LFG As Death Strikes The Shore - Eternum Reaches the Tundra

Amankh Kaltar

Archmage of the Eternum
Character Biography
The massive fleet of necromancers and undead, known as the Eternum, have finally made landfall at the Eretejva Tundra after months of marching and sailing. They aim to establish a city there, from which they can defend their population from those like the Templars who would see them disbanded and killed (for the second time, for some).

To any who would like to join our ranks, please feel free to hop into the thread! Anybody who would be present in the Tundra, such as the Nordenfiir, can spot the Eternum landing can also participate, regardless of if you just want to see what we're doing there or you want to eliminate the threat before it gets too powerful.

Poking this once more to see if there is anybody still interested in joining the thread. Want to join us? Feel free. Want to discuss diplomacy, attack, or just see what's with all the undead? Understandable, and feel free to do so as well.

We are currently in the midst of setting up camp and fortifications, and have sent out scouts to investigate other settlements in the region.
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Reactions: Kalia Oro Khastan
I have an undead character that won't be joining the Eternum, but it would be interesting to see what their interaction would be like. And if their both from Amol-Kalit, maybe our two characters can have some connection? Is this still active? or has it died by now?
The Eternum has definitely slowed down a bit in terms of threads after we had a pretty major battle. Still, we do have plans for this group that we want to make happen.

Amankh and Kalia could definitely have a connection that would be pretty interesting to work into a thread. My character was something akin to an Archmage for the old Sand Elf empire and served the king there. It's possible that Kalia was a god-king of the same empire, or perhaps a rival one. Both would definitely be interesting plot hooks to work around.
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Reactions: Kalia Oro Khastan
Definitely! Kalia was/is the god-king of a nation (now a city) called Djedi Akhmis. I don't know if they would be enemy or rival empires, unless Amankh's empire was especially warlike, then Djedi Akhmis would have been forced to defend itself.

As allies they would have more opportunity to know each other face to face, though now they probably wouldn't recognize each other except by the remains of distinctive clothing, though Amankh might recognize Kalia by his burial mask since it's styled after his actual face.
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Reactions: Amankh Kaltar
Their empires being allied would make more sense, in that case. Amankh's empire was in a relative state of stability and didn't really focus on conquest.

Amankh served as a diplomat alongside his regular duties to his own king, so he very well may have met with Kalia on multiple occasions to discuss various matters. Amankh still wears robes very similar to what he wore in life, albeit more ceremonial and dusty than they once were.

What would you propose to be their first meeting? Amankh's made quite a name of himself when he attempted to siege Gerra's coronation in the King of Kings thread, so that could've been what caught Kalia's attention.
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Reactions: Kalia Oro Khastan
Honestly I'm unfamiliar with the things that happened in that thread, though it's a good idea. Kalia is currently wandering around as a freelance adventurer, if Amankh is causing some trouble for a village or something, then maybe Kalia can be hired to handle it and they can meet then?
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Reactions: Amankh Kaltar
While he wouldn't be attacking any villages right now, the idea of an undead mummy that led an insurrection wandering right outside their borders would definitely be enough to cause them to seek some hired help.
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Reactions: Kalia Oro Khastan