whispering gently to a young bud. Slowly, it came alive under her tongue, blossoming under her guidance and blooming into a brilliant lavender.

"You have the gift..." Tharu smiled softly, his eyes trailing from the flower and up Hyacinth's body to meet her eyes, the fainted tinge of red on his cheeks as he realized how unsavory he must seem to look at her so. "It's no wonder the flora loves you. To speak with the voice of the earth itself, your soul must be as vibrant as you are."

She was right in that only a few could do what she did. It was said that you must have ancient blood in your veins to wield the voice of a Speaker.

"Ah! But--" Tharu shakes off his amazement and offers a quick bow of his head as he remembers his manners. Royalty or otherwise, it wouldn't do to be so brazen. "My politeness escapes me. I am Tharu San'Seya. It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss...?"

He was furtive in his movements, and she watched him with bold eyes as he slipped fully into the room. No, she had made a concentrated effort to remain unseen so as not to disturb the Spring royalty. It was bound to happen eventually, though it was probably better that it had been Tharu to happen upon her. He was the softer of the two, though Nairth was not a harsh king.

At his mention of her gift, she smiled brightly. He knew what she was, and it was a source of pride to her. She touched the imprint of the hyacinth on her cheek softly, reverently. His eyes traveled her naked body, and she noticed the slight flush in his cheeks as his eyes met hers. It wasn't unusual for fae to bare their bodies, but admittedly many chose not to. It just felt as if it brought her closer to nature, to the earth.

"You give me such a wonderful compliment, but I have heard the things your father has done. What I do is practically trivial." She returned his bow of the head with her own reverence, for it was her place to honor him, not the other way around. "Hyacinth, just Hyacinth." The corners of her mouth lifted as she studied Tharu, she wondered if what they said about him was accurate, she in fact had never been close enough to see for herself. "The pleasure is all mine, it's not every day you get a private audience with the prince."

Tharu San'Seya
Tharu couldn't help but give a lighthearted laugh at her downplaying of her deeds. In a way, she sounded much like he had, before he'd allowed himself to stand outside the vast shadow cast by his Father. The lesson he'd learned to help him escape that cloud was one he would waste no time repeating, even to a relative stranger like Hyacinth.

"To belittle one's deeds is to insult all who ever did them, and those who never could." She thought her tending to the flowers was so paltry and trivial, but the truth was not so simple. "We are so used to our blooms flourishing, that we may neglect them out of complacency. That you have been so dutifully keeping them is a blessing, and one we knew not we ever had. Without that, they would wither and die, and our Grovehaven would be dimmer."

Tharu leaned forward with a smile, offering his hand to help her back to her feet from where she knelt. The momentary awkwardness had passed, once San'Seya had found common ground with her. Now she was as any other Fae of the Spring: His friend.

"Rise and take pride in your work, Hyacinth. You brighten us all with your effort."

Tharu spoke a wisdom that resonated with her, and she took it in very carefully as he enveloped her in his kind words. He seemed warm and caring, genuinely invested in her as a person. She felt that if ever she needed, he could be a friend with a listening ear, not just to her, but to anyone that may need it. There was true leadership behind his words. Yes, he was a fine prince indeed. Perhaps he would eventually be an even better King.

She took his offered hand, her eyes meeting his at level. Hyacinth blinked slowly, and then gestured to the flora she had just tended to. "You give me a great honor Tharu San'Seya, and with your blessing I will continue my work to make Spring always thrive in the best way I know how." Realizing her hand was still clasped in his, she pulled it away gently, the moment lulling for a moment.

"You and the King are away often it seems, should we be worried?"

Tharu San'Seya
Tharu's smile widened to that of a bright and shining grin. Initial awkwardness aside, he found himself quite happy he'd followed Hyacinth all the way up here. "You certainly have said blessing. Thank you, for treating the flowers so kindly." Perhaps his Father would be willing to offer the beautiful young woman a proper title for her services. It was certainly deserved, and she'd no longer need worry about being seen.

He was about to speak of such a proposal when she made an inquiry of her own, and one that made the smile on Tharu's face falter, just a bit. Of course, the Prince could not lie to her, but he also was not permitted to divulge the details of what their court currently combated.

Regrettably, he'd just have to dance in-between.

"There is... turmoil. In our Court as well as others." San'Seya spoke quietly, his hands meeting at his midsection, posture shrinking as he attempted to be as honest with his new friend as he possibly could be. "My Father and I, our time away is dedicated to ensuring that such turmoil does not adversely affect the lives of you and all the others here. But... honestly..."

He almost seems sheepish in his admission. "I'm actually here rather often. I simply prefer to shut myself in my own chambers. I'm not great with crowds, you see... Not very becoming of a Prince, I know."

Tharu was becoming increasingly interesting to the fae maiden, and she was finding his company quite delightful. She did hope for his sake that no other had seen them both vanish into the room, especially considering the door was effectively closed. The fae kind loved their rumors and gossip. Still, she was quite content and comfortable in his presence. Most fae royalty were quite fearsome, though Nairth and Tharu seemed to both have a much gentler hand.

He regarded her carefully as he thought hard on answering her. She could see the efforts he was making plain as day. There was a concern in what he was saying, but she tucked that carefully away for another time. It was obvious he did not want to speak on it, and why would he? She was naught but a lowly member of Spring society.

At his admission, she returned his sheepish smile with a grin of her own. She raised her hand to her cheek, as if confessing a secret as she leaned in towards him. She whispered, a glimpse of mischief in her eyes. "Well, it's a good thing two isn't a crowd." She straightened from her conspiratorial whisper her eyes crinkled with a happy smile. "Otherwise, I might not have gotten to speak with you, and I'm finding your company rather pleasant. I keep to myself for the most part as well. Some tend to find me a little strange."

Tharu San'Seya
The Prince again found himself flushing, and this time not simply because of the lack of clothing on Hyacinth's shapely form. As introverted as he could be, thanks in no small part due to his troubled upbringing, these one-on-one conversations with his fellow Fae were a rare treat for Tharu. Hyacinth was proving to be a moment of peace and clarity he'd needed, especially after the fit of anger he'd just suffered.

"You aren't strange." He shook his head, shaking off that momentary embarrassment, realizing how hot he'd been only moments ago. "You're a lovely creature, one I'm privileged to have met." The Prince spoke in earnest, but that glimmer of mischief was enough to make him take pause and remember where they were.

Ah, yes...

"Regardless, we should likely go. It would be... compromising, for somebody to see the two of us in here alone, especially given your state of undress. Not that I mind that, of course!" That added clarification was meant to avoid any insult to her appearance, but he wondered if maybe he should have skipped it, only seconds after speaking. "I... I simply mean, these are my father's chambers. If you wanted to continue spending time together, we could do it elsewhere? N-Not necessarily my own chambers, of course. It could be somewhere more public. I just..."

Gods above, he was struggling, now. Perhaps it'd be better if the Plague arrived and took him before he stumbled any further.

His words made warm smile grace her lips once more, he really was very kind. She had heard rumors of other Courts and how they were run, she was grateful of the hands the Spring Court rested in. "Your compliments mean very much to me; I will hold onto them and remember them when I do feel out of place." He meant it, obviously he couldn't lie, but there were ways around it. He didn't even try to say otherwise.

She held his gaze for a beat, and then slowly tilted her head as he began to ramble. It was clear he was embarrassed, and it was cute how he stumbled over himself..though she would never tell her Prince that he was cute. That was a boundary she dared not cross.

A soft laugh left her as he finished, and she felt sort of bad for not interrupting him, but it was endearing how flustered he was getting. "If it would please you, Tharu, I can certainly clothe myself and meet you elsewhere. I don't want the court to gossip of course. Though it's not my reputation I care about." She reached out to squeeze his hand, reassuring him that he had not upset her. "I shall take me leave then, with your permission?"

Tharu San'Seya
The Prince wasn't entirely certain what concerned him more, that Hyacinth felt she needed to dress merely for his sake, or that he wasn't entirely against her remaining as she was. Another light flush found his cheeks as he found his mind wandering places again, and he quickly returned the squeeze to his new friends hand and stepped aside, allowing her to leave the chamber first.

"H-how about the gardens? That certainly seems fitting, doesn't it?" The sprawling field of blooms behind the Castle were in full splendor this time of year, and they would only fit Hyacinth's beauty that much more. Of course, she'd also feel much more at home there, he wagered. "I've some work to finish first, and... I must be leaving in the morning, but I'd like to spend the remainder of my time here with you."

He cursed that cocksure Sidhe who'd ruined his documents, cursed that now of all times he was required a trip to the Vitae Brothers, when he finally had a reason to stay beyond his work.

But at the very least, his anger had subsided.

"Meet me there, this evening?"

Hyacinth was grateful, in the end, to have met with Tharu. She felt a very good thing blossoming between them, and she hoped they would continue to grow as friends. She was beneath him in station, but he treated her as if she were on his level. It was wonderful to know that the Prince of Spring was so kind to his people. That wasn't always the case with royalty.

She let her hand slide from his, stepping away as he allowed her departure. She paused as he spoke, and she smiled, her cheeks reddening. He wanted to spend time with her? On the eve of a departure? That was something to be cherished indeed.

"The gardens would be wonderful, I'd love to spend the evening together." She had meant it innocently enough, only realizing the connotations that might be behind it. She hoped he would realize what she had meant, there was no point on backtracking on the silly comment. She opened the door, and as she stepped out, she gave him her bright smile again, happy she would get to see him once more. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Tharu San'Seya
Unfortunately, Tharu had been equally truthful towards Hyacinth when he told her there was work to be done. The Wild Hunt Festival loomed, one The Prince knew would be a key point in the approaching hostilities between Spring and Summer. Being placed in charge of their defenses was a daunting weight to bear, but Tharu had done his utmost to take it in stride.

Midday slowly waned to evening as he toiled in his chambers, repairing the damage that had been done by Autumn's brazen little Sidhe. When that was complete, he needed gather the numbers they had to offer to their brothers in the Vitae. It was more monotonous than it was difficult, but by the time he'd finished, the time to meet Hyacinth had arrived.

Even in the waning hours of the orange sun now pouring through into the Great Hall, Tharu could not help but note that his Father and Olyssa had still yet to return. In fact, the castle was as quiet and as still as he'd ever experienced it before, at least in the short time it had stood here. The Prince encountered nary a soul as he descended the stairs and traversed the halls leading behind the kitchens, staff rooms, and library to reach the large sun chamber at the rear of the castle, domed over the immense garden.

A sigh of exhaustion left his lungs as he felt the lukewarm dusk air against his skin, and the long blades of grass against the bottoms of his feet as he walked through the fields of flowers, admiring the flora, as much of it closed and shied away from the incoming night.

He believed he knew one flower that would not cease to bloom, even in the moonlight.

Running into Tharu had not been intended, though the results had proven in her favor. She was grateful that he had been so kind to her, there was no doubt that he could have greeted her castle invasion with hostility, regardless of the reason. He was kind, and gentle. His words and the way he had handled the situation spoke many things to her, and all of them good. She felt her cheeks flush again thinking on their conversation. She touched her face, still surprised at the reaction.

She spent the remainder of her time tending to chores, bathing, and reading herself for another conversation with the prince. She had never fussed over herself as much as she was right now. Should she wear her hair up or down? None of these dresses seemed right, she was going to look silly! Finally, she settled on letting her hair down, letting her natural curls frame her delicate face. She donned a simple silk dress the color of lavender; she was never one to wear anything fancy. She knew she was being silly, fussing as she was, but finally she was ready.

Nervously, she made her way to the gardens. She ran through things to say in her head, all sounding so droll in her mind. Was she really this boring? She could go on and on about plants and flowers, but certainly she could find other topics of conversation. It was convenient that once she got near the castle, it was if no other spring fae existed. It was so quiet, and she was grateful. Besides, she knew even this interaction would cause gossip amongst the servants.

Hyacinth entered the gardens with some hesitation, trying not to let her nerves get the best of her. She wandered for only a short time, quickly locating Tharu. She stopped as her eyes landed on him, suddenly rethinking this whole thing. Her nerves froze her for only moments though, as she quietly approached him. The sunset was behind him, giving him a golden aura as she stopped before him. A shy smile was on her lips as she greeted him. "Thank you again, for inviting me to spend time with you. I know you must be busy, but I am glad to see you once more before you depart."

Tharu San'Seya