Completed A Marriage Proposal

Character Biography
House Saladin Estate

Nilofer savored the soft breeze that shifted the light fabrics of her dress. The heat was more bearable indoors, but even for those used to the Kaliti weather would say this was a particularly... warm day. Her attendants fastened the last few pieces of her veil and mask as she watched the bustling activity beneath her window. House Saladin was welcoming House Strand for an event that Nilofer was not pleased about. It seemed her parents never ceased trying to marry her off, for they somehow found a well-off Anirian family with a son who could marry Nilofer.

She knew just enough of the family to know of their magic and military background, both of which she suspected encouraged her father to accept their request to visit. An interview of sorts was to be conducted, and, knowing Lord Hakim Saladin, it would be much more than an interview. He would not waste this opportunity to show off his family and their illustrious wealth and power. There would be a feast, dancers, musicians, peacocks, elephants, and an assortment of other extravagant oddities unique to Annuakat.

Once she was deemed presentable, she descended from her room to the banquet hall below. Her parents and brothers were waiting. Her mother immediately rushed to her and adjust a lock of hair and the placement of her veil before returning to her father's side at his request. She stood at her place at the table, which, for the first time was not towards the end, behind her brothers. Her hands folded in front of her, her chin tilted downward, in a show of demureness, like she had been taught all eighteen years of her life.

House Strand would arrive any moment.

Grendel Strand
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House Strand arrived not in force of numbers but certainly force of prestige.
Grendel sat as a stone in the carriage. The only sounds came from his younger sister who spoke idly to the family dog, which she had insisted accompany them. The recent eldest of the house did not speak. He and his mother had spoken already and he knew his part in this.
He would be mannerly, in the way of Anirian Gentlemen. Make conversation and eat what his mother described only as "their food" without objection or grimace. Before the rebellion he had not given much thought to marriage but since his brother had been killed he could not help but consider that his marriage, while no doubt beneficial for his family, might well be an empty void of joyless obligations.

As they exited the carriage and made their way followed by footmen who carried their baggage for the stay the modest security detachment made idle.
Yet each one was decked in the gold fabric his mother had woven perfectly into their clothes. Intricate designed carefully teased and threatened to catch the eye at every glance. Grendel towered over his mother and sister the image he felt like was that of a decorated mountain. He was of course, not unaware of how he must look. In black and gold finery, loose though it was in its design, a mimicry of the Kaliti style to save them all the embarrassment of sweat stains which he surmised was more his mothers real reason for the dress rather than to appear less like an invading force.
Vel Anir had its reputation after all.
His wide face both decorated with the Talon mark on his eye and blemished by the scar on his twisted lip. He had been instructed to not smile so much.

Grendel felt a great weight of obligation despite his resignation.
*What may be may be!* He thought as the final door was opened and they were ushered into the dining hall.
Grendel had been struck by the elegance of the grounds outside, the clear displays of opulent wealth were not unnoticed, the Elephant he thought was especially impressive but this sanctum spoke of something more meaningful. The Kaliti clearly held presentation high as every inch was somehow decorated. From carvings to fittings to patterned wall paintings it was as if a painting of the Ancient Dynasties had come to life before his eyes.
There they stopped and were announced before going to their assigned seats.
Grendel was of course placed directly in front of his proposed partner. And his sister at the foot of the table while his mother at the corner, by Master Saladin's ear.

Looking at her, at Nilofer was the most strange combination of unsettling feelings. She seemed already cowed by his presence. Perhaps he was more frightful than he imagines himself. It would not be the first time he had unwittingly intimidated someone.

While both of their parents made proclamations of their "new found friendship" Grendel wondered if any of that was even possible with such a person.
It had been drilled into him that he need not "like" her at all but that did not mean he did not want to marry someone he liked.
What if she did not like him?

The thought that there was much that could go wrong crossed his mind as he awaited their formal introduction.

Nilofer Saladin
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The Strand family arrived just on time, and as they entered the dining hall, Nilofer looked up at them through lowered lashes, never lifting her head. They were all a good shade paler than Nilofer's family, though their two homes were not so far apart.

She knew which one was Grendel as he took his place across from her. His mother would sit beside him, across from Nilofer's own mother and beside Lord Saladin himself. Nilofer's brothers filled in the bottom half of the table, Grendel's sister at the end. Her gaze lingered a bit longer on his sister- Nilofer wondered if she too felt the presence of the men in the room.

After Lord Saladin had exchanged words of pleasantry with Lady Strand, he would turn to face Nilofer. "I present to you, Lady, my wife, Raha Nesrine Quadir, my beautiful daughter, Nilofer Aalyiah Maryam, as well as her brothers Tariq, Ashraf, Kamal, Amin, Ishmael, and Hakim II.

Nilofer's full name was certainly a mouthful, and she didn't care for the way her father said it, as if she was not in fact his daughter, but instead a pretty vase to be sold to the highest bidder; all she had of use was a pretty exterior and a healthy womb, after all.

She took a chance and lifted her head, her brown eyes meeting Grendel's own as she watied for his mother to introduce him.

It was all rules and tradition. They reminded her of her place in the world and what was required and expected of her. Living in the shadows of others was nothing new; she would not find it difficult to live in Grendel's shadow as well.

Grendel Strand
Grendel bowed curtly to Master Saladin and his wife and then to Nilofer, granting shorter nods of acknowledgement to her brothers. Then his eyes shot back to Nilofer and caught them as she too snuck a closer look at him. Perhaps, he thought, a veil might suit him more than her. From what he could tell she seemed comely enough, though he was more interested in who she was than what she looked like.
Still there was no way she could be unhealthy, his mother would not allow the end of such a potent magical line as theirs.
Distasteful as it was it was a large part of this whole song and dance.
Grendel's mother, Mrinnaleth Strand, nodded to each in turn, pausing only briefly over Nilofer before carrying on. Her eyes bored into the girl like a drill.
"Well met to you all. Allow me to present my Son, and Dreadlord Initiate, Heir of House Strand and bearer of the Mark of the Talon of Strand, Grendel and my own daughter, Maggreska."
Maggreska looked up at the men around her but said nothing. She rarely spoke to anyone who was not either her mother or the dog.
Grendel almost rolled his eyes as his mother introduced him like a war hero.
It was not untrue, he was in good standing with the Academy and one day he would be Lord Strand, with all that came with such a title but still, he felt the lily was well and truly gilded by now.
He forced a somewhat formal smile and bowed his head again to Master Saladin as he in turn was acknowledged.

At that they were seated.

It felt like he had been holding his breath the entire time as he lowered himself onto the seat.

Nilofer Saladin
Grendel and his family were introduced by the Strand matriarch, and then everyone was seated. Nilofer's father was quick to engage the Lady Strand in conversation, all but forgetting the rest of his family. Nilofer's six brothers talked amongst themselves. Ashraf, who looked to be close in age to Maggreska, Grendel's younger sister, began talking to her. He did not seem to care that she gave him no response and continued to chatter away as the room quickly filled with sound.

Nilofer's legs were crossed beneath her and after a moment of staring daggers at her meal, pretending she could not feel Grendel's or his mother's eyes on her, she finally lifted a piece of food to her lips behind the light diamonds of her veil. It was really quite impractical, no matter how beautiful it was, especially when eating, but it would be even more of a hassle to remove it now, and Nilofer knew she would get berated by her mother for doing so anyway.

After a moment of silence, Nilofer's mother spoke up beside her. Nilofer had known it was coming- she could feel how tense the woman was beside her. "I trust your journey was well," she said, her question directed at Grendel, considering Grendel's mother and Nilofer's father were still deep in discussion. Her voice was soft and unassuming, imbued with a sense of warmth Nilofer knew to be false.

Nilofer raised her head once more, not saying a word as she ate slowly, keeping her eyes on Grendel. There didn't seem to be anything special about him, at least on the surface, but Nilofer knew better than to judge someone just for how they appeared. It was what both of her parents and even most of her brothers did.

Grendel Strand
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He did not know what this meal was but it looked and smelled agreeable, just unknown to him.
Spearing a piece of cooked meat in thick yellow sauce he popped it into his mouth, it was Smokey tasting and well spiced. Though he did notice that Nilofer was not eating much, which he didn't blame her for. Lifting the veil and all. He imagined she'd hear all about it if she got so much as a glob on it.

When the question was asked Grendel smiled at Mistress Raha, remembered he should not be smiling and then let his face fall into placid gentleness.
And so the game of high societal manners began.
"It was Mistress Raha, your homeland is beautiful and has many wonders."
A textbook response in his voice which was a few decibels higher than his size implied.
"But I confess, that it's magnificence is humbled by your own home. Which is itself a marvel and, contains many treasures."
He couldn't help but flick his eyes to Nilofer as he added the last words.
To disguise his upset he took up his glass and drank some wine. Now HE was the one laying it on thick.

Nilofer Saladin
The meal was a traditional one. The roast lamb was a reminder that what the Kaliti (or perhaps just the Saladin family) valued most was tradition. Tradition decided social, moral, and political rules for everyone to follow. It was her father's favorite word.

Nilofer was not a stranger to the politics of society. Thanks to her father, she knew Kaliti tradition inside and out and the right and wrong moves to make. For example, Grendel's smile. Though she knew by the way he dropped it quickly in favor of a more placid expression that he intended to be polite, rather than smug at his own good fortune, which she knew that's how her parents would read it.

"You flatter us," Raha replied, though her response just as much of a textbook response as Grendel's had been. "Tell us about your homeland, if that is where our dear Nilofer could live one day," she went on. Nilofer did not have to look at her mother to tell that there was a faint, almost undetectable eagerness about her. That was one thing she could agree with her mother on- she yearned to know more of the world and what it held.

Nilofer parted the strands of diamonds around her nose in order to lift her goblet to her face and drink from it. She returned her gaze downward once more, her veil falling back into place. Tonight would be a quiet night for her, as it usually was.

Grendel Strand
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The comment Mistress Raha made about Nilofer living in Vel Anir struck him like a stone and he glanced again at his proposed bride.
Thankfully wiping his mouth gave him a moment to gather his thoughts.
"It is a lush land of green forests and valleys. Wildlife is abundant and varied. Bush elk are a common sight in many parts of the countryside but it's not nearly as sunny as it is here. Unfortunately we pay for all the green with much of the days bring overcast and rain is frequent but when the sun does grace us, it makes the land smile."
He allowed himself a small smile at that and quickly snuffed it again. Though he had been somewhat prepared for it, the silence from Nilofer was distracting. Knowing what to expect and experiencing it were two different things entirely.
Grendel decided to try a direct question.
"Riding is a common pass time. Do you ride Nilofer?"
It was a bit risky but he would be damned if he would marry someone before hearing them speak at least and as far as he understood, asking the question was technically permitted.

Nilofer Saladin
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Nilofer lifted her head at Grendel's description of Vel Anir. It sounded beautiful, and she thought she'd like to see it in person. She had never left Amol-Kalit.

She didn't get to ruminate on her future home for long because then Grendel was asking her a question. Mildly surprised, she focused her gaze on him.

"I never learned," she replied. "Perhaps you could teach me," There were not many reasons for a lady to ride a horse; her mother wouldn't even let her near the beasts because according to her, they were "dirty creatures". It looked rather uncomfortable anyway, all the bouncing in the saddle.

Raha Saladin tensed at her daughters response, as if searching for some reason why it had somehow incriminated their entire family. Finding nothing wrong with it, she busied herself by drinking from her goblet. Nilofer felt a bit of pleasure at her mother's reaction out of spite.

See mother, I can play your little game.

Grendel Strand
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So, she does speak.
Grendel allowed himself another short lived smile as he bounced his eyes from Nilofer to his plate and back again.
"It would be my privilege to tutor you."
He was by no means a horse master, the military might of House Strand was in its infantry but non the less Grendel knew his way about a horse and saddle well enough to give the basics. He had instructed Maggreska before and she caught on quick enough.
Part of him suspected that some subtle taboo was being performed between them but he needed to be able to have one, if only one, conversation with her if he was going to marry her.
Without noticing he began to lean forward.
"We have a horse that might suit you. She is calm and good natured, a good fit for a beginner. Her name is Phantom. It means, spirit."
Grendel braced himself for resistance from Mistress Rasha.

Nilofer Saladin
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Nilofer's smile was mostly hidden behind her sparkling veil, and she was lucky her mother was at an angle where she could not tell Nilofer was smiling. It did not stop her, however, from fuming to herself, and Nilofer knew it would be taken out on someone else at the table. It was just what her mother did. She blamed her problems or discontent on others whenever given the chance.

Nilofer tilted her head as Grendel described a horse he claimed would suit her. Her faint smile did not waver. "She sounds lovely," she replied, half daring her mother to lash out at her or Grendel.

Luckily, Nilofer's father drew her into his conversation with Lady Strand, discussing something about the pains and exhaustion of raising children.

"Do you have many horses?" she asked, taking advantage of her mother's distraction. It was riskier to be the one asking questions, because if she were just responding, she could put it as merely being polite, but now she was taking initiative. And women were rarely ever allowed to take initiative.

Grendel Strand
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Sensing such time was not to be wasted Grendel leaned even closer, risking a conspiratorial position, encouraged by Nilofer's question and interest.
"We have seven we keep at the estate. My mother and sister favour Midnight and Precious respectively. I have Despero. He's the biggest and really, he's the most somber. Then there's Worren and Calidorn they were..."
Grendel's eyes glanced to his mother for a moment. Mercifully she was not paying them any heed from her deep conversation among their hosts.
"... they belonged to my father and brother. Lastly are Phantom and Escher. They're the youngest but have the best manners."
He felt like he had been the only one talking when he was done. Indeed he could have gone on but he did not want to push his luck.

Nilofer Saladin
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Nilofer's attention was caught by the word 'was' Grendel had used to refer to his father and brother. So he had lost two of his family. She wondered why father hadn't bothered to tell her that. She did not pry and knew that if he wanted to talk about it he would.

Her attention was also caught on how he leaned closer towards her across the table with every word he spoke.

"How interesting," she replied, and she meant it. The animals she saw the most of here were peacocks and donkeys and they weren't nearly as interesting as horses.

Uncertain of what to say next, Nilofer brought a piece of glazed meat to her lips and ate it, washing it down with chilled wine. Grendel seemed to be talkative enough for the both of them, especially now that Raha was unwillfully distracted.

Grendel Strand
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"Yes, I suppose it is."
Again his eyes flicked down and back, he caught a bit of a clearer look at part of Nilofer's face when she ate. He supposed he wasn't supposed to get a good look at her until later. That particular custom baffled him a bit.
This time he bought a moment by eating a bit more.
"Summer is the dry season it's best to go out then. There's a path that winds through a wood and follows the river all the way to the lake. I take it when I want some time to think."
Like he had before starting the journey here. Part of him wanted to keep riding on and on and forget about it but a Strand always did his duty. His father had taught him that lesson and his brother after him.
"In fact, Worren and Calidorn pulled the coach. I could show you them, after dinner if that's agreeable."
Usually they would have hired out horses for the coach but since the two had no riders they were put to work elsewhere. Grendel, who could tend towards sentiment at times, liked to think of them as representatives of a sort.

Nilofer Saladin
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Nilofer glanced at her parents out of the corner of her eyes. They were still talking, but it seemed the conversation was winding down. Nilofer would like to say yes to Grendel, but her parents would require a chaperone to accompany them.

Her mother tuned in to Nilofer and Grendel's conversation just then and eyed the two of them suspiciously. "She may see the horses after the final course, but Tariq, you must accompany them," she replied, directing the last portion of her statement to the eldest of Nilofer's younger brothers. Tariq was 17, only a year younger than Nilofer herself, but as a boy- soon to become a man- he took precedent over her and was deemed more responsible and trustworthy than Nilofer. It was a fact Nilofer knew to be false- Tariq was still just as much in the throes of adolescence as Nilofer herself was, and ten shades less mature considering how pampered and spoiled he had been.

"Thank you, mother," Nilofer replied nonetheless, ignoring Tariq's sigh of annoyance. He was likely just annoyed his sister took precedence over him for once in his entire life, and Nilofer was struck with the urge to strike him. She could hardly see any horses without garnering the annoyance of her entire family. At least Grendel did not seem nearly as privileged. But then she hardly knew him, so anything could be possible.

Grendel Strand
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It was much as Grendel had come to expect.
His mother had told him of the social differences among the Kaliti and to tread its waters with care. So it was with some relief that he accepted these terms for what they were. After all he was hardly planning on whisking Nilofer away on horseback. Though the idea seemed awfully romantic and dramatic.
"Of course Mistress Rasha, Tariq is most welcome. Thank you."
He navigated the river of conversation into this new flow smoothly enough with a reverent nod to Mistress Rasha before turning his attention back to Nilofer who was still as stone yet again.
"I am sure that both you and your brother will find them most interesting."
It was best, he felt, not to let on anything. Tariq had been invited to simply chaperone, that idea was not foreign to any Anirian Noble but, since they were to potentially be family, why not treat him well?
"Tell me Tariq, do you have any interest in horses yourself?"
Having to ingratiate himself with as many family members as possible was also his purpose here but that did not stop Grendel from throwing Nilofer a sideward glance to hopefully telegraph that while he was engaging Tariq he had not forgotten her at all. Unfortunately the veil made it nearly impossible to tell if she caught it.
He'd have to hope for the best in that regard.

Nilofer Saladin
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Nilofer went silent once more, listening to Grendel's response with interest. This dinner, banquet really, was a test of sorts for the Strand family. To see if they were worth the Saladin family's time. With a glance to her father and Grendel's mother, she could tell her father was pleasantly surprised as well. Nilofer herself could tell Lady Strand had made sure her son was well-versed in Kaliti ways and tradtions, and it was serving him well, especially since even Raha Saladin could not find fault in Grendel's actions and words.

Tariq was sat on Grendel's other side, and turned to the larger boy when he was addressed. "Somewhat. I have a horse I ride on occassion," he replied, his voice bored and bordering on the edge of impolite. It was only from his mother's warning gaze that he did not cross that line. "There are fewer here, our horses are imported from nations like yours," he added at the continuation of his mother's look.

Nilofer glanced down the table at her other brothers. Of the six of them, Tariq was perhaps her least favorite- most like her father in the sense that he was entitled after being raised as the savior of his family. Her gaze landed on her youngest brother, named after her father. He was six, and earned the most of Nilofer's affections; mostly because of his impressionable age- he was young and sweet and innocent, and she hoped she could protect his gentleness from their parents before they could turn him into a copy of his eldest brother.

Finally, the third course, the dessert course, was brought in. It was a sort of cake that contained a sweet, jelly-like filling and was topped with nuts and dried fruits. It was one of Nilofer's favorites- it was a simpler treat than the decadent deserts other nations were more used to. Nilofer seemed more attentive to her dessert than she had the rest of her meal, and ate it more quickly, despite her veil.

Grendel Strand
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"Yes, horses are a source of great pride for my countrymen."
Grendel replied with tactful ignorance of the light chiding Tariq got.
"I am glad one is in the hands of such a dutiful and prestigious master as you Tariq."
Perhaps again, he felt he was laying it on thick but he did not wish to cause any offense and deemed it best to be seen as overly appraising than critical. At least while in such scrutinising company.
It didn't escape him either how eagerly Nilofer ate. So, she did have gusto as well as reserve.
Grendel liked that.
Curiosity and gusto were fine qualities he thought.
So he followed suit and eagerly ate the dessert.
It was certainly sweet, perhaps a bit too much for his palate but he ate it without complaint.

When he had finished he wiped his mouth and face, adjusted himself on the cushion seat. His legs were beginning to feel stiff.

Nilofer Saladin
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Tariq nodded and spoke his thanks, returning his attention to his meal. Nilofer finished her dessert soon after Grendel, and Nilofer turned her gaze to her father. The table was quieter as everyone was focused on eating. Once her father had finished, he stood.

"Lady Strand and I will discuss the formalities of this upcoming union. Nilofer, your mother says you'd like to see the Anirian horses?"

Nilofer nodded at her father's question. He gestured for them to carry on. Raha Saladin rose from her cushion as the Lord and Lady of the two houses left the dining hall. Then the Lady Saladin corraled Nilofer's five other brothes, leading them out of the hall a different, way, shooting Tariq and Nilofer a look with narrowed eyes.

Nilofer would turn to Tariq and Grendel, waiting for the latter to lead them out to his horses.

Grendel Strand
Grendel smiled, himself and Nilofer were now as alone as he could reasonably hope.
The air in the room was looser without the strict observance of their parents.
Before speaking he looked about for Maggreska, who he had also been charged with by mandate of his older brother status.
She was looking at a particularly exotic wall painting of what looked to Grendel like a woman sitting in a garden with a long necked string instrument.
"Maggreska," He spoke warmly to his little sister "You can fetch Roxx now, we'll be going out to the gardens."
The impassive child gave little away other than an understanding of what she was told as she made her own way to the footmen outside.
Grendel gestured for the rest of the troupe, unable to keep his eyes of Nilofer for long.
"Shall we?"
If this had been Vel Anir, he would have offered his arm to Nilofer and led her outside but this was the Empire, so he put his hands behind his back and walked a full step away from her right side. Together, as expected but distant as respect in this land demanded.

As they entered the gardens where the carriage was still stationed Grendel's blood went cold as five great chests were being carried inside, each one needing two bodies to lift it.
He silently closed his eyes for a second and tried to keep the great swell of embarrassment within that he felt. Grendel knew exactly the contents of each chest. Fine fabrics, gold thread, priceless art, rare books of poetry and of course, the last chest held bonds including no small patch of land.
It was Nilofer's dowry and that fact soured in his mouth.

Grendel Strand respected tradition, it had purpose most of the time but the idea of such payments felt to him all too much like buying another person which he did not agree with at all.

He cleared his throat as he approached the carriage. Worren and Calidorn were tired clearly, unused to the great heat of the sun so they had water brought to them and buckets with rags to douse them as well. Grendel helped himself to one such rag as they approached and began to wipe Worren's neck as the great dark coloured beast drank. Strand's tended to grow large so their mounts were on the bigger side. Worren was the bigger of the two but Calidorn was no less impressive in his coat of grey with white marks on his face and hind.
"They're tired so you can come closer if you like, just don't make any sudden movements. Horses can startle easily, they can sense unease like a smell."

Some ways behind them Maggreska arrived with Roxx, the Great Dane hound that stood almost as tall as she did.

Nilofer Saladin
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Nilofer was acutely aware of the other two with them as they walked out to where the Strand carriage was waiting. The horses were larger than the few her brothers had, but their additional weight made them hotter. Thankfully, the sun was going down, painting the sky in a peachy glow. The heat had decreased in intensity and would only continue to do so. Days in the desert were hot and nights were cold.

Nilofer stood a pace back as Grendel tended to the horses. She was in fact a bit nervous, but when Grendel said they could sense unease, she tamped it down rather quickly.

She approached the two horses slowly, dark eyes wandering over the beautiful creatures. They drank their water earnestly, and she was content just to watch them.

Behind her, Tariq's attention was caught by the big dog Grendel's younger sister Magresska brought out. He had a soft spot for dogs, and picked up a conversation with the younger girl about dogs, as he petted the creature's head. Grendel and Nilofer were mostly ignored and left alone.

Grendel Strand
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"That's better huh boy. Yes it is, you did well. Rest now."
It was easy for him to fall into the habit of speaking to the horses. He'd taken to caring for them lately.
Mechanically he checked Worren for sign of fatigue or discomfort, other than his being tired and warm he seemed alright.
Slyly he checked on their chaperone and smiled.
"You can come closer if you like. He's perfectly calm."
Grendel urged now that he had made sure Worren was in an agreeable mood. His hand still stroking Worren's mighty neck.

Away from them Maggreska was replying to Tariq's short speeches on dogs with nods and one word replies. For Grendel's little sister, that counted as a full blown conversation.
Roxx the dog was happy enough with the attention he was getting.

Nilofer Saladin
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Nilofer walked closer when Grendel said she could. Hesitantly, she raised a hand to stroke the horse's nose. It was surprisingly soft, and what was even more surprising was that the great creature let her. After a few moments, her smile was finally noticeable through her veil.

She was closer to Grendel than she had been all night, and Tariq was not paying them a lick of attention. She thought about how her mother would have a fit if she could see them now, and was glad the spiteful woman couldn't.

She thought about asking Grendel more questions, now that they were as alone as they were going to get, but she didn't know what to ask first.

The words that did come to mind were not in fact a question. "I apologize for my family," she said her voice soft, so that only Grendel could hear.

Grendel Strand
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An apology, the first words she can say in relative privacy and she says sorry. Grendel could not help but let out a small chuckle as he ran his hands through Worren's mane. He did not want to stare so he looked at the horse, making as if to examine its face.
"Why are you sorry? At least your mother attempted to engage me. Mine did not even try."
Grendel turned to look at Nilofer and suddenly she was very close. He could see through the veil at this distance. The sight made his brain stop for a second as he took her in, really looked at her now.
"Ahem, it is I who should be apologising. Between my mother and Sister, my family and I are poor company."
Again he did not want to stare and it occured to him that in all the talks of this arrangement his mother had spoken of Nilofer's standing, health and family but not of her appearance. Grendel liked to think himself above such things but he could not deny in himself the pleasing glimpses of features he saw.
"Although Tariq seems quite taken with Roxx."

Nilofer Saladin
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Nilofer wondered if Grendel was being sincere, if he was merely continuing to follow societal rules with politeness and niceties.

He turned his head to look at her suddenly, and seemed surprised at how close she was. She did not move her stance, even as he commented on her brother's attraction to the big dog.

"He only likes himself and dogs," she replied matter-of-factly. She did not particularly care telling Grendel these things- it wasn't as if he was going to marry her brother. Tariq managed just fine with the ladies anyway- he had inherited their father's good looks and money, and it seemed that was all he needed.

"Your family certainly seems more pleasant than mine. At least genuinely so," she added to his earlier statement.

Grendel Strand
  • Wonder
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