Private Tales All Roads Lead to Alliria

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Hugi couldn't think of any good words for her statement about her uncle, as it was likely not many of their countrymen could compare to the Summerland folk when it came to words. He'd come across more than a handful that knew how to words things for their own benefit, and had turned down jobs for such a reason.

"Hope we find him well enough when we do go." Hugi uttered before her last words were cut off. The huge man slowly turned his gaze to the elf, the helm not giving the newcomer anything more than his eyes. He took in the appearance of his equipment first, the cloak earning a second look at before looking to the elf's features. The small sigh that escaped him the only sign of apprehension he would give.

"Can't promise a warm bed or drink every night. Food is easy enough to hunt up away from town, and a fire's always needed to cook." He mused while sparing a glance to Maude. He wasn't going to shy away from help, but the newcomer needed to be fair warned about the conditions.
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Nithron shrugs, “I havent been traveling all these years to not have never had worried about that stuff. It is the simple stuff that will satisfy me when that happens then. I am fairly sure I out age both you.” He’d chuckle some before getting serious. “I’ll just be doing my own thing while you guys are a head. Don’t worry about me, I’ll be in the back.” He’d say looking at the two people up and down. “It’ll probably be easier for you two anyways without an elf walking beside you guys in towns and with other travelers.” He notifed the womans reaction but decided to brush it off, it was not worth his time and effort.

They’d have to learn elves aren’t so bad some way.

That was the truth from his experience and stories he heard. Normal mortals for some reason always resented his kin from his run ins with other people. Or they just shied away giving him special treatment. Both reactions always pushed his buttons.
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Maude watched the elf, unsmiling. This was highly unusual ... or maybe it wasn't for the Summerlands. From what she could tell in her short amount of time in this hot and bothersome hell-hole, the people were strange and the customs stranger. Perhaps being so direct was the norm. At the very least Hugi didn't seem to be too bothered by it.

"Indeed?" she said finally, still unsure what to make of the elf, but she wasn't about to turn down an extra sword if it was willing to swing for something other than coin.

"We make for the town of Southill, and then Elbion beyond that. I am Dea'roh, this is Hugi," green eyes glanced the elf once-over before allowing her boots to once more carry her along the road before them, "where do you hail from, Nithron?"
The large man let the two speak. It would be a good experience to see just how well the future leader would be able to deal with anyone else from these lands after all. While he was likely more accustomed to it, learning by doing was always his approach. Even if it had earned him a few scars along the way.
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“I think the mountains.” Nithron answers Dea’roh. He was pretty old compared to the two of them in their years of life. He did not say much else after that as he looked around some following Dea’roh and Hugi. ‘I travel a lot.” He’d add not wanting to bring up much else about his past. He was a baby then and younge as well.

It was a good way to learn ting about other people and maybe cause some mischief as well if he was bored. He’d look at Hugu for a moment, not sure what to make of him just yet. The woman seemed to be more the leader and can take charge when she needed. He would’ve asked where they were from as well, but he’d figured he’d learn more as time went on.
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"You think?" she queried, brow lofted with a glance back at him.

I travel a lot.

Didn't they all.

"Are you uncertain of this..?" perhaps she didn't pick up on the unspoken desire to not speak further on his past. Perhaps she didn't care. Mostly, though, Maude found it rather absurd to not wholly know where one came from. Unless of course over his great lot of traveling he'd managed to bump his head a few times.
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Hugi couldn't stifle the chuckle that escaped him at her question. Elves were not a common people he had come across in his travels. Tended to stick to their own lands and rarely ventured away from them unless some great need called them.

A more hearty chuckle came with her follow up question. One that lasted a time longer than he had meant it too.

"Elves live a long life, sister. Most don't like to bring up the past, instead looking to the future unlike we short lived folk." The large man offered, not intending to excuse the elf for his answers. He just didn't think he could stop himself from laughing more.
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Nithron nods, "The man seems to have it figured out. But if it helps I am from the West. Pretty much following where ever the people take me." He'd say looking at the sky, "My memory gets a bit foggy at times." He'd finish walking along in quiet playing with a necklace he would take out and twirl it around his finger. It was just a simple silver small chain necklace.

A few birds would fly over head making him watch them for a few smiling some as they sang their little beautiful songs.
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Reactions: Maude
Maude scoffed at Hugi's wisdom, wondering if perhaps he'd already forgotten that it was what had happened in the past that brought them to this present time. It was what caused them to find one another and now work together towards what she endeavored to be a brighter future. The past mattered, whether or not an addle-minded elf thought so made no difference to her.

"So long as it's not foggy when it comes time to draw blades I suppose it makes little difference."

Not that she really knew what being from the west in the Summerlands meant. Nordengaard had only entered into an era of broader knowledge of the wide world south of Eretejva in the last 80 years. Iordahn's rule had opened up new trade opportunities with many nations, the important ones of which she could find on a map should the need arise. Anything less than that? Ignorance might be bliss but she didn't like to label or think of herself as ignorant, simply uneducated in certain areas of the world.

Say what you will of her stubborness, Maude liked to learn and be informed. That's what she had been trained to do.

"What can you tell me of the lands and people you have come across in your travels, Nithron?" perhaps through the eyes of an elf she would get a different perspective than what Hugi had offered.
"So long as its not foggy at that time sister, it should be fine." Hugi chuckled. He hadn't meant to irritate her, but having spent time here rather than in their homeland may have shifted his attitude to less questioning ways. Might not have been for the best, but it was what had happened. He listened as she continued to speak to the elf.
“Ahhh... well there was this one man. He was stubborn as all hell but we moved on from esch others company to do our own jobs.” He’d say. “We had bery different goals and mind sets lets just say that. What type ofpf information do you want exactly?”

Nithron asks looking towards the two tilting his head some, their question was very vague for someone of his age. Not as much information from a long time ago was still in his head.