Fate - First Reply A Morning After

A 1x1 Roleplay where the first writer to respond can join
Ash closes his eyes thinking about the battle, “I was on neither sides, I was transporting a dragon hatchling back to safety with my organization when we were caught in the middle of it. In short term, I do not give a bloody rats ass about who won. Just know there was a dragon raining fire on my side, a young man was left scared for life emotionally, and we lost someone who was a really good guy to... something darker, there was this weird oil fire that burned and burned no matter how you tried to out it out.”

Ash takes a deep shaky breath, “I do not want that damn empire to expand anymore. It interrupted a way of life and in the end killed hundreds others in the name of their god.” Looking at his hand Ash calms down taking deep breaths. “In the end do not rely on me for the solid truth, it depends on whom you ask. Most of the time they were not there and they are using false valor to justify their claims.”

Ash feels the button break, “Be careful please, I would at-least rather have some of a dress left to wear.”
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"What, the heaving bosom, bursting corset thing not your style?" Ledhros wrestled a button into place and backed off. "There. You're the spitting image of a gangly, flat-chested, upper-middle-class society girl thirty years ago."

He didn't comment further on the war. Ninagal sounded like the kind of fight that stayed with you.

"Ready to get out of this friggin city?"

  • Wonder
Reactions: Ashieron
Ash puts on a head wrap that compliments the dress very well with it’s fringes and a few flowers embroidered onto it along with a matching pair of white gloves. Clearing his throat he looks out the window, “Of course. Now be a dear and escort me to our destination.” He says with a rather convincing feminine voice. “We only have a bit before your magic wares off.”
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Reactions: Carr Ledrose
Ashieron did make a reasonably convincing human woman. Convincing enough to get them out of the city, with any luck. Ledhros checked his own disguise in the cracked mirror, sighed, and headed for the stairs.

The lower level was a disused residence, not as dusty or infested as the attic. Nobody challenged them as they slipped out into the street. Ledhros paused at the door and counted three city guards within sight, all clearly searching for a pair of Elven fugitives. Two were pretty much exactly between here and the closest city gate.

"Art of doing feth all convincingly," he said under his breath, remembering an old spy he'd known. "Come on, darling, let's shop. That way."
  • Bless
Reactions: Ashieron
“Wonder what we’ll find today.” Ash says smiling some, keeping close to Ledhros. “We should try to get something for the kids, they’ll love to have some of the bakery’s apple pie.” He says quietly, “But how about we go for a walk around before shopping? The bakery’s pie should not be too cold then, nor too hot.” He says hooking his arm around Ledhros’ arm.
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Ledhros groaned, mostly internally, and played along. "Yes, dear," he said as they ambled toward the gate. "But we can't be too long. Don't forget you wanted me to re-daub the wattle, and your mother's coming over. And I'll need time to recuperate from that," he added under his breath.

They passed near an inquisitive guard. Ledhros resisted the opposed yet equally risky temptations to look away steadfastly, glance away quickly, or stare. Most people were watching the guards a little, with a bit of worry. He did the same.

Here came the gate. People were going in and out, but guards were questioning them.


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Reactions: Ashieron
Ash examines the gate guards, “Lets say we saw us where we just were at. But thought nothing of it.” He suggests, “Or we can lie low back there till night fall.” He looks at the sun, “Then we can disappear easier over the wall or wherever it is easier to escape by.” He watches the guards questioning people. “Its not like we changed completely unfortunately, we’re still gonna look roughly the same except with monkey ears and a dress and head thing.”

Ash sighs, “Or we can just knock em out and run for it?”
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Reactions: Carr Ledrose
"Maybe, yeah - ah clart, never mind. They looked our way. If we stop walking to the gate, turn around, they'll know we turned back because we saw them. That's not good news for anyone. No, I think we're committed now. Ffff."

He bit back further ruminations on that point as they reached the gate guards.

A guard's eyes narrowed. "Ugly man, pretty girl, shabby dress, heading out of the city. Sir, are you soliciting a prostitute?"

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Reactions: Ashieron
Ash glares at the guard, “How dare you say such a thing? This dress belongs to my dear grandmother thank you very much. If you must know also, good sir, it will please her very much when she sees me wearing it.” He snaps at the guard crossing his arms, his eyes glowing red a bit. “How about you show some respect and not go to assumptions and ask us both instead of only the man?” He waits for the guard to respond before turning and exiting thr city gates feeling proud of himself after there was no response.
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Reactions: Carr Ledrose
"Uh, sir," said another guard to Ledhros, watching Ashieron sashay away, "I'm sorry if my partner offended you by assuming you weren't a prostitute."

Ledros scratched casually at his hairy monkey ears. "Don't mention it. Wait for me, dear!" he called after his associate, and hurried out.

And that was that. They'd escaped Elbion. There was a warrant out for the pair of them, and still had no idea what their crime had been, if any.

He caught up with Ashieron a good distance outside the gates, behind some trees.

"That was...something."
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“You learn a few things in my line of work. Need to get disguises quickly, and figure out a way to get out of a place. Particularly a black market or some undergound figures.” Ash says looking behind them to make sure they were a good enough distance from the city before ripping off his hat, and he rips off the dress. It did feel nice to be out of that dress, it was incredibly itchy the whole time. “Just got to give them something outlandish enough they do not know how to respond.” He smiles and snaps his fingers, his armor forming back onto his body. Using his hand to make sure his gauntlets are on snug and fit before looking at a mark on his wrist and shows it to Ledhros, “Did we get tatoos or something?” He asks him examining it and running his finger along it, wetting it with a bit of water from the air.

(Mark is like dis:
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"Tattoos? Sure. You know what, at this point nothing would surprise me." He'd been scratching at his arm; now he rolled up his sleeve and twisted the offending limb until he could see a similar mark. The tattoo seemed to writhe unpleasantly. It didn't feel sore either, though in a city filled with mages a little accelerated healing wasn't unusual. At a guess, the strange tattoo was linked to whatever crime or indiscretion was inked on their warrants.

"This is absolutely, positively, a problem for another day." He squinted off through the trees at the Cairou River. "Feth it. Maybe I'll catch a riverboat. See you around, dear."
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Reactions: Ashieron
Ash smiles and turns around waving his hand at Ledhros, “Please do not call me that. Just never speak of such thing again to anyone. But if any Elbian bounty hunters come snapping at your heals just give me a heads up will you. If you find out anything about the markings, some goes for that. You’ll find me and my companions in The Spine, if you ever need anything.” He’d walk off, “See yah around!” With a few words on ancient elvish a medium sized shadowy dragon appears, wrapping its wings around the elf before it unfurls them, revealing the elf has vanished and it disappears in a plume of black smoke.
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