Private Tales A Name From The Past

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Fingers laced into hers when she covered his hand, squeezing there lightly.

He was thoughtful and didn't respond immediately.

Instead he just watched the waves, while listening to her breath next to him. The feeling of her fingers through his with each little squeeze. His arm around her waist. The tension in her body as she forced herself to steady and stay here with him in this little moment of their making.

"Mm, tell me. Why do you want it." Looking out to the faint shape against the horizon. She had never said why she wanted to conquer this kingdom.

Fane understood that she was used to rule and that it was printed into her very being. The need to claim authority and use it to keep herself and her loved ones safe.

But why Kuait?

Lorelei Darke
The why was easy.

"Family is my peace," she said, eyes closing against the feel of his hand squeezing hers. It distracted from the awareness of standing in water attached to the open ocean, let her body relax even if only for a moment until the next wave lapped against her bare legs.

"With Kuait's prison and it's trade deals with the surroundings cities, I will be able to provide for my sister ... and any others that may return. From there I can rebuild and give them security. It is my responsibility as Matriarch. There is no one else for them to turn to."
A soft hum.

It was the only right answer and Fane nodded quietly.

"Then I will conquer it for you. On the sea or not." Squeezing her hand lightly again, slowly shifting until they were face to face. Glancing up at her a fraction and smiling there. "It will be yours... and you will be Queen... and I will make sure you can provide for your family."

His hand catching her chin again, but this time around it was just... gentle. Grounding. His eyes flicking to her lips and back to her eyes.

"For as long as we are together... my peace will be your peace."

Family... he hadn't thought about that concept in such a long time. But it felt nice... perhaps it was just pretending, but after so many years Fane was good at it.

Pretend long enough and it became reality.

Lorelei Darke
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Lorelei Darke
Her eyes opened to the view of the man instead of the sea and, strangely enough, the visual change set her more at ease. He had her chin again, an action she was finding to be one of his quirks - always pawing at her chin and neck, made her curious what the allure was.

These were honeyed words with questionable intentions but admittedly the carried sentiment was quite sweet. Goodness, how long had it been since she'd listened to a man speak such sobering words or make such placating promises? Lorelei dare not open her mouth to reply because she did not trust herself not to utter something in cynicism just in case he was actually being earnest.

Instead she offered him a small smile, her eyes tipping down further to the waters washing in and out around their legs. Her feet shuffled slightly in the muck of the sand beneath them. Toes curling and furling open, heels wedging back and forth. Back and forth.

Until she sunk further down and shrunk herself an inch or so and she found herself looking at the man at just a hair under his own eye level. Smile grew to a playful smirk as she bit back a laugh of amusement.
  • Haha
Reactions: Blackburn Fane
How often had she found herself in a situation like this? How often did he?

But that was the beauty of it to him. It was always a bit different. The person different. The backdrop different. He himself different. Eternity was not a terrifying thing when you could pick out the unique details that made every moment worth experiencing.

He laughed again, free and warm, as he watched her shrink in front of his eyes.

Two for two, Lorelei, nice job.

His eyes flicked down again and up to her eyes. Now gazing down at her. It was weird to have her like that, he was getting used to looking up at her just a fraction.

"What would a woman do if she found herself kissed right this moment?" Fane murmured softly, his thumb running along her jaw.

"Would a man find himself pushed back into the sea?"

Lorelei Darke
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Lorelei Darke
Unlikely. He'd probably grab at her during the fall and drag her with him and Lorelei was not wanting to venture any further into the sea today than she already had. One day she would try swimming in it, but today was not that day.

Eyes narrowing as they dropped in consideration, the woman dropped her voice as if they were sharing conspiratorial secrets, "A man would have to find out," she replied, head canting slightly as she leaned into the wandering thumb on her jaw, "why are you speaking in the third person?"
He smirked a little.

"To distract you..." Leaning in there and his lips briefly ran against her. Like a whisper instead of offering any firmness behind it just yet. Breathing her in. " you are thinking about the words while I do this." His arm wrapping around her waist to pull her in deeper if she allowed it.

Before finally kissing her in truth.

Lorelei Darke
  • Frog Sweat
Reactions: Lorelei Darke
In those fleeting moments between his ghost kiss and ensnaring arm, she smiled. Eyes remain fixed on his own, no hint of anger or offense to be found, but amusement. Plain and simple. So few of her former mates had any ounce of playfullness to them which made this evolving thing between herself and him refreshing. He was also, so far as she could recall, the only one with a full beard.

Gave the kiss a different feel that she couldn't quite describe, but whatever it was she found she enjoyed it.

Lor's hands shifted to his chest as she pressed slowly against his lips, recalling the intimacy that had for so long felt lost to time - her last husband having been lost to the plague that ravaged her people centuries ago. She'd not suffered bloodlust since her youth, but a heretofore unknown hunger for closeness suddenly made itself known.

And in that same moment Lorelei felt it, a large wave surged up the beach and crashed against the man's calves, splashing him fully up the backside and sending a spray over them both. Lor had, with luck of simple positioning, been shielded from the majority of it but did not escape the water raining down from above. She went rigid, releasing a high-pitched keening of shock as her hands took a clawing grip of his shirt.
  • Haha
Reactions: Blackburn Fane
The kiss was good and her warmth curled into him. It was like swallowing the flame and feeling it grow deep inside of you.


But a flame did not handle water well apparently.

While Fane just gasped and then laughed at how he got splashed from behind. Lorelei found all of it less amusing apparently.

"It's just water, darling." He whispered softly against her lips as his arms wrapped around her closer and shielded her from the raining shower.

"I will protect you from the evil liquid."

Teasing her a little before kissing her again.
  • Stressed
Reactions: Lorelei Darke
Not her most dignified hour. Lor shrank into his arms, using his bulk as a shield, shaking her head into his continued kisses.

"I've had-" she yanked one foot out of the wet sand, "quite enough of it for one day." Then the other followed.
Being manhandled like some doll certainly was a novel experience. Lorelei braced against him with her forearms until her feet settled down upon the warm, dry sand further up the beach. Immediately she felt herself relax now that the ocean and its mischief was well out of reach. Cenotes and ponds didn't have waves and she'd not been expecting a sudden surge. This was a new creature that would require quite a bit of observation before it was time to venture out upon it.

"Well," she loosed a breath of relief as she wiped stray ocean spray from her face and smoothed back the dampness of her hair, "that was unexpected. Let's never do that again."

His arms were still around her and he was once again a soppy mess. She tutted. Then smirked and lifted her hand in preparation to dry him off as she had in front of the archives.

"Shall I?"
"Well, it was pleasant enough until the wave hit me, no?"

Giving her waist a slow squeeze before blinking and then sighing.

"You receive far too much enjoyment out of that." He complained before letting go of her entirely and taking a few steps back.

So that the magical blast wouldn't hit her too.

*Go ahead. Before I change my mind."
  • Smug
Reactions: Lorelei Darke
"Mmm-" she smiled and it was the smile of the cat that ate the canary. Then her brows rose as she cocked her head to one side and gestured at him, "Oh but - turn around first, I think there's something on your back?"

Given a turn, Lor's smile stretched even more as she laid her eyes on not his back, but his ass. The very same ass that his wet pants were now clinging to. She took a moment to appreciate it, dashing the expression from her face but not the wryness from her eyes as she shook her head, "My mistake. Must have been a trick of the light-" and then gestured at him to send that swirl of magically heated air flurrying about him.

His hair went poof.
Fane's brows furrowed in confusion as he watched her expression.

Then he slowly turned around.

Why did he feel like a stallion being inspected before the sale?

"Uhuh." Sounding unconvinced and about to say more but then she turned the magic on him. He gasped at the sudden flurry of hot air bursting around him and turning his hair and beard into a mess.

Fane turned around and looked at her unimpressed.

"I am going to remember the spell on how to make someone ticklish and lady, you are going to be so fucked." Interestingly enough after having spend the day with Lorelei she'd realize that the tone might be surly, now she'd see a hint of humor in his eyes that she wouldn't have noticed before.

He offered his arm to her.

"Back to the estates?" Unless she had other plans they'd walk back together, away from the beach, to the road where a carriage was already waiting on them.

"You know I could get used to the luxury, I admit." Teased in her ear before be opened the door and offered a hand to help her inside.
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Lorelei Darke
He might've been unimpressed, but she was rather satisfied with the job and looked as much. Lorelei cooed at him in sympathy, lifting a hand to comb her fingers through his beard and smooth it back into place, "Such a good sport." A pat to his cheek and she took his arm, neglecting to inform him that she had not been ticklish her entire life and she highly doubted some silly spell would change that.

A nod. Her business in the city was done for the day, time to go home and continue the work there.

She brushed the sand from her feet before stepping into the carriage and took her boots from him as he joined her. "You better get used to it," Lor said as she pulled her boots back on and laced them up, "you're going to be a King Consort. I don't want to hear you bellyaching over silk bedsheets and down comforters."
He did much the same because Fane wanted to avoid getting glares again.

There were little punishments after he had soaked the floor of her carriage last time. He didn't want to wake up with his shoes filled with sand again.

"King Consort." He murmured lazily, leaning back against the seat while watching her. "Does that come with any authority?"

Smirking there a little and the thought was almost readable on his face.

Beyond the bedroom.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Lorelei Darke
"Traditionally not, my kind are a matriarchal people," a glance was given to him as she unbound the knot of her dress skirt and smoothed it back over her knees. The wrinkles wouldn't come undone without a wash - good thing she was done with the public for today.

"And authority was not part of our deal," he had only asked for marriage and, without needing to look too deeply, Lorelei knew what the end goal of that ask had been. Still, ignoring his excessively long history and overabundance of experience across a great many subjects would be a mistake. She gave him a lingering look of consideration, "Would you like to have authority?"
"Mmm, wise people. Women usually know better." The smirk still playing a bit as he stretched a little. It had been a good day all in all.

In fact, he was surprised by how much he had enjoyed it.

"Possibly. It depends on how busy we will be with... our main task. If I get bored I am not one to just sit around and drink... without it causing trouble."


It caused entire bars to descend into chaos with him at the center
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Lorelei Darke
Her own thin smile showed as she watched him across the carriage. Once Kuait was under her command, it would not take very long at all for pregnancy to follow - until then, that was strictly out of the line. She would not be with child for any of the siege and waiting until after birth was not even up for consideration.

No, their new home had to be secure and ready to provide for their needs before any of that. There would be no bringing a child into this world without assured security.

"I am certain there will be a great many things requiring a strong leader to set in order...military, dock yards, trade, navy..." she settled more comfortably back into the bench seat, crossed one leg over the other and nudged at him with the toe of her lofted boot, "fishing. According to Zeviir one of their biggest exports beyond fish is whale bone, fat, and oil."
She already knew him better than he allowed most people to know him in the past.

That was probably dangerous.

"I do enjoy fishing." Smiling in response as he nudged her back with his knee. Playful and gentle. "Let me consider it... I am best when it comes to military pursuits, but... we will have to see exactly how much time I will have for additional curricular.

"Are we having dinner together tonight?"
Lorelei stared at the man pointedly. He seemed to have a difficult time telling her what he wanted. Perhaps he didn't really know, and she supposed that was fine. Nothing was yet set in stone and much of life of Kuait would be determined by the results of the siege. Though she liked to work efficiently and cause as little strife and damage as possible to the city and its civilians... sometimes things didn't always go according to plan.

She leaned forward, voice dropped and brows raised, "Would you like to have dinner together tonight?"
"Well, darling, I ended up enjoying my time with you together." He said quite frankly. "So yes, I would like to. Why break the trend that is going so well?"

Fane noticed the pointed look but he didn't do much more than keep smiling.

All of this started was because he had enjoyed her look.

And because he had never had a Queen before.

He was trying to ignore the desire to spend more time with her simply to get to know her better. That was clearly just... an aberration.
There now, that wasn't so hard. Her brows raised a fraction higher, as if momentarily impressed he found his own conclusion of his wants. "Hm," she made a thoughtful noise and leaned back again, the edge of her stare softening as he smiled at her. This was such a silly game.

"Then we will have dinner together," said in a tone of ask and ye shall receive (maybe).

She would need to speak with the Butler to inform him of the additional guest for the evening. It would mean the kitchen staff would be working overtime to sate the man's appetite. Not that her Host Lord had any issue with any of it, he was more than happy to fulfill whatever need she or her sister had.

"What is your favorite meal?" she asked curiously, head tilted.
Fane noted the tone.

He also noted down one of the many things he believed Lorelei needed.

"Very good." Teasing her there and then hummed in thought at her question. "Cooked rice with veggies and chicken thighs, spiced." He finally said after a bit of consideration. "I encountered that dish when I was in a country of taiga and steppes... and I honestly can't say I have ever had anything better than that."

His eyebrows flicked up at her.

"Any... favorite dish you have?"

Knowing what he knew about her appetite now the question might be amusing. But he was curious how she'd respond.