
Praxidike of Theros

Biographical information
Theros 20s Theros
Physical description
Human Female 5'8" 132 lbs Brown Brown Pale to tan
Political information
Mercenary Prax, Dike (DEE-kay)
Out-of-character information
Penelope 1/28/2020 Ubisoft Games (Assassin's Creed Odyssey)


The years have not been kind to Praxidike of Theros, and it shows. She is reasonably tall and subtly muscular, with slightly gaunt features belying an overworked, underfed life. Her body is punctuated with scars - a slash across the bridge of her nose, parallel gashes across her arm, countless nicks and burns tell the story of a difficult life. Her face, while not unattractive, often bears a look of exhaustion, worry, or both. She is light on her feet and moves deftly despite her above-average height.

Blessed as Praxidike is with clear skin with olive undertones lending itself nicely to tan, she tends to sport a slight bronzing from her life out in the elements. Her face is usually framed by a braid on one side, hastily-plaited from her brown hair, ranging from dark brown in winter to honey-brown when bleached by the summer sun. Easily her most expressive features are her eyes and eyebrows: has thick, arched eyebrows set low over tawny brown eyes, somewhat widely spaced from her nose, perhaps a shade too large for her features. Plump, full lips - marred by a thin scar through the top one at one of the edges - sit above a prominent chin and proud jawline.

Skills and Abilities

-Combat: Well-versed in the arts of hand-to-hand and short-range melee combat, she has developed these skills over a lifetime of fending for herself on the streets and in the mercenary company she joined with her brother.
-Thieving & Stealth: Sometimes there's a thin line between eating and starving, and that line is picking a pocket or forcing a lock. Any moral compunctions Praxidike once felt have long since dissipated with the repetition of her crimes.
-Lightfoot: Speedy and reasonably acrobatic, from a young age Praxidike had to learn how to get where she was going and fast. She learned to find pathways - going over, under, or through as necessary to get in and out of spaces and home again without getting held up.
-Reading, Writing & Arithmetic: One of the ways Prax earned her keep in the street gang-turned-mercenary company was to keep the books; she learned quickly how to read, write, and do basic figures.
-Swimming: Growing up in a coastal city, Prax learned early how to swim and dive - all the better to have another avenue of escape if she gets caught doing something she oughtn't.


Resourceful and resilient, Praxidike tries not to let life's downs put her in the doldrums. She tries to approach problems with a sense of optimism and good humor. Life has not always been easy, and the dark times tend to twist this good humor into sardonic and dark humor.

Her difficult life has also given way to a certain moral flexibility in Praxidike. She will steal or threaten if it means being able to feed herself and her family. She has even taken contracts to hurt people as part of her mercenary group in order to make a payday - shaking down merchants so they pay protection, threatening philandering spouses, and other odd jobs involving varying degrees of threats and violence. She doesn't relish in violence and she doesn't like it, but in a brutal world, she recognizes that sometimes unpleasant things are necessary.

Biography & Lore

Praxidike has no name and no family other than her brother, Phrixus. The twins were abandoned on a doorstep in their infancy, with no identification. Without a family name, the two were raised in one of the city orphanages until they were old enough to navigate the streets on their own. The unscrupulous proprietors of the orphanage put the children to work begging, scavenging, and otherwise scrounging for resources and coin. Eventually, in their late pre-teens, the children were caught up in a street gang run by older orphans and former wards of the city's orphanages.

Prax always felt a strong protective urge for her brother Phrixus. After all, he was the only family she knew. Even when running with a street gang, Phrixus was always Prax's first priority. Whenever she had an opportunity to squirrel away a little extra food, a few extra coins, or a little treat, she always sought to share with him. This lifelong habit has continued into adulthood, now that they've risen through the ranks of the street gang and helped to transform a petty orphan street gang into an increasingly effective mercenary group.

They started by taking odd jobs: collect protection from this merchant or steal a horse from that stable or steal a scroll from there. They have since branched out into more legitimate work like security, escorting shipments, and tracking down bounties in the region around Theros.


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