Private Tales Ash and Iron

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
He didn't miss that flare of the flames at her irritation, his brow furrowing as he glanced at the hearth and looked back to see her smile at him, the way she did so wiping all thought from his mind and his own smug grin from his face.

"No." he said firmly, the word almost tangible in the little cabin. His foot was firmly down on that matter. "Forget it." his head shook and he stretched, lacing his fingers together behind his head as he casually crossed his ankles.

"I'll go on my own." he snorted.
  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Maeve
The smile vanished.

"Fine," Maeve turned back to the task at hand without another word. It was the poor wood within the hearth who suffered her ire as she violently stabbed at it, breaking it into smaller pieces. If he was so intent on dying she would have to remain very much not intent on dying. That meant staying firmly on the ground. Under her breath she muttered several choice words to describe him such as "muleheaded" and "had a deathwish".

It didn't take long for the bacon to crisp and she piled them between the two rolls she had brought with her from the forge. She practically dropped the plate in his lap before sitting down with her own.
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Lorcán
Her irritation caused his skin to prickle and he shifted at the sensation, his brow furrowing and lips twitching in amusement of her mutterings. "Muleheaded.. That's a new one.." he laughed under his breath as he watched her take it out on the firewood.

Lòrcan jolted as the plate landed in his lap and he sat himself up, looking down at the plate and back at her with a wide smile. "Thank you, Princess. It smells delicious." he chirped dramatically and lifted the roll to take a large bite. It was bland in comparison to the food that he was used to, but not half bad in fairness. Most definitely palatable.

He hadn't realised how hungry he was until he'd taken a bite, and he ate the rest of it quickly and in silence before pouring them both a fresh cup of tea.

"Are you done being crotchety?.." he asked calmly as he set the plate down.
  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Maeve
Maeve had devoured her food as quickly, if not more so, than Lòrcan. Her stomach felt like a cavernous hole and it tore at the food with wild abandon. She was quite impressed she didn't choke with how fast she tried to shovel it down her gullet. It was as she was licking the grease from her fingers when the fae prince primly asked his question.

"I am not--!" she clamped her mouth hearing the stroppy whine in her own tone. She cleared her throat and continued in her best 'courtly' voice. "I am not crotchety, I just disagree strongly with your decision," she sniffed and stood with her plate to go wash it. Fae or not he could do his own dish.

"Do you want to do our lesson before or after your flight?"
  • Bless
Reactions: Lorcán
The gold in his eyes danced with amusement as she had to stop herself, a quirk of a brow saying 'told you so' as he fought the urge to laugh. His throat cleared and threw the blanket off to pull himself to his feet to follow slowly after her with his plate, standing behind her, perhaps a little too close and looking down at her as he set his plate on the counter.

"Mae." he rumbled darkly, taking her shoulder to turn her to face him, his expression serious. "I don't expect you to understand, nor did I expect you to care so much whether I live or die. But I want this to be my choice.. I don't get to make many of those. I've lived over twenty of your lifetimes and if I take your life to save my own not only am I dishonouring the deal I made with your parents but I'd be proving my father's point that our lives are worth so much more than yours. A life is a life. I've had mine and you deserve to have yours.. Now I want you to let this go and just, let me enjoy a few days with you without guilting me." he frowned.
  • Cry
Reactions: Maeve
Green eyes held his in an unflinching, iron grip.

I don't care.

At least, that was what she wanted to say but the words shrivelled up and died on her tongue. They tasted bitter to swallow. His words all made sense and she didn't want to die despite her bravado and words from the day before. She had only just begun to live. A job, friends, adventures far ahead... they were all things she had never thought to dream of especially when she had languished in irons. She also understood the feeling of not having a choice anday a part of her hated he used that connection to push her into accepting his choice.

I don't care.

"Fine," Maeve sighed, eyes dropping and pushing past him so he could do his dishes. "I'm still not going flying," on that she wasn't budging.
  • Devil
Reactions: Lorcán
The small smile that curled at the corners of his lips met his eyes, narrowing them slightly as he nodded in thanks at her answer. "Well then that's your loss... But as I said, I won't force you." he flashed his teeth in a grin at her. He couldn't force her to get over those fears that she felt, they were a part of her, but he could send that sense of calm he'd soothed her worries with before, he could send her a feeling of determination, of bravery and of curiosity. Of trust.. This bond they shared, he knew could be abused. He could have made her feel anything that he wanted, but this he took no guilt in..

He took a step back from her, turning away as he felt that now familiar creeping pain, his hand pressing to his side with a quiet grunt. He grabbed his black shirt and pulled it over his head, fingers ruffling through his unruly waves and his shoulders rolling as he strode to the door and stepped outside, his bare feet curling in the cool grass.

The fae breathed in the pine scented air and drank in the sight of the sparkling lake and blue morning sky, peppered with a few sun blushed clouds. He wandered slowly toward the lake, plucking a few wildflowers along the way until he sat himself against a log on the edge of the water.
  • Stressed
Reactions: Maeve
"Arse," Mae muttered to herself once the door clicked shut behind him. The poor blanket she had picked off the floor suffered the brunt of her frustrations as she shook it out and beat it before folding it away. It wasn't that she was truly angry with him but rather that anger was easier to feel than fear. Fear made her feel small. Fear put her back to those months where she had been beaten and tortured by a race of people she had never even heard of before coming to these strange lands. She had sworn to herself, after Arun had put her back together, that she wouldn't let herself feel fear like that again.

She put the pillows back and huffed.

It hadn't been... that bad. Before the drop. The view of the world from up that high softened by the clouds she had never thought she would touch had been peaceful.

"Damn him," she threw down the cushion and marched outside with determination. No more fear. The sight of him picking flowers slowed her steps.

"Fine, only because you're dying I'll go flying with you. But if you drop me I swear..."
  • Smug
Reactions: Lorcán
Lòrcan was grinning to himself. He wasn't sure if she forgot just how attuned to her emotions that he was, or if she simply chose not to care. He wasn't lying when he said he'd manage to coax the anger from her, that he had a knack for summoning it. He quietly counted back from five as he waited for her to storm her way outside to find him, and sure enough..

"Three...two......" Fine.

He gave the most innocent of smirks as he looked over his shoulder at her, his eyes wandering over her from top to toe. She looked good any light, but the morning agreed with her. The light seemed to make her skin glow and that crimson hair burn like flames. His skin warmed...

"I won't drop you.." he assured in a low rumble, and held out the small bunch of wildflowers for her with a quirk of a brow, keeping one wild rose for himself. "Truce."
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Maeve
The flowers were stunning. Craspedia, oat grass, gypsophila, helchrysum, statice, phalaris, and limonium beautifully composed the wild nature of the woods that surrounded them with its mix of blues, subtle yellows and dainty red blooms. She raised the bouquet to her nose and her eyelashes swept down to cast subtle shadows over her cheeks as she breathed in the smell of early spring. A soft sigh escaped her and a smile bloomed across her face. Mae almost forgot he was standing in front of her until she looked up.

Her cheeks flushed.

"Truce," she agreed with none of the venom that had been in her voice a moment ago. "But... slowly, please?" for a moment the facade cracked and the lingering fear showed plainly on her face.
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Lorcán
She seemed to like the flowers. He watched her take in their perfumed scents with intrigue, his lips curling as he committed the moment to memory. Fae lived so long amongst such beauty that they didn't seem to appreciate such things after centuries. Mortals had such a short time in this world that they had a way of seeing the beauty in things, savouring flavours and smells, gazing at the stars and mountain lakes, caring about everything just that bit more... He had taken much for granted over his long years, but her breathing in those wildflowers was a sight he'd savour.

"As you wish, Princess." he smiled and offered a hand, the rose disappearing into a wisp of black smoke as the shadows crawled over his back and shoulders, gathering together into a solid mass of black feathers. His wings spread out wide and his jaw clenched against the pain. He'd endure it, and no amount of pain would cause him any regret for taking one more flight.

"Just hold onto me, and I'll hold onto you." he simplified with a light shrug.
  • Nervous
Reactions: Maeve
The last time she had seen his wings, she hadn't fully appreciated them. They had just been another symbol of his power, of his otherness. Now, however, she could see how not all of them were the deepest shade of black but a blue so dark it was only as the sun hit them at a certain angle that she could see it. It was a conscious effort not to reach out and touch them.

Instead, Maeve gave her flowers one last wistful look as though she might never see them again.

"Okay," with a deep breath she set the flowers down tentatively on the rock he had been sitting on a moment ago. She hadn't placed this much trust in anyone in... in a long time. The elves had made her wary and even though she had grown to like Arun and trust him there was still parts she had held back. But this?

"Just hold on," she repeated under her breath and stepped up to him until they were pressed against one another, her arms looping about his neck and her eyes locking with his. "Your wings will make a really pretty cushion if you drop me."
  • Smug
Reactions: Lorcán
Strong arms snaked around her waist, wings ruffling as her arms wrapped around his neck. His grin only grew at her threat, his cheeks dimpling as he laughed and finally nodded.. "Understood." he winked, and the feathered wings rose up and beat down toward the earth, throwing up a cloud of dust as they pulled them both upward into the air.

The climb was more strenuous than he was used to, he could feel how much his energy had depleted, even with cargo he'd never found it much of an effort. The cabin grew smaller and smaller below as he pulled them straight up and into the crosswind, his wings spanning out and catching the air below, letting it buffet them over the lake and thick forest, toward the mountains.

Lòrcan drew in a deep breath and let his eyes close for a moment, enjoying the feeling of the cool air ruffling through his hair and wings, enjoying the calm silence that he always found at this height. He looked down at her, stretching to hook an arm under her legs and cradle her so that she could look if she wanted to.
  • Stressed
Reactions: Maeve
Heart, stomach, lungs... Mae was pretty sure she left them all behind safely on the ground when the took off. Her arms tightened about his neck and she buried her face in the broad expanse of his chest to block out all possible view of the ground retreating beneath them. Perhaps she could just imagine they were still on the ground and that the wind wasn't ripping at her clothes like it wanted to tear her from him, or that there was a very obvious lack of anything beneath her feet.

The feeling of nausea slowly settled once they stopped their vertical climb. As his wings spread out and he gently pulled her into his arms she dared her first peak at the world from his view.

Maeve's breath caught in her throat.

Beneath them the world sprawled like the finest woven carpet she had ever seen. The lake vanished from view and their shadows danced over the rich and varied greens or blossoms of the treetops below. Clouds that looked as soft as wool drifted past as though they were bypassers on the street and the sun... she had always enjoyed its warmth but up here with the cool air stroking across her cheeks and tangling its fingers in her hair it felt like a whole new sense of warmth.

  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Lorcán
He didn't dare make any sudden movements, making sure that his wings were taught and the flight was smooth, his hold on her gentle and effortless so that she'd neither feel uncomfortable nor that she might slip. He had her, and wasn't letting go, as promised.

His lips twisted at her reaction, his right wing gently tilting to turn them toward the mountain. He wouldn't ruin it this time. "Mhm..Your realm isn't half bad from up here." he smirked. The pain in his side was a dull ache, a reminder that this would be his last time in the skies and his smile fell as he swallowed.

"I took a lot of things for granted. But never this.." he frowned.. "Flying with my brothers, particularly." he smiled, but it was pained and he cleared his throat to clear it, nodding toward the mountain face and the waterfalls cascading from caves.

"Lets go there. Seems a good place for a lesson, hm?.." he winked.
  • Wonder
Reactions: Maeve
His words raised a million questions that managed to distract her from the fact those rocks beneath her looked incredibly sharp. What was the fae realm like if this was not half bad? She didn't think anything could be more beautiful than the rugged wildness of the landscape below against the contrastingly soft hues of the morning light. But that alluring question paled in comparison to the next one.

"Brothers?" Maeve's eyes tore themselves away from the view to look up at his face and her breath caught in her throat. Gods help her he was stunning and flight agreed with him. The wind gave his hair an effortlessly rumpled look and the lazy smirk on his face had no doubt broken a thousand hearts. A faint blush crept across her cheeks and she turned her attention back to where he was angling his wings towards.

"I'm not going to cause a rockslide am I?" she grimaced. Her magic hadn't been particularly cooperative the few times she had tried to use it.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Lorcán
Lòrcan was scanning for a good landing spot as she questioned him, a slow nod given in answer as she asked about his brothers. "Not in blood, but in every other way." he smiled.

His deep laughter echoed against the rock face as he circled down to land.. "Well, if you do then I'd call it a success." he mused, holding onto her as his wings beat at the ground, allowing him to alight smoothly upon a large section of smooth rock, amidst the smirry spray of the waterfall which crashed into a large mountain pool surrounded by caves. He doubted any mortal had ever managed the treacherous ascent to have ever found the little grotto, and it's beauty had even Lòrcan quite speechless as he set her down and cast his gaze around it.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Maeve
Maeve studied his profile whilst he answered her questions. There was genuine warmth in his smile when he spoke of these brothers, not the smirk she had grown use to. She couldn't help but wonder if they were the people he was going to write letters too because he hadn't been able to say goodbye. The thought made her uncomfortable but he had asked her to let him make this choice and she would. Begrudgingly. So instead of passing comment on the topic she merely snorted at the thought of collapsing mountains being associated with success.

If she had been about to give a witty comeback it died on her tongue when she took in the little untouched oasis he had chosen for their lesson. The waterfall plunged into a deep pool that reflected the blossoming trees above it like the perfect mirror. Despite the time of year it looked inviting and she was kicking off her boots before she could think twice.

She hadn't changed out of her clothes from yesterday which consisted of a pair of smart leggings and a simple tunic that fell to her mid thigh designed to be worn in the forge to protect against stray embers. The leggings quickly followed the boots as she stepped into the pool.
  • Smug
Reactions: Lorcán
Lòrcan's wings ruffled until they were nothing but shadow and smoke that died on the wind as he wandered over the rocks, the stone smooth on his bare feet. He stared through the waterfalls, hearing the roar of water echoing on the cave walls inside, his lips parting to speak as he turned back to see her undressing and the words caught in his throat.

His head tilted, lips twitching as he watched her and he casually strode to the edge of the pool and fell into a crouch. He had a thousand inappropriate things to say, but his jaw clenched shut and he swallowed them and ran his fingertips through the cherry blossom that floated on the surface of the water..

"I'm taking no responsibility if you freeze." he rumbled, his eyes creasing with amusement..
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Maeve
"Do you know how cold it is on the Isle?" Maeve laughed as though he had just suggested that grass was orange not green. The plains she called a home were harsh despite belonging to the Summer court. She was used to swimming in lakes covered in ice or paddling in streams straight from the cool mountains. Once she had waded far enough that the water lapped just above her knees she yanked off her tunic too so she was in nothing but her small clothes, tossed it onto the bank, then dived under the water.

With how clear the pool was it was easy enough to make out where she swam until she came up for air. She pushed her wet locks back from her face and trod water easily enough.

"So what kind of magic are you going to teach me?"
His cheeks dimpled. Well, she had a point.. He had to remind himself that she was not the fragile petal that she might have looked, that she had endured harsh environments and suffering, that she was not entirely mortal thanks to that little slice of his soul that had kept her alive. She was the beautiful balance in between mortal and fae, and the more time he spent with her, the more and more intrigued he was.

Eyes of dark molten gold followed her, forgetting to avert his gaze as she threw off the tunic and undressed to her smalls, his mouth gaping just a little. She hadn't asked him to turn around, and so she'd obviously wanted him to look. His skin heated slightly and he cleared his throat as she came up for air, her crimson hair a deep blood red, her crystalline eyes sparkling a little brighter next to the pool, as though they fought to outshine it's beauty... They did.

"Well.. Learning how to control the magic that you have usually takes years, but since we don't have too much time, we'll cram in some breathing and meditation to help you connect, and then we'll see if you can strengthen that hold you have. If I can give you the tools to learn when I'm.." he paused and let out a quiet huff, his lips twitching.

"I'll teach you how to practise.." he smiled, his wings half wrapped around himself to stop the feathers crushing against the rock.
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  • Nervous
Reactions: Maeve
Maeve lazily swam her way back to the shore as he spoke. She had never been a prudish person. Her clan had all bathed together in the rivers when they had happened upon them and nudity was not seen as shameful. Many of them hunted in barely more than scraps of leather to show off the intricate tattoos that donated their rank, spirits and strengths. The series of blue swirls and lines that started on her face continued on her arms and across her breasts, right down the planes of her tight stomach muscles and legs.

She was clearly more interested in the conversation than any feelings of embarrassment.

"I've never been good with meditation," her mind flickered back to Arun's failed attempts. "And I can breathe just fine," she frowned and stood once she could feel the smooth pebbles beneath her feet. In her hands she gathered her hair which she wrung out as she stepped back to shore. "I just can't... feel it. It's like it's not there unless I really need it."
  • Love
Reactions: Lorcán
His mouth went dry as she stepped out of the pool, her wet clothes sheer as they clung to her exceptional form, igniting a primal urge that caused his skin to heat and his wings to ruffle as he shifted uncomfortably. Was she fucking trying to torture him?

He cleared his throat with a quiet growl and sat himself cross-legged on the smooth rock, leaving space for her to sit across from him. "Then let me help you feel it." he frowned. "The.. I mean your..." he rubbed at his face. "Just sit down." he rumbled as he gestured for her to sit across from him.
  • Smug
Reactions: Maeve
Was the Prince... uncomfortable?

Her lips twitched in amusement as she combed her fingers through her sodden locks. It was quite cute to see him so tongue tied - a marked improvement on his temper anyway. However, Maeve did intend to learn and it would do no good to her if the blood was rushing from her teachers head. So she scooped up her tunic and pulled it over her head before settling down opposite him. This felt an awful lot like how the meditation had started last time; right before she had passed out and snored her head off - if Arun was to be believed anyway.

"Should I have brought some candles or sage to burn?" that was what witches did, right?
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Lorcán
Lòrcan's jaw tightened as he sensed her amusement and he averted his gaze to the cherry blossoms as she dressed.

Her question made him snort a laugh.. "We're not summoning the dead, Mae.. And you're certainly no crone." he smirked. He braced his elbows on his knees and sat up straight, instructing her to do the same.

"Alright, close your eyes and breathe. You can't always see the the air, but you know it's always there because you can breathe it, feel it, smell the scents it carries, hear it.. Think of it as matter, a malleable surface that you can touch. Focus on the sound it makes as it moves, how it feels against your skin. You need to connect with it before you can tell it what to do." he instructed in a soft tone, peeking an eye open to make sure she had her eyes closed.
  • Stressed
Reactions: Maeve