Private Tales A Life to Live

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
"I'm glad you came too." Edric said softly as he read over the letter once more, and then slowly began to fold the piece of parchment. Creasing it lengthwise with a surprisingly delicate touch before gently placing it down with his meager collection of things.

"I've not made a lot of good choices in my life, not a lot of choices at all actually." He contended quietly, carefully placing the parchment where he thought it was lease likely to crease.

Edric was not an introspective man.

He'd never bothered to think about the what if of his life. How things might be if he had decided to stay in the Republic with Ral and the others, or how it would be now if the Republic had never come along at all. Such thoughts simply did not flicker easily through his thoughts. "But this was a good one."

The Rogue finished softly, knowing even without those thoughts that was right.

This was right.

His journey with Chasmine had been the best thing he could have decided to do. Not just for her, but for himself. It had been just a few short months together, and already he felt like a person who was actually worth the friend he now had.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Chasmine
Some time later, after the events of Flowers in the Ash

They'd started in the ash of the city and Chasmine had at one point in time wondered where the flowers were. Edric had mentioned in his story from his prior mission to Tyr that there were fields of flowers but she'd yet to see them. Now in possession of the body of a young Tyrian socialite picked up in the commerce district, they'd been making their way through towards the edge of the city where the walls loomed before them.

Though the woman Chasmine presently inhabited knew the city quite well, it appeared all her most recent memories of the last few days were quite focused on her work. At this time, Chas could not tell where their path lead, but Edric continued to walk with purpose in his stride as he was want to do.

"Where are we going now?" she asked after him, enjoying the long legs of the woman who stood a fair deal taller than herself when she'd been alive. It was proving quite easy to keep up with Ed. "Are we not going back to the ship?"
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  • Devil
Reactions: Edric
"We are, later." Edric told her as he continued to guide her towards the city walls.

The last time he had come to Tyr he had come this way. After leaving the palace he and the others had made the trek south and headed towards the portal stone. The journey had been a difficult one, not often traveled and fraught with dangers.

Not that they would face any of them now.

No, they would be turning back long before they reached any of that nonsense. "I made you a promise."

Edric said as he continued to step through the open square. Cutting through the small crowd which still lingered from the festival and heading out the gates of Tyr itself. There he trekked for a moment more until he began to climb a hill.

"And after your letter." He grinned at her. "I couldn't well not keep it."

The Rogue Dreadlord said as they crested the hill, coming upon a beautiful rolling field of flowers. The colors of their petals ranging from deep reds to dark purples and vibrant yellows. Thousands upon thousands of them sitting in neat rows."I thought this would be a decent place to dance."

He told her with a smile.
  • Love
Reactions: Chasmine