Dreadlords A Life Etched In Blood

Threads open to all members of the Dreadlords group
Character Biography

That voice still lingered in his skull. Still echoed out even now. He could hear her voice, could see the lines on her face, could still watch the flicker of passion that ran through her eyes. It was a memory that seemed stuck in his mind, centered within his skull as though she had affixed it there herself. A cruelty offered by the strength of her will.

"You know why they chose you for this. You know what you're meant to do. Everything that you've trained for. Everything that they pushed you towards."

Her words stuck in his mind.

"What they didn't wasn't right. But it made you who you are."

He could feel the brush of her palm on his cheek. The gentle caress. That soft touch that he had so rarely felt in his life. The memory was as pure as the snow atop a fallen mountain. It clung to him, his mind grasping around it in desperation.

"No matter what pain you find there, they brought so much more."

Edric's eyes flickered open.

He could feel the chains wrapped around his wrist, the steel digging into his skin, the blood slowly dripping down his arms. Eyes flickered slowly through the small room he found himself in, the ancient stone walls standing stark in the dim light of the moon which shone through the bars behind him. A cold wind rushed through the room, goosebumps rolling over his bruised and broken flesh.

A thick steel door sat in front of him, beyond it he could hear the cries of the desperate and despondent. Long wracking sobs echoing out from those in the cells surrounding him. Footsteps echoed out, the heavy clank of armor. The steady beat of his heart almost drowned them out, threatening to pull away the steady beat as her voice drew his focus.

"Find him. Kill him. I know you can do it."

The words echoed in his mind, muscles flexing, aching as finally the chains that bound him snapped and he tumbled to the floor with a heavy thud.
The smell of salts was used to bring Drast back into it. One eye, he could barely see out of, he could feel the faint wheeze of his breath. Broken ribs, maybe.. it was hard to tell. Pain lanced up his right arm following a quick and cool prick. He didn't need to look to see the carefully flayed portion of flesh to know they were trying to peel him like a grape.

"Now answer the question.." he hissed. "..or end up like the others.."

So much pain. But they wouldn't break him. Nobody had ever broken a Tal'deneshaar before and this would not be the start of a trend. He looked past the hazy shadow tormenting him to notice the two forms beyond them. Kalisynn and Darkov.. both were his friends.. both were dead. They had talked him into joining this little escapade. And he had watched as they carved them, didn't break them, and ultimately killed them.

Thankfully, Kalisynn had convinced them Drast was merely a slave, had no magic. Apparently, they thought he still might have information. He wasn't sure if the others were alive, all he knew is for right now, he didn't want to be. No.. he did.. he wanted to be alive, so he could get his revenge.

He could feel Rupert, so he knew their gear was nearby. Drast fought through the insurmountable pain to try to focus on his breathing, to slow it, to limit the oxygen he was receiving. And he did. The last thing he heard was the screams of others.

It had been hours since they pulled out the trio for torture and soon that door to Edrics room would open, and he would see them drag Drastus in. Only Drastus, his feet grinding along the floor and leaving a streak of blood in its wake. His whole right arm, up to the shoulder, had been flayed and was covered in blood soaked gauze. His breathing was labored, and one eye was nearly swollen shut.

They chained up Drastus and one of the guards turned to Edric. "Your turn, pretty boy." The chains would go slack as they freed him and immediately bound him for his adventure to the music room.

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Ryan had been one of the first to be taken back. The pretty girl would be the easiest to break, right? The pretty girl was not very pretty now.

The concept of time had left Ryan some time ago and she only vaguely remembered Drast, Kalisynn, and Darkov being taken before she passed out again.

Her own time being tortured had been filled with questions that she could no longer recall, knives of varying sizes, and fire. It was the fire that had almost broken the Initiate. The soft skin running from her right hip to her knee was red and blistered. It would be a beautiful scar if she made it out of here.

The blood trickled down the left side of her face from the jagged slash they had cut into her cheek.

"No one thinks girls with scars on their face are pretty. We can make it stop."

Ryan hadn't spoken and they hadn't stopped. The cutting, the fire, and the beating had been to no avail except to chain her back up with her fellow Initiates half dead.

She had watched Drast and the others get drug away before her head had slouched forward and she passed out, the blood pooling in various spots around her.

Drastus Tal'deneshaar Edric
Edric felt himself being lifted from the chains, felt himself being dragged away.

He tried to walk, tried to put one foot in front of the other, but they didn't give him the opportunity. The guards outpaced him, forcing him down the hall and practically tossing him forward. As they moved Edric's head lulled from side to side.

Sparing glances were offered to the cages around him.

He could see who filled them. Men, women, children. All of them were horrid flickers of humanity. Some mutilated, some...changed. Their skin turned to scales, their eyes colors that no human would have. Each of them had once been something else.


"Tortured. Like you. Experimented on. Like you."

The words rang in his mind.

"You need to kill him, Edric."

He felt himself get thrown into a chair, his body wincing and the chains around his wrist clattering as one of the men sent a fist against his face. Blood filled his mouth, and as he pulled himself upright it dribbled from his lips and down his torso.

His gaze flickered through the room, looking to the two men.

"Two of you are already dead, lad. Three remain. You could be the one to walk out of here, just have to be hones with us."

Edric tried to focus on the man, look up at him. His face was human, but there was something off about his eyes, something...something odd.

"Who sent you? How'd you find out he was here? Tell us, and you'll walk out of here. No questions asked."

"It doesn't matter if the others die, Edric. You have to kill him."
Proctor Renou whispered in his ear, and slowly he shook his head. "I don't...know...whose here?"

Another strike landed across his jaw.

"You know damn fucking well! Davis! How the fuck did you find out he was here!"

The man shouted, and a memory sparked in Edric's mind. The rubble. The Archon. The children that had been there. Davis.

That's who I'm here to kill. He realized, his head swaying.
Drastus' one good eye opened slowly, his good hand clawing against the ground as he pushed himself slowly and painfully into a seated position. "Ed-." He would begin to croak as he looked for the other boy, he'd already been taken. Another glance around and he noticed that Ryan was still unconscious, the worst of her injuries obscured from view.

He wasn't chained. They had believed the story or bought his act. Either way, he would need to move. No guard in the room, he would have to go quickly. His fingers traced the fire glyph and immediately he set to work burning the lock on his gate. It would take almost a dozen attempts before he got through, paced out so he didn't burn his fingers completely on the heated metal.

He was through. A shaky hand would push the gate slowly outward before he slipped into the 'common' area of the room. Pausing he would see the extent Ryan had suffered and he would use that anger to fuel him more. He cursed silently as he debated freeing her, but she looked to be way too bad off to fight. He just needed to get to Rupert.. then to Edric. Edric could power her some.

As he turned, the knob on the door twisted as a guard pushed through, forcing Drast to throw himself against the wall. As the door shut, Drast would grab the guards dagger and plunged it into his throat. Surprise was his only ally in that moment and though there was some struggle, soon the man would go still.

Now for a hard call. Drast dropped to his knees and began to incant, tracing glyphs onto the man with his own blood. Within minutes, those once blue eyes re-opened a pallid gray color and the corse rose to its feat. "Defend.. her.." he would say tiredly, taking a moment to catch his breath.

Edric Ryan Ashford
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The world was blurry as she opened her swollen eyes. She was alone. Kind of. A black clad guard stood near her cell and she immediately tensed up upon seeing him. He heard her movement and turned to look at the bloody Initiate. A sigh of relief left her cut lips as she saw his eyes. Drast was alive. Drast was alive and fighting.

"Can...you..." She fought through the pain to speak. "Let me...out..." She closed her eyes and set her head against the concrete wall. Everything hurt but she would be able to get up and fight. She was a Dreadlord. She had been through this before.

Unfortunately, the reanimated guard just stared at her and she growled. She would kill Drast when she got out of here. They needed her right now. She didn't have time to sit here chained up like a child.

Edric Warden

Another strike across the jaw. A cut across his chest. Pain. Agony. Nothing new. All things that he had felt before. The torture they brought him were just echoes of the past, pieces that he had endured so many times before.

It almost brought a smile to his face.

The man screamed, shouted. Beat and wrenched at whatever he could. The desperation was clear in their tone. The anger, the hatred. They wanted to know what was happening. Who had sent Edric and the others, why they were here.

"Y-y-yo-" Edric sputtered. The blood spilling down his chest.

"What's that? You know what we want. You can tell us. Who sent you?"

The man. His odd eyes stared down at Edric as he grasped his chin and peered at him, as though he might see something that had previously been gone.

"Go on. Tell me. Why are you here?"

Edric looked up at the man, stared at him. The small flicker of a smile floated over his features as his head shook. "I'm going to kill you."

The moment he finished speaking Edric leaned forward, chomping down on the mans hand. The wound breaking open in an instant, and life dragging from his core as Edric'd magic swept through the room.
Drast had just about gotten ready to leave when he heard Ryan's voice. Cursing he stepped into view before checking the pockets of his newly revived companion that was definitely dumber than Rupert.

Ah-ha! A key! Second pouch, left cheek. Several keys, actually. He would glance at Bumble. "Block the door." The minion nodded and stepped over to stand directly in front of the door. He then quickly began to try each key on the gate to her cell until one finally opened and he swung it open.

"Was trying to only risk one of us." He offered her a bloody grin. He tried all the keys on the chains and thankfully the second to last worked. Since they thought she was magic, no glyph would have worked on her enchanted chains. With her wrists freed, he moved to help her sit up. "Alright.. Edric. Then Rupert." He wheezed before giving her a quick kiss on the lips. Just in case. Always helped to have something in the tank before he possibly died an awful death.

He would turn towards the door and take one of the daggers from Bumble. "Bumble, let her take a weapon and back away from the door." Bumble nodded and did as instructed. Door now clear, Drast opened swung it inward and seeing someone approaching and wholly unprepared, he would blast them with some of necrotic energy directly in the face. Their scream was cut off as their throat began to decay. "Let's go." He snuck over to the second victim and slit their throat just in case, before heading for where the torture chamber was.

Thankfully it felt to be the same way Rupert was.

Edric Ryan Ashford
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Ryan tried to smile when she saw Drast but it just caused blood to trickle into her mouth. "I don't care," she rasped out. "I will help, Drast." He should know that about her by now. She flinched when he kissed her. It wasn't that he kissed her but from the pain that lanced through her at the gentle touch.

The Initiate wasn't moving very quickly but she was moving. She took two daggers from the reanimated guard, Bumble, and followed Drast. She pushed through the pain with only a few stops to slouch against the wall. She was not sure how her body could even function right now but she didn't break from the torture and she wouldn't break from the aftermath.

Drastus Tal'deneshaar Edric
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Dead men lay all around him.

Their corpses shriveled husks as though they had been dead for centuries. The chains that had wrapped around his wrists clattered to the floor with a heavy thud. They had done what they should have, taken his magic...until the man had gotten too close. He'd used the bite, the connection to utilize the man as a conduit for his own power.

A trick he'd learned in the dungeons of the Academy. Taught to him by the hands of the very Proctor who had sent him here.

The wounds that had soaked his flesh in blood were closed, the haze over his eyes was gone.

Edric stood in the midst of the room, his gaze flickering over the dead men as he stepped over the one who had directly threatened him. There was nothing in the torture room for him to take. The blades were rusty and old, the hooks on the ceiling useless.

As Drast and Ryan came down the hall to the torture chamber they would find the door opened from the inside.

Their fellow Initiate stood in the hall, glancing back towards them.

"It doesn't matter if the others die, Edric. You have to kill him."

Edric heard the words in his head again, an echo of that voice. A frown touched his features, and slowly he shook his head. "You two should get out of here."

He told the two other Initiates, noting the state of them.
Up ahead, screams of agony filled the halls louder than they ever had before. Drast wasn't sure what the cause was, so he doubled down and continued faster. Pain was one of those things that could sap the strength from anyone, that weakness was something the Academy removed. They taught them to replace it with anger, hate, something to keep their feet moving forward.

And thats what he did. Up ahead, two guards had begun to close on the door and Drast dropped into a slide, coasting between them and driving his dagger up and under one of their cod pieces. As the man dropped, Drast pulled the dagger free and slid the blade against the other Achilles, with just enough force to pierce the boot and get the tendon.

As the second dropped, Drast slid right into the first door. Hard. Cursing he looked to Ryan. "Keep them alive. I need them once I have Rupert. Bumble, watch them." It was a struggle to get to his feet with only one usable arm, but it was a feat he managed.

The first door led to research room of sorts. One where deranged assholes could swap spit and talk dirty about the torture they were doing. Rupert lay pieced together on one of the desks with parchment bearing studies about the bones. Drast was quick to snag them. "Alright, its clear here.. Bring them in." He would yell back to Ryan.

Moving to the next door, he would open it. Another hall, one where Edric was standing and the door to the torture chamber lay just beyond it. Edric had the audacity to tell them to leave. "Oh yeah, okay. Great plan." Drast would say before turning from Edric. He then spun back and shot Edric with a non-magical finger gun. "Fuck you, Eddy. Now get over here and hit Ryan with some of your Eddy juice."

He then turned back to Rupert and grabbed one of the scalpels from a nearby table. These bastards wanted a house of horrors, he was going to give them one.

Edric Ryan Ashford
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Ryan was not really sure how she was supposed to keep them alive. She was barely standing and they were bleeding out. She could only hope that Drastus would hurry up and tell her what she was supposed to do with the pieces of shit. She was slouched against the wall, holding her side as her partner ran into the first door. A few moments later, he called for her to bring the two men into the room.

Sure, no problem, she thought to herself as she had Bumble grab one man and drag him into the research room while she tried very hard to drag the other man. Both men were eventually in the room and she returned to her previous position of holding up the wall.

Ryan heard Edric tell say they should leave and Drast reply with some sarcasm. Her eyes were closing as she started to slide down the wall. The gash on her left side had drenched her shirt in blood. She half opened her eyes and looked at the blood all over her. It was too much blood.

Edric Drastus Tal'deneshaar
A flicker of a smile touched Edric's lips at Drastus' incessant bravado. He had always liked that about him. His gaze flickered towards Ryan as she slid down the wall, and the ghost of a smile disappeared from his face immediately.

Three quick steps saw him walk over to her.

A hand came down onto her shoulder even as her knees all but buckled. The flicker of life would flow into her. A trickle that sped her own bodies own healing. It drained Edric slightly, but that hole in the reserve was quickly replaced as he drew upon the nearby prisoners.

Their death would only end the suffering.

"You'll die if you stay here." He told the both of them.

"Find him. Kill him. I know you can do it."

The voice echoed in his mind again, resounding quietly. Spurning him forward. But he didn't want the others to die. Two already had. Why force Ryan and Drastus into the same fate? "I'll keep them occupied."

He said, looking directly at Drastus as his hand finally left Ryan's shoulder. "You get her out."

Despite his urging, something told him Drastus wouldn't agree.

Drastus Tal'deneshaar | Ryan Ashford
The scalpel would slide across Drast's palm and he winced as he held the bloody appendage over Ruperts maw. No incantation, just the slow ethereal glow that started in the husks of the skeletons eyes and expanded to cover the rest of its body. By the time Rupert sat up, he was covered in his usual decaying flesh and armor.

Drast leaned on the table. "Yeah, probably not gonna fly. I already tried to bench her and she wasn't having it." As Rupert slid down from the table, the same ethereal glow in his eyes would mirror in Drasts as the young initiate knelt beside the two slowly dying guards. One hand on each one and Edric would be able to recognize a slow drain of their life, until they were nearly shriveled husks.

Rising to his feet, he would step over to Ryan and put a hand on her shoulder, that same ethereal glow now seeping into her. It didn't rejuvenate her, but it would heal some of her worst wounds some. At least enough to keep her in the game. His other hand would clench and some of the bleeding in his own wounds would stop. "There.. we go.. its not a perfect heal.. but should work good enough with yours to keep us all in the game.." Drast mused.

He felt that same passing sinking feeling and couldn't quite place it. "Alright, so we might as well use all these freshly dead. Hunt the bastards. That can be a distraction, me too, if needed. You two finish what we came here to do. I have two reasons to see this through."

It wasn't lost on Drast that Edric wanted him and Ryan to avoid the fate suffered by there companions, but Drast was also never going to leave anyone behind. Not one of them, except maybe Bull.

Edric | Ryan Ashford
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It was a strange feeling having a power put into you. Ryan was immediately conscious as the power flowed her like a jolt of lightning. She was still a little slow as she stood but her wounds had closed at least and the pain was slightly less. She could do this. She wouldn't bleed to death anymore.

Her smile was small as she thanked her fellow Initiates. This was a good pair to get stuck with when you for tortured and beat.

"Drast is right, I'm not sitting on the bench. If you really wanted that, you could've let me stay passed out."

She was glad they hadn't though. She had shit to get done.

Edric Drastus Tal'deneshaar
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For a brief moment Edric considered the words, letting them sit in the air.

Neither of them were pushovers, having them with him during this would help, but it was almost a certainty that they would all die in the attempt. A part of him still wondered how Renou had thought this was a good idea. Sending a gaggle of Initiates after an Archon.

Had she thought they would take him by surprise? Had she some other plan?

Or had this been her only option?

That small flicker of annoyance once again carried through his mind. The knowing that he was missing something. Another piece of the puzzle kept away from him so that he would be left guessing. He was a soldier, he didn't need to know.

Trouble was, more and more he like like he wanted to know. "Alright."

He relented.

If they wanted to die, who was Edric to deny them.

"Send them to cause chaos here." He said in regards to the creatures Drastus could create. "Cause chaos and pull their eyes."

Edric glanced down the hall. "We'll head for the center."
Drast would clap his hands together as the ethereal glow in Rupert's eyes began to mirror in his. He would crouch low to the ground, both palms pressing along the surface of the cool stone and let out a steady exhale.

The glow would seep from his eyes before trailing down his arms and clawing its way to the bodies of the dead. It felt like forever to him, but it was no longer than a handful of minutes. When the stream ended and the glow faded from his eyes, Drast would push himself to his feet.

Just over two dozen new little friends started to wake up from their deathly slumber. "Bumble.. take the gang and go.. go have some fun, yeah?" He grinned to Bumble, who nodded and began to lumber off with the others shambling after him.

Rupert would be the only one sticking with them. "Alright, let's go kill some fuckers." Drast said with a little bit of his usual pep.

Edric Ryan Ashford
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Ryan watched the small army of the dead that Drast had reanimated head off in the direction that he had indicated. His power fascinated her every single time and, as creepy as it was, she loved to watch him work and watch his creations do their work. It was so brilliant.

Drastus, Edric, Rupert, and herself started to move. They followed Edric since he seemed to have some semblance of a plan. Drast's dead would create a distraction while they took care of anyone else and tried to find a way out of here.

Ryan was still in a good amount of pain but it was much better and getting better by the moment. She held a dagger in her right hand while her left hand stayed free for absorption.

Edric Drastus Tal'deneshaar
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Edric stayed close to the shadows, moving through the hall at a slow pace. Every step was practiced, patient, quiet. All around them the quiet distant shouts of prisoners could be heard. Some screaming for help, others threatening murder.

He could feel their life, flickering all around them ,reaching out and echoing down the halls.

A part of him didn't know what to make of it. This place, what they were doing. The truth was easy to see, but why? Why do such things? Why even bother? Most important, why did the Proctor care so very much. Enough to send half a dozen Initiates to stop it.

Desperate enough to do so.

"Hold on." Edric said with a frown, signalling to the others as they reached a heavy steel door.

Three locks stood on each side of the door, and beyond he knew lay the way to the tower.

Yet besides that there was something else. A flicker of life...but more than one. An amalgamation of dozens upon dozens of Beings. His face contorted, and he looked to the others. Slowly, almost painfully he spoke. "We need to get through this door."

Even though his entire body was screaming at him not to.
Drastus felt eyes on him and when he looked it was no other than Ryan. He would shoot her a quick grin then look back the direction his horde had shambled off to, then back to her. Boom. Wink city. Sixty percent of the time, it works every time. Then he was trailing Edric.

Quick as the shadows they moved throughout this twisted pleasure palace of screams and delight. So much death, so much joy? No, the joy was Rupert's, he was reveling in it. And he would sneak a soul or two as they walked, feeding his hunger. It wasn't an obvious thing, but Drastus could feel it through their bond.

Finally, their trek would come to a stop outside a giant steel door with locks galore. Guess he was up. Again. His hand would trace the fire glyph on his arm and he would set to work trying to burn through each of the locks. It was slow work that required him to stop so often to keep from burning himself with the slag. He had just finished the fourth lock and had to pause to take a moments respite.

"Next two won't burn.. they look enchanted.. Might even be spelled. Sorry guys." he would muse quietly with a curse.

Ryan Ashford Edric
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Ryan had to admit that she felt entirely useless right now as she watched Drastus melt the locks on the large steel door. That one time in the stable loft, they had spoken about how glyphs were helpful and she had thought about it but she had never gotten any. She regretted that now. It would be the first thing she figured out if she made it back to the Academy.

She was wallowing in her uselessness when Drastus spoke of the last two locks. Oh! She could be helpful...she hoped.

Ryan stepped past Drast and took one of the locks in her hand. She closed her eyes and focused on the energy that surrounded the lock. Yes, they were enchanted and she could work with that. Enchantments (and all magic really) took energy and power, she had the ability to absorb energy and power. These locks were a simple spell to strengthen them against magical and mundane attacks. They were not impervious to her power though since she pulled the actual enchantment from them.

Within a couple minutes, the locks were as ordinary as the others and she held a nice amount of extra strength inside her body. It was exactly what she needed.

"They should be normal now, Drast,"
Ryan said as she stepped away from the door.

Edric Drastus Tal'deneshaar
Edric stood in place, watching the halls as Drastus and Ryan worked at the locks.

More memories flickered through his mind as he waited. Renou speaking to him, whispering in his ear, asking him what it was he wanted. Her words had woven through his mind, wrapped like chains that were slowly coming loose.

He could hear her.

"He won't be expecting you."

The words came onward, resounding in his ears as though the good Proctor were standing right besides him. His head half turned, as if he were searching for her standing right there. No one met his gaze of course, no one save the empty hall.

A frown flickered over his features.

"Use the others as a distraction. He'll be weak. Vulnerable there. He has divided himself into too many pieces."

The last lock clicked free as Drastus' magic did it's work, melting through the steel just as the words rang in his mind. A frown pulled at Edric's lips, and he gently placed a hand on Drastus' shoulder to pull him back from the door. "Let me go first."

He told the other two as he grabbed the handle of the door. A loud metallic screech echoed out as he yanked the door free.

Darkness lay beyond, not a hall, but some sort of cavern. Edric frowned, stepping forward into the abyss. He moved through the doorway, and then almost instantly the lash of a tendril struck him. A screeching, echoing cry resounded outward and from the darkness emerged an amalgamation of flesh.

A dragon, once. Merged with dozens upon dozens of hands, faces, body parts that seemed stripped from men and women. It screamed, one of it's odd flesh like tendrils throwing Edric against the wall.
"Look at you go, Ry." Drast would praise her as she absorbed the enchantments, it was pretty damn cool. Then he set to work burning through the last bit of the locks.

Edric wanted to go first. "After you, Eddy." Drast would say, stepping out of the way. As the door opened, he couldn't help but notice the dark. It was always dark, but what was more curious was a cavern.. in the middle of whatever they were in.

By the time his eyes adjusted, he could just make out the tendril that struck Edric. And then he saw the second ugliest thing he had ever seen in his life. "Oh shit, I found Bulls dad!" He would shout with a laugh as he fired off some necrotic blasts from his fingertips to distract the ugly thing.

He would go one way and Rupert the other, disappearing almost entirely in the darkness.

If his attacks were doing anything, Drast couldn't tell, but he did hear another of those ghastly shrieks before he got slammed into by a tendril and went flying backwards, crashing into the ground before the door. "Oh fu-gah!" Yup. This ugly bastard was definitely winning.

Edric Ryan Ashford
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As soon as the door opened and all she saw was dark, she knew it was not going to go well. Of course, she was right.

A terrible shriek and a bang was the first sign of the fuckery. Her eyes slowly adjusted as she followed Drast and Rupert in last. She didn't close the door so they had some of that light to help with the adjustment.

It wasn't a room. It was a...cavern. Oh fuck no, she frowned as she looked at whatever the fuck that fucking creature was.

Then there was another a shriek and another bang. It was Drast this time. She tightened her hand on her dagger and stepped forward as she raised her arm to throw her dagger at the creature. Unfortunately, it did not even make it out of her hand before it clanged against the stone floor and she found herself slammed against a wall by a tendril too.

"Fuck!" She said as her head his the wall.

Edric Drastus Tal'deneshaar
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The creature didn't even seem to flinch as Drast fired off his necrotic blasts. It's form flickering forward as it continued to lash out at the three Initiates.

That strange, odd, amalgamation of flesh whipped towards Edric. Two of the tendrils lashed down directly at the young Initiate. Both of his arms came up, and the two others would hear a loud crack resound as thick cartilage slammed bone and snapped it in two. He let out a yelp of pain, and almost immediately tore at the beasts life form.

In desperation he grappled and grasped, ripping the creatures life away from it...only to find it did absolutely nothing.

He tore, ripped, and grappled at the monsters life. Yet each slip seemed to do nothing. As if a great well sat within the beast that seemed utterly unending. "We need to get t-"

Before he could finish speaking the tendril suddenly snapped back. It struck Edric across the face, blood casting over and across the wall behind him as it struck him once more. Seconds later it wrapped around his throat, grasping, choking the breath from his lung even as he grappled with the monsters life.

Sustaining himself even as the beast crushed his windpipe.