Private Tales A Ship Came Sailing

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


idou tous asteras
Phrixus would love this.

As was usually the case, Phrixus was at the top of Praxidike's mind, particularly when they were apart. She hadn't seen her twin brother in weeks, but someone had to stay in Theros and keep things going. They had thrown lots and fair was fair. Praxidike was tasked with finding the Everlight, a ship stolen during a mutiny, and its treacherous captain. The man who had put out the bounty, a red-faced fat plutocrat from one of the wealthier cities along the coast, seemed to be out for vengeance more than justice. He wanted the mutineer's head, at least, but would pay double for a live specimen, presumably to torture.

The Everlight, meanwhile, should be sent to the bottom of the sea as far as the plutocrat was concerned.

Praxidike had been given a description of the Everlight which was about as useful as tits on a boar. The stolen ship was a trireme, like half the other other ships in the area. Since sinking every trireme she came across in the Cortosian sea seemed like a good way to get a price on her own head, Praxidike had had to resort to good old-fashioned investigating. She had followed a trail, pieced together by tramps and scavengers, harbormasters and beggars, tavern wenches and stable boys. Of course, a chain of events was only as good as its weakest link, so it was anyone's guess whether she was on the right track at all.

She stood near the harbor, where a -- surprise! -- trireme was docked. She didn't see its name, and she didn't expect the Everlight to identify itself. No such ship had been seen since shortly after the mutiny, so its devious captain no doubt renamed it, as Praxidike would have done. What had caught her eye was that this ship had -- modifications. A changed profile. Perhaps in an effort to look different. Perhaps for practical reasons. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.

The stall keeper had finished packing up the half-measure of dates. She held out a copper but before she handed it over, Praxidike nodded towards the ship. "You know that ship?"

"Might do," said the keeper suspiciously, eyes shifting left then right.

Praxidike drew another copper. "When did it get here?" She put the coin on the keeper's palm.

"This morning."

"Did they say from where?"

"Not the harbormaster, am I?" The keeper glanced at his palm again, flexing his fingers. "Heard where they was going, though, didn't I?" Prax placed another copper on his palm, then another when he wiggled his brows and looked at his palm again. "Outfitters for supplies. Captain -- seemed like the Captain anyhow -- said he had to see a man at the Rusty Mace."

"That's -- a tavern?" she asked. The keeper nodded. Praxidike provided the copper she owed on his palm and snatched the dates away from him. "Where? Do not test me, man," she said, eyebrows narrowing menacingly when he flexed his fingers again. The keeper grunted and closed his palm around his coins and nodded off towards the east. "You've been very helpful. See you soon."

Praxidike departed the harbor, weaving through the crowds, hoping that -- for once -- she wasn't wasting her time yet again.

Stevros of Polaxa
  • Cheer
Reactions: Stavros of Poloxa

Things were going expectionally well for Stevros.

Just last week his band of marauders raided a trade convoy going between coast cities. The taking was good and just now Stevros stepped out of the tavern after having sealed a buy accord from one of his fencing contacts.

Few were willing to buy stolen goods.

You needed to know the right people for it.

"Life is good." Stevros declared as he yawned and looked up to the sky. At this moment in time his crew would be busy with repairs and resupplies. Part of him wished to join them. But he'd only get in their way.

Instead he rounded the corner into one of the alleyways.

According to the local proprietor you could often find some peddlers of illicit goods hawking their goods in the alleyways behind his tavern.

Maybe there was some more profit to be had here.
  • Sip
Reactions: Praxidike
The description of the man she was to track down was, like the description of the Everlight, unhelpfully vague. Tall, yes, swarthy with a lean and hungry look. A description that fit roughly eighty percent of the men she ahd encountered in her life. Not great, admittedly. So she didn't think much of the man she spied leaving the tavern, keeping him in her peripheral vision as she went to the door. She opened the door and peered inside, letting her eyes adjust for a moment before she realized that, aside from the rather sleazy looking character behind the bar, the place was empty.

That didn't mean that the man walking away from the tavern was the one she was after, or even the one described by the stall keeper at the harbor, but it was as likely as it was not, surely. She let the door shut and turned.

Damn! He was gone.

She hurried up the street, glancing in windows of shops as she passed, and almost skidded past the alleyway before spotting him. She narrowed her gaze and then looked to left and right before she seized a piece of the brickwork of the building and began climbing up to the side of the building. If anyone noticed, they didn't say anything. She continued until she reached the tile rooftop, then she crept along silently, keeping the main in her sights below.

Who are you? she wondered as she followed from the rooftop. Are you my mark? She didn't expect him to positively identify himself, but perhaps he would slip up and give her a clue. But it was just as likely that she was following someone completely innocent. This bounty hunting business was a rum job, she decided.

Stevros of Polaxa
  • Love
Reactions: Stavros of Poloxa

Stavros was entirely unaware anyone was shadowing him.

Truth to be told if he knew he probably would have felt touched. Knowing that he was so infamous that they were sending bounty hunters after him. Not just bounty hunters either. The kind that were willing to climbing on rooftops and spy on him.

You didn't just get that kind of service for being a nobody.

"My name is Stavros of Poloxa and you would cheat me?" Praxidike would suddenly overhear. If she looked down at that exact moment, she'd see the large man pinning down a smaller one against the wall with a balled fist already ready to make as a piston.

Luckily the smaller man was already hurrying his hands up in defeat.

Some exchange was made that was obscured by Stavros' back. Then he let go of the manling, who quickly scurried away out of the alley.

Now it was just Stavros on the abandoned street.

Well, Stavros and his guardian menace.

Good thing that he announced his name right for his bounty hunter, wasn't it?
  • Dab
Reactions: Praxidike
"Something of a bully, I see," said Praxidike to herself, her lips twitching in irritation. She had been on both sides of that interaction -- as a child, subject to the mean streets of Theros, and all the problems that came with becoming a woman in such an environment as she grew older; and when she had the muscles and the men behind her, she had had to shake people down in much the same way.

She didn't like either one. But she recognized the futility of trying to fight it. It was the world.

Praxidike had been to Poloxa a few times. It had good food, good wine, and good men.

Well, not good, but good enough, she amended silently.

Stavros of Poloxa was the name she had heard from a serving wench as a man identified with the mutiny of the Everlight. By some miracle, she was on the right track.

She watched as the man Stavros was threatening scampered out of the alley, leaving her mark all alone. Praxidike frowned and glanced up the alley and down it again, thinking about how to proceed. Her fingers nipped into the pouch at her belt and drew a leather cord, which she had used to restrain people before. If he played nicely, she wouldn't slam his head against the paving stones.

Praxidike slid off the roof and dropped down, finding handholds here and there until she was close enough to the ground that she could drop relatively quietly and without injury. She brushed her hands free of dust and approached Stavros from behind.

"Stavros?" she asked, as if greeting an old friend. "Stavros of Poloxa? I can't believe it's you. How have you been, you old woolhead?" Praxidike threw her head back and laughed throatily.
  • Aww
Reactions: Stavros of Poloxa

Stavros froze up there but didn't immediately turn.

Instead he tilted his head. As if to listen.

"I am sure there are many Stavrosi of Poloxa," This Stavros said cheerfully as he slowly turned around without making sudden movements. There was a pouch in his hands. Its contents were rather a mystery, but since he retrieved it from that same man who scampered away, it couldn't be anything good. Nothing good came from pouches acquired in grimy alleyways.

"-but this Stavros doesn't recognize you... though perhaps this is something worth rectifying."

Just as cheerful and now a little bit flirty.

Mostly to try and push her off-balance. One didn't grow up in this world of theirs without being suspicious of any stranger following you into an alleyway to act as your friend.

Especially not after his ' business' had taken off.

"Who do I have the pleasure of speaking to?"
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Praxidike
Dark eyes flicked to the pouch, then back up to the face.

"Me?" Praxidike echoed. "Well, of course, I'm Stavros of Poloxa. Lots of us about, hmm?"

The mercenary woman half-turned and folded her arms over her midsection. "I bring tidings from a mutual friend. Perhaps you know him. You probably know him as..." Her eye screwed up at the edges, rolling upwards as if trying to recall a name she had heard long ago. "...Stavros of Poloxa."

Praxidike turned back toward him, smiling pleasantly. "What are you up to these days, my friend? How is the lovely Everlight now?"

Stavros of Poloxa
  • Nervous
Reactions: Stavros of Poloxa

At first Stavros assumed the woman was drunk.

That would have explained something.

But... then she named his ship. Well, relatively 'his', since he took it in a mutiny. But that was most likely what this was about, wasn't it?

"Yeaaah..." And his hand went to the pommel of his stiletto. "Think it be time yar stop fucking around, lady. Which enemy o' mine did the sending this time?" This tipped Praxidike of about two things. The first one that Stevros had a lot of enemies.

The second?

She wasn't the first one that had gone after Stavros. Yet, here he still was.

That told her to be cautious.

"An' how high is the price now?"
Instantly a dagger was in her hand and pressing against his inner thigh. Suggestive, perhaps, but also quite close to his femoral artery. "You first," she hissed, her breath hot against his chin and neck as she leaned closer, pressing the dagger against his armor in a way that suggested she knew how to use it and where the weak points were.

"You leave a string of affronted people in your wake," she observed softly, almost as if speaking to a close friend. "Tell me, Stavros of Poloxa -- " Praxidike made the name a mockery on her tongue. " -- have you heard that saying about when everyone you meet is an asshole?"

She twisted the blade and pressed. "Tell you what, I'll split the gold with your mother if you come quietly and don't make a fuss. If you make me make you bleed, well, I won't have enough gold to spread around, y'see?"
  • Stressed
Reactions: Stavros of Poloxa