She made an unconscious sour face and quickly smoothed it over when she realized what she was doing. The idea of calling upon that one-time young boy made her skin crawl, but it was something she
could do to forward her cause. She pushed her unease aside, not entirely sure why she was so unsettled by the distant memory of the Roe scion.
She shifted to raise a hand, to call him back as he rose to go take care of the little winged mare and stopped herself. It was pleasant, just sharing one another's company despite everything that they had suffered through to come to this place. The pegasus required her own attention from the stoic soldier, and beside...
What is wrong with me? It was a redundant question. She rather imagined she knew what was wrong with her, and it was wrong in every conceivable way. Class aside, the Captain was a recent widower and certainly not interested in any kind of dalliance with another. That she did not understand even the faintest bit of her ... attraction to the Captain did not help.
She rose and forced herself to move.
"Excuse me?" she said as she approached the proprietor with her hands laced together at her waist.
"You wouldn't happen to know of Lord Roe still resides in this town?"
The man looked up from cleaning up his counter, and cast a sidelong look at her. "He would," he said, and then turned to face her.
"If you could pass word along that an old acquaintance of his, one Lyssia, is looking for him to discuss some business? My ... husband and I have some merchandise he may find interesting." Her words faltered at the mention of her 'husband', but she quickly recovered and hastily made the rest of the request.
"Certainly, young lady. Assuming he is interested, when would your husband be willing to accept him?"
She gave him a brittle smile.
"In the morning would be fine. We will be here for a little while, after all.'
He nodded and gave her a shallow bow. "Very well miss. I will see if he has any interest."
She smiled, and turned away.
Bathing was divine, as she expected.
Her travel-stained clothes hung on the back of one of the two chairs in the room, and the gown she had been provided upon asking for it hang on her slight frame. It was almost embarrassingly thin, but it wasn't as if she had a lot to show even had she any desire to do so.
The small room that
Elijah's coin had bought only contained a pair of chairs, a side table beside a lone bed wide enough for two to sleep comfortably, and another table with a basin and a pitcher of cool, clear water. She was still trying to dry her hair, lustrous red that clumped damply together. The suggestion of rose-scented water and an undertone of soap teased the air of the room.
Elijah had not returned from the stable, but she was in no particular hurry there. Hopefully he would have the forethought to visit the bath himself, but that seemed like a far less important thing than all that they were working on.
She looked at the ring he had given her, and her eyes grew distant as she thought on it, and on what it meant. And thus she was lost in her own thoughts when he entered the room...