Private Tales A Journey Through Falwood

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
His clever attempt to free at least two of his companions fell flat. They were instead brushed aside as the talk of the hunt took the forefront before they were reminded that they could have ended up as the offerings for tonight had they not ran into the cubs first. A reminder of asking questions was given before the before the bowl with the smoke pouring out was placed in his face and Keiran found he lost the ability to speak.

The sensation was not dissimilar to dreaming. He was aware something was happening but he lacked the control to do anything about it. Instead he watched, no different then a fly on the wall. He saw a fort, besieged and under attack, a mass of people fleeing, and then ships. The moment lasted forever but in truth only moments past. He saw in great details and yet the fog of the smoke covered him in a haze as he came to. He knew of this fort and the people fleeing, yet he struggled to recall what he had seen with any clarity. The only thing he could recall clearly was the wrapped body of someone important to him, wrapped in the colors of his family.

By the time he came too, the smoke had made him tear and he sat there, trying to make sense of what he saw. The trinket was handed to him as he went through the motions of putting it on. Beside him, Howard and Duncan did much the same, quiet and trying to make sense of what they just saw.
After each of the others had thier visions Niq would look at the remaining lionman. He didn't really think they were in too bad of a situation. While the lions were a bit intimidating it seemed they were lucky enough to be in good favor with them. At least for now that is. Niq wouldn't get distracted from his main goal though. He hadn't yet forgotten why they were there in the forest. All they'd need to do was sit through the ceremony, and help with hunting the dakra. After that they'd be able to leave, and for Niq it would be a job well done.

"I don't think we have anymore questions. Well I don't at least." He'd say to the lion with a polite smile. Niq wasn't worried about the groups safety from the lions. Though he did worry a bit that the others might get a bit antsy from the situation. So he hoped for their sake that they could get to the ceremony, and get it over with.
Lionman stood without another word. He opend the flap allowing the humans to exit in front of him. Two guards were waiting outside. The camp had grown dark. No lions were in sight.

"Come i will take you to the gathering spot. We dont do this were we sleep" he didnt bother to exsplain he just grunted shooing the humans along. The forrest became thunderous with drums as they neared the gathering location it wasnt far from main camp. A large hollowed out tree seems to take center stage. The whole lionmen camp is gatherd in a semi circle. The white lion stands in front of the hollow tree. Lionman opens a large cage that sits beside a throne of some kind. Its on a raises platform in the back of the crowed of lions. The guards shoo the humans into the cage and locks it behind them.

"Do not worry humans you are guests. The cage is incase the blessings dont go in our favor. Sometimes this ceremony can drive a lion mad just incase that happens your safe from harms way"

The drums cease as soon as the white lion opens a book that hes been holding. He clears his throat and begins to speak.

"Fellow lionmen we are gatherd here today to offer the divine realm our bounty for what we catch on our own is ultimately up to the divine realm and has nothing to do with skill or nobility. The divine realm gifts us with the food in our bellys and the souls in our heart this does not come without sacrifice it does not come for free." he pauses momentarily and waves his hand to anther lion. The lion brings forth a large sack and when he emptys it out in front of the white lion out falls a young elf. He bound and gagged.

" this ultimate sacrifice will mean the victory of our people. This i have seen, this i know to be true"

The drums begin once more. The white lion begins to chant in cat speak. He walks down from the small stage in front of the hollow tree. As he chants the air becomes warm. The night cool air scared away to be replaced by warmth. The air felt like the air when you first enter grandmas house. Then the air begins to crackle. Not a crackle that could be heard over the increasingly loud thumping of the drums, more like buzz that could be felt each time the air touches ones skin.

The hollow tree suddenly bursts into flames.

"The divine realm is upon us!" the white lion yells over the chanting and drums being played.

Lionman tosses the humans the key to the cage as if he no longer cares.

The trees fire looked odd. It was no normal fire it had no interest in burning the tree it simply blanketed the wood. Never eating at it. The tree began to glow bright white light. The fires tips turned blue. Then out walked a lion. Right from the burning blue flames it was made of fire and stood taller than all the other lionmen. Everyone immediately threw themselves to the ground on site of it. Praying and asking for blessing. Kinglionman was the only one that remained seated though he didnt seem calm or in awe like all the other lionmen. He looked worried.

The white lion was the first to speak in what us now a dead silent gathering the drummers had stopped to pray.

"Your divine holiness we offer you an elf of the purest blood"

The fire lion looks down at the cowering creature. It picks the elf up gently the ropes and gag burn immediately but the boys flesh is unharmed..

The fire lion says nothing it turns and re enters the tree the tree suddenly is back to normal no evidence that there ever was a fire.

"I thought id never see you again" lionman says to thin air. A few of the other lions seem to have begun talking to no one in particular as well. Then suddenly the humans dead relatives were there too. The babbling crowd of lions hugging thin air and laughing must be talking to dead loved ones as well.
Herded once more and locked within a cage. It was hard to trust that they would make it out of this alive but all they could do at this point was hope. Amazing how a simple task had turn to such a spectacle. At least there was some comfort in the fact they had not been stripped of their weapons. Still... If they needed to act against the lionmen, how long would they last? Not long Keiran wagered.

Looking out the cage, Keiran's eyes went wide once the offering had been brought out. A young elf! Keiran gripped the bars upon seeing this. These ways of life were so foreign and frightening. He thought an offering would have been a deer or rabbit. But this?!?

"Better an elf then us...." Howard whispered, placing a hand upon Keiran's shoulder.

This did little to calm the Highlander however. Before he could hope to speak though, the white lion began his chant and the drums beat to life. The hollow tree burst into flames and the divine realm was upon them. The keys to the cage had been tossed to them and all three men struggled to reach it. At this point the party had every intention of running away however in the fevered attempt to grab the keys and release themselves, they nearly missed the lionman of fire emerging from the tree. Once freed, they simply paused in disbelief. How could such a thing be possible?!? They watched in frozen wonder how the specter claimed it's offering and return back to the flame.

Then something else happened. Nothing they had come across had been expected but what happened next was surreal. The Lionmen, all, began to talk... To no one in particular. At first Keiran thought they were talking to themselves.... But then he saw them hugging thin air. It didn't make sense until Howard gasped behind him and Duncan began to weep. What could warrant such a response.

"You look lost as ever love." A familiar voice called to him.

"Seona...?" Keiran said her name in confusion.

She was a highland woman, full of grace and spirit. Her hair was fiery red and wild, beautiful and untamed. Hey eyes sparkled with mischief and as always there was a grin on her face. That grin was his first memory of her as she pushed him to the floor and rubbed mud in his face as children. She made a hobby of taunting and teasing him and Keiran loved it. She had continued this behavior even after they had been married. Seona was a lady of the Highland people and of Clan Bruce, nobles much like the MacArthur's. Their marriage had been arranged since they were children, but the love that grew with them from childhood was real. In Seona, Keiran had found his equal and someone who made him a better person... And then she passed. Her illness had been sudden and her passing just as quick. For sometime, Keiran had been loss with out his wife but he had slowly moved on. She had been a chapter in his life that ended far to soon. Five years had passed since he lost her, and though he thought he had learned to accept her passing, hearing her voice brought him back to a place he didn't think he would soon return.

"How is this... What trickery is this." Keiran said unwilling to accept what his eyes showed him.

"You doubt I am real... Perhaps I am not... Perhaps this is my greatest trick upon you yet!" Seona teased.

"You have passed... I burned your body... I saw you return to ash... I mourned..." Keiran said slowly, his voice shaken.

"Yet here I am... Appearing from beyond... Is it to much to believe that I am here now speaking to you?" Seona replied.

"How...?" Was all the Highlander could get out.

"There ways are much different then our own.. However... The great beyond is connected in a great many ways we can never truly understand... Do not worry about how I am here or why.... How about you just enjoy the fact I am here you arseling." Seona said with that grin ever present.

Keiran let a laugh slip passed his lips and before he knew it he was crying and laughing and hugging his wife. "I have missed you so."

"And I you..." Seona replied.

Much like his companions, Keiran was busy talking with his loved one from the beyond.
Niq would watch the lionmen curiously as they all began to talk to nothing. It was as if each, and every single one of them saw something. Though he supposed it wasn't all to much of a stretch for them to. Especially considering the events that had just happened in which the forest was set ablaze. Though there was something that Niq wanted to know. What was it they were all seeing? Was it all the same entity? Possibly maybe something different for each person? Though he figured these questions would not be answered.

"I wonder whats happening?" Niq would say turning to the others in his group. Upon doing so he would realize they also were talking to something. Each one seemingly filled with a mix of sad, and happy emotions. He'd look in front of them trying, straining to see something were there was nothing. In the end he saw nothing. Though he made another realization. Whatever they were seeing everyone was seeing it. So shouldn't he too? He'd quickly turn looking all around him for something that wasn't there before. He saw nothing unusual. Whatever they saw escaped him. He was the only one out of all of the people, and lions who wasn't talking to something. He wondered why he wasn't seeing anything, but figured the answer to that question might never come.
The veil between the divine realm is always thin after the offerings.

A few lionmen let out mournful crys as the curtains to the divine realm close once more. Our loved ones fade back into there own realm. I stand wiping a tear from my face. Seeing a long past wife is a blessing in and of itself. The cerimony felt quick but time is never quite right when in touch with the divine. The moon has already hit mid sky.

"Gather your selfs brothers, the divine has blessed us now we hunt! The dakra will not steal our blessings this night."

I pull my great sword from behind my chair. I place it on my back.

Looking at the distraught humans.

"If you wish to return to your people do so. We will find the beast and slay it or die trying. Either way it is up to the divine realm"

I begin to bark orders at some of the men who arent still crying over dead loved ones.

I give a nod to the humans before taking off into the woods. My royal guard and a few others hot on my heals
All three men stood there, quiet as it seemed the spell, or what they believed to be a spell, came to a end. All three had shared in something incredible and equally terrifying and all appeared to have the same confused look. It was Keiran who came to first, realizing that they had been set free.

"It seems we can go..." Keiran said in a low voice.

"Then I say we race out of here... Tell the captain this is no place for men to hunt, much less visit." Howard replied.

"Niq... What say you... Ready to go?" Keiran looked to their guide. Unlike them, he seemed unaffected and Keiran was curious as to why.
“Yes... I suppose we can. Though before we leave can I ask who you were speaking with? I seem to be the only one who wasn’t taking with someone.” Niq would say to the men as he looked around at all lionmen. ‘Such an interesting community.’ Niq would think to himself as he looked at them. Though even as interesting as they were it would seem Niq would still have the responsibility of getting the others back safely. He would need the paycheck from the job. Especially seeing as he now had one more little mouth to feed.
"... Someone long departed..." He mulled over what had happened. What he had saw. His wife, long departed from this world.

"Best make haste and depart with you and your little friend... We were given a pass but there is no telling when that will expire and we are looked as food once more..." Keiran addressed Niq and then turned to Howard and Duncan. "We speak not a word of this... We do not talk of beastmen and the spectacle we just witness... If the captain asks, we encountered a Elvish hunting party who let us know we are not welcome, and any northman who trespassed further would be handled accordingly. All we saw were deer, hogs, and elves... "

The pair nodded after a moment, realizing the story Keiran was painting. If they told their captain of wild beastmen appearing, the man would order a hunting party. He was a trophy hunter and the thought of a prize such at this would be too enticing. Keiran, though new to the garrison, would not see men thrust into a battle that held no benefit. One last nod given, he turned heel and lead the way back.
the group of humans had no idea that a very curious child had sneaked away from his parents as they were distracted by the hunt. being only a young cub he what no interest in the ceremony with no memory's of past loved ones he had no exitance of his own. all he saw was all the grown ups acting funny. he started to follow the humans quietly as they started leaving.


I entered the forest with the others we formed a hunting party and began to scatter. moments later a loud shriek broke out followed by more high pitch war cries. they had picked up the scent and were calling back to the others so that they may follow. have of the tribe was running throw the trees at top speed.

I heard a another yell but it was of pain.

leo and Arron came running to me. leo looks panicked.

"we found it. it seems to have built a nest"

I frown dakras are normally male a nest would suggest a woman dakra. then an idea hit me. if its a woman its venom sprays out and melts who ever is in its path. if that venom were collected, well I could use that in my war efforts with the other factions.

"capture the dakra I think I may have a better use for it rather than hanging it on my mantel piece."

leo looked to Arron in confusion they exchanged looks then took off into the forest. I followed to were screams were breaking out.

there it was a female dakra cornered by a large tree great place for a nest but since this creature is so large it thinks itself as all powerful.

one lionmen throws a spear striking it in the thigh but only scratching its thick scaly skin

"capture it you idiot! get the nets!" leo barks his orders at the men. hes some what of my general he trains and controls the army

course I have final say on all military action.
Niq would follow the others heading back towards were they had come from. As he stood in the back he’d keep an eye out for threats anywhere. This would be from either the Dakra, as the Lionmen called it, or from the Lionmen themselves. As they moved though he couldn’t help but think about the events that transpired.

From Keiran’s short description of what they had seen early the dots began to connect themselves. If they were seeing loved ones long past there was no reason he’d see someone. If his parents were dead he wouldn’t know about, nor would he care. The same went for the people who raised him along with the other orphans. He had not found anyone in this world to care about except himself, and the animals of the world. The closest thing he had to family would be the thorn-mink he had only met earlier this day. Though in the middle of his thoughts he would hear something rustle in the tree behind them. Niq would look not seeing anything that appeared to be a threat. He’d dismiss it as just one of the lionmen on the hunt. Though he’d keep an eye on the area behind them just in case.
Howard and Duncan were quiet, taking in what they had seen and clearly left in wonder. It came to Keiran to step up. With short quick orders, he instructed them to keep on the the alert. They were still traveling through the forest and in short, there was no telling what they may come across. Falling back in step, Keiran would eventually find himself beside Niq.

"All is well friend?" He said in a low voice. Niq didn't appear to be as stunned as they and was quickly on alert, looking about as they moved. He wanted to make sure all was well with their small group.
The youg lionmen quietly moves from Branch to branch watching the humans as they leave. He knew his mother would have his pelt if she found out he had left the safty of the pride. However his fasination drove him to keep following the humans. The young cub only knew how tasty humans were. He had been told that all humans are is food. These humans didnt look like food to him. He wanted to know more about these humans.


It took us some doing but we finally had the beast subdued. I looked to leo and the others they looked tired.

"Get the shawmen so that he may collect samples from the dakra"
"Yes I believe so..." Niq would say looking around a bit more. He'd thought he'd heard the noise again. Niq couldn't say for sure though as it was so quiet one could easily have imagined it. Still he felt the hairs on his neck stand every time he thought he heard it. "Don't tell your companions," he'd whisper to Keiran, "but keep on hearing some sort of noise behind us. Could be the lions hunting, or possibly even my imagination. I'll keep my ears open though, and I'd suggest you do the same." Niq would say finishing his train of thought. The sound was too faint to be a lionman. A full grown one at least. Though even the children had seemed quite large. Maybe if it was a lionman, and not a figment of his imagination there was yet another reason for the subtlety of the sound. He'd have to give it some more thought though before he could say for sure.
Great... The thought that came to mind. They had managed to move on from the Lionmen unscathed only for one to possible be following them. He suppose that made sense, for them to keep an eye on them as they moved on. He just hoped it wouldn't escalate.

Taking heed of Niq's words, he opted not to tell Howard and Duncan, at least not right aware. The pair seemed to have alot on their mind and Keiran suspected it had to do with what they saw. It wasn't easy for him and he knew full well it couldn't have been easy for them.

"And if it is something?" Keiran whispered back after a moments of thought.