Hugi was the biggest of his family. A literal bear in human form once he was finished growing. He has long golden hair, often kept into simple braids with leather dressings to keep them in place. He also keeps a healthy beard going, also tied with leather strips to ensure it is nice and tidy. His green eyes can barely be seen through the helm he so often wears. Not prone to wearing much armor, what little he does wear is kept at vital points and limited to hardened leather.To say the man is large is to put it mildly. Standing just a few inches shy of seven feet tall, he dominates any room that he is in, whether intentional or not. Wider than most doors, his usual entry into a building requires him to stoop and come in sideways. Runes adorn his face and neck, markings that signify a life dedicated to violence, glory, and exploration.
Hugi does not carry much on him, usually just enough to start a campfire and sharpen his axes aside from coin he has gathered. His clothing is kept just barely presentable, but the deer hide cloak he wears is his most prized thing this far. He takes pride in the patchwork cloak, having hunted and sewn it together himself, which is plainly obvious by the work.
Skills and Abilities
Double axes are his preferred weapons, barely beating out his bare fists. The axes are both his favored weapons, and his favorite tools. He habitually tests the blades for their sharpness to ensure they are kept in the best shape possible.While he cannot shift to bear form yet, he does not believe he needs the other shape, as he is bear enough as it is.His brothers and sisters all have the ability to shift, but he has yet to find it within himself to shift and has left his family to discover that power. He has not dabbled much in magic, as he find his physical prowess far more imposing and easier to maintain.
Surprisingly dexterous with needle and thread for a man as big as he, by no means is he a capable tailor. Rather, he is just skilled enough to repair his own clothes, having learned the skill on the road. His large fingers and hands make it difficult for him to do intricate work, or make high grade patches in his clothing, but what he can do is passable.
Hugi is not a complicated man. He lives for glory, fighting, and for the honor of his family. And coin.Biography & Lore
Hugi is the largest member of his family in human form. His three siblings all have the ability to shift into bear form, while he has yet to find his. Born second to his sister, Hugi is the eldest boy in his line. Followed by his younger brother and yet and other sister. Growing up, Hugi was the biggest child in the family, in all measures of the word. He typically ate the most, scrapped the most, and worked the most. Trying to be the one to set an example, he made sure that his siblings were all well and set to be good people as they grew up. Which backfired slightly on him, as it usually set him up to be the fall guy for any pranks or other shenanigans this other three siblings got up to.While not entirely happy that he was used to relieve them of consequences, he still cared for his siblings and did not want them to be punished to harshly.
Ander - His father
Bo - His mother
Haley - Older sister
Fridolf - Little Brother
All are deceased, killed during the coup that occurred.
[reflist[/reflist]]All Roads Lead to Alliria - Hugi meets Maude and the rest of the Southern Nordenfiir
Caravan Mishap - Hugi Joins a Caravan to Make some Coin
Fire and Brimstone - Hugi attempts to help a young lady as well a giant bear could
Hugi and Nordenfiir meet the Eternum Representative
Hugi Joins a Party, as a Bear
Hugi Deals with his Baggage