Private Tales A Name From The Past

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
And he smirked when she showed her annoyance.

It was one of the few things he could do in response to her constant insistence to not explain anything and be as mysterious as possible. Which was an annoying trait to an immortal who was used to knowing everything by leaning into his past.

"Oh, I love reveling and I love danger." He said idly. "But the unknown has always made me itch. I assume that's why I constantly jump into the unknown, face first."

Smirking as he stretched and listened to her explanation.

The smirk didn't last for long though. Instead Fane blinked.

"Hold on a minute. Bloodfeasting? You drink blood for your food?" Come to think of it had he seen her eat any normal food or drink anything that wasn't a strange crimson color?

Fane could not remember. He had not quite been paying attention to that.

Lorelei Darke
  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Lorelei Darke
For as loud as he was speaking she would have been shocked that half of Alliria didn't hear. With measured control to not immediately rush to clap a hand over his howling screamer, Lorelei turned and made her way back over to him.

"Blood makes a large portion of our diet, yes," her voice remained low, green eyes needling the man as she moved to stand at his front, "raw meat makes up the rest. We are not human, but something much higher up the food chain."

Still beneath dragons, though. There wasn't much that ate dragon for lunch.

"I would appreciate you not announcing this to the whole of Alliria," a hand lifted to tug lightly at his beard to get the point across, "it makes our business here much more difficult to handle."
"Alright, let's not exaggerate." Grabbing her wrist lightly. "I wasn't that loud." But he kept holding her hand as he gazed up at her lightly.

"You know, I have never had relationships with a vampire before..." Curious there as his other hand slowly ran his fingers along her jaw, down to her neck.

Interested just how hot... or cold she was.

Fane didn't pay that close attention before but now he was. It didn't seem like he was overly concerned about this revelation however.

Just... curious.

In more ways than one.

"What else can you do?"
"We are not vampire," the look of disgust on her face was not nearly as strong as what she felt beneath the surface at that misnomer, "we are not diseased or undead. We are Aszai." Lorelei conducted her speech carefully as a matter of maintaining anonymity among those who would largely be deemed her prey. She did not smile with her teeth nor did she speak loudly, openly, or rashly.

But this level of offense warranted a flash of fangs - not that she had any reason to hide them from him any longer. Two sets on both jaws marked her and her sister as something other, something greater, something far more advanced than simple vampires.

Her flesh was not at all cold to the touch, but quite warm. The heartbeat that she could hear in his carotid pumped the same steady rhythm in her own beneath his touch.

The question garnered him a strange look, "What else can I do? You have seen first hand what I can do on the battlefield. You fought against me - or have you forgotten that part?"
She really seemed upset by being called a vampire.

Which seemed amusing to Fane.

After all, the moment he mentioned her bloodsucking she practically leaped towards him, resisting the urge to grab his mouth and shush it physically. The telltale signs had been there for Fane to spot and truth to be told he found it attractive how measured and controlled she was over herself.

His eyes flicked down to her fangs and he did not seem afraid.

"I'd hope you aren't diseased or undead, this would be a short would-be marriage." But he left it in the middle that for the broader populace the term didn't matter. It was exactly why her immediate reaction had been what it was.

People, normal ones, did not stop to distinguish what category of bloodsucker you were.


His fingers curled around her throat, to feel her breath against his palm. But even if his hand was as large as a shovel, she wouldn't feel much force behind it. Just... a soft touch, almost a claim without violence behind it.

"I am not asking after your battle prowess." Fane murmured softly. As if they were the only two people in the room and her minion wasn't there. "I just wonder..." Leaning in there, heedless of fangs or fury, until his nose brushed hers.

"...can you keep up with me?" A soft smirk she could practically feel against her lips even though air separated them for another inch.

Lorelei Darke
Lorelei actually could not help herself. She full-on scoffed.

A laugh followed. It started small and then grew loud, ringing within the warehouse like a city bell. She laughed so hard she had to brace herself against the man with a hand at his shoulder. Her eyes watered. Her fangs flashed again.

When she finally caught her breath, Lore lightly wiped her thumb beneath both eyes to press away the laughing tears without smudging her makeup.

"That's hilarious. Keep up with you... by the Gods, I had no idea you were so funny."
  • Haha
Reactions: Blackburn Fane
He blinked softly but then looked on bemused.

It was not every day someone laughed straight in his face.

He reached out and thumbed away a little laughing tear she had missed from her cheek. "Mm, oh, I am hilarious, darling." Fane purred warmly and he didn't seem to care at all about her laughing in his face. "But you will see what I mean."

Letting go of her throat and glancing back to the scenery around them.

"So, are you happy with this place? Does it get you everything you need?"

Lorelei Darke
  • Smug
Reactions: Lorelei Darke
"Mmm," Lorelei offered the man an appeasing sound of thought on his words, mirth still lighting her expression as she watched his hand smooth a stray tear from her cheek. It had been a very long time since she'd laughed so hard and, to his credit, she could not recall any mate before making her do so.

So at least he had that working in his favor.

Letting loose an amused sigh, she began to make her way back toward the entrance where Zeviir was standing just beyond enjoying a smoke on the docks.

"Happy, no, but it will do..." she was very rarely happy. "Zeviir," Lore stepped out into the fading light of the late afternoon and peered about the docks before turning to once more look upon the warhouse, "find out how much the man wants for the entire block."

"The... all of the warehouses?" Zeviir blinked in surprise at her.

"I expect he will be willing to cut a bargain to get rid of the entire lot in one sale," a sentence said with such surety that it gave the komodo little in the way to argue.

"Of course, I will arrange to speak with him post-haste. Will that be all for the evening, my Lady?"

"That's all," she dismissed him and returned her attention to Fane, "you must be hungry. Dinner?"
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"Oh, I am starving." He says airily as he offered his elbow to her. "Am I going to be on the menu?" Dryly, murmured in her ear.

"You know, usually that's a flirting line, but now its both."

A little smirk.

He knew she wouldn't eat him. Would be a stupid thing to do when she needed him for more than one reason, but he did so enjoy to annoy her every once in a while. He had the feeling she didn't have enough people willing to annoy and poke at her.

If you were too high up and too isolated you forget that these sort of disturbances are part of life too.

It kept you honest.

Lorelei Darke
Oh, the arm was on offer now was it? Look at the progress he was making from filthy mongrel to gentleman. Lore took it, eyeing him shortly as they began to walk, and snorted at his words.

Still had a long way to go, however.

At least he smelled better now.

"Thank you for the clarification..." she looked aside at him, brow raised over a faint smirk, "I've only ever had to eat one lover and frankly that was more than he deserved."

Walked a bit further on, Lorelei leaned her head toward him, "I was thinking steak. Know any good places?"