Private Tales A Fallen Knight

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
A smile touched his face, though he wasn't entirely sure why. The thought of going home was...not as appealing as he thought it would be. "Yeah."

Talus agreed quietly.

"How..." He began, and then suddenly stopped himself as he realized that his question might have been too sensitive. After a few seconds he shook his head, slowly continuing. "Why are you alone?"

He asked Finn.

The question was not meant to be mean or demeaning, but a request for genuine insight.
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Finn looked to Talus. Fingers pushed dirty blonde hair behind her ears. Thin shoulders shrugged as she hopped off the hammock and went back to the ship's wheel. Blues scouted ahead even though at this point, there was really no need to.

"I grew up in the slums of Elbion. Someone helped me get out. And since then?" She shrugged again, eyes tracking to Talus. "Just worked out that way. I like to explore. Create. Not really interested in what everyone else is."

Thoughts briefly drifted to Wes.

"Like creating chaos...getting"
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Talus nodded slightly.

He understood the idea behind it, though he thought himself incapable of it. Since he was five years old he had been trained to kill, to slaughter and perpetuate whatever war Vel Anir was plotting in that moment.

There was no escaping that. "I see."

A frown touched his lips, and he slowly looked back at her with an odd realization. She was from Elbion? Why hadn't the college scooped her up.

"Why weren't you at the College?" He asked. "You have magic, don't you?"

At least from what he saw.
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"Ha," she snorted.

"Those of Elbion don't exactly look at thieving street rats to join their rank. They could care less about people like me - no matter what kind of magic I have." She had a feeling the gang lords knew. Maybe one of the ruling families of Elbion that were behind their particular gang. But that was neither here nor there.

"I suppose it's different for those born of magic in Vel Anir, no matter your station?"

If only she knew.
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Reactions: Talus
He frowned. "It's..."

Talus could tell that there was something dark in Finn's past, she had all but admitted it, but how would it contrast with his own life?

"We're property of the state." He explained slowly. Did she really not know? She must have heard of Dreadlords before, made the connection? Perhaps not. "We don't really have a choice in the matter."

His fingers tightened on the railing for a moment. "Most of us are taken from our families at a young age, but...yeah Orphan or noble. Doesn't matter in Vel Anir."

You always go to the Academy.
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Reactions: Harry and Finn
“Oh,” she breathed quietly. On one hand, at least the state cared enough about its own people. On the other. They Finn didnt like the idea anyone taking away the newly minted freedom she was now used to.

Flying the skies.

“But you’re still glad you’re going back there, right?”
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Reactions: Talus
He chuckled.

"I'm not sure how to answer that, Finn." Talus said softly, running a hand over his forearm as though he were trying to brush something off. "It's all I've ever known."

The Life of a Dreadlord, the golden cage that had been made for him. The one that was only opened when he was supposed to kill someone.

"I have friends there." He said softly.

"But..." He glanced at her. "I'm not sure if that's enough."

If any of it was enough.
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Reactions: Finn
Finn leaned her elbows on one of the side railings. The wind ruffled through her hair. For a moment, she stared at the glittering lake they were approaching. Head turned, the wind shifting hair along her neck to reveal more of the tattoo that was usually hidden there.

It was a map.

“What would happen if you didn’t go back?”
"Once they found I was alive?" Which they inevitably would, they always did somehow.

Dreadlords and Proctors weren't fools. Hiding ward hard, even when you were more than half a world away from them.

"They would hunt me." His fingers tapped against the railing. "Kill anyone whose ever helped me."

A breath filled his lungs, and slowly he turned towards Finn. "Bring me back in chains."
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Reactions: Finn
She frowned as her eyes connected with his. She knew she had a bounty on her own head but she doubted they would search all the land to find her. Not like what he described the Anirians as.

"Oh," she managed.

Cogs turned in her mind.

"What if you faked your own death?"
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Reactions: Talus
He shook his head. "Some have tried it, but somehow the Proctors always figure it out."

A pause, then he added.

"Proctors are our teachers, the people who teach us how to use our magic." He shrugged, and then turned towards Finn. "Anyone I'm with would be put at risk, anyone that helps me in danger, especially if they find me."

The Dreadlords had their methods of torture. "I've thought about running, I think all of us do at one point, but..."

He shrugged solemnly.
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Reactions: Finn
"Sounds like you're living a half life, I suppose." She pushed off the railing and went back by the wheel. Hands propped on the controls.

"Sounds like the life I was bound to in the city. Before I got out. But you seem well off? Fed, taken care of? And if you ever seriously wanted to try to run. I'd...," she paused, wondering if she really meant what she was about to offer. Then. She supposed she was.

"Help you. It's not like their magic can hurt me."
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Reactions: Talus
He smiled. It was strange to think that on this missbegotten adventure he had somehow made a friend. Those were a rare thing for him, and Finn was likely more trustworthy than any others that he already had.

Not that he blamed any of them for that. Hal and Sierra had grown up in the same system as he, they had little more choice. "Thank you."

Talus said as he shook his head.

"I'll be alright." His fingers tightened. "I'm a student right now, but I'll graduate soon and with that comes more freedom."

Perhaps then he could think about running.
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Reactions: Finn
Chin tipped toward the waters they were now floating over. She offered him a silent nod. Maybe things would work out for him. She could understand being hesitant in leaving the only place you've ever known.

It looked like they would be parting ways soon.

"I think we made it." Blues shifted ahead and away from Talus' stalwart face.
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Reactions: Talus
Concern creased his features, and for a second Talus found himself too wrapped up in other thoughts to even acknowledge Finn's words. His eyes stared down at the water, but there was a hollowness to the way he watched them.

Did he really want to return? Wouldn't they think he was dead anyway? Couldn't he just stay here, travel through the Spine and do as he pleased?

No. He thought to himself. Not with them still there.

Leaving behind Sierra and Hal...he couldn't do that.

They weren't children, they could take care of themselves, but Talus knew that if he left without word to them...he wouldn't be able to forgive himself. Finally he felt a brush of wind against his cheeks, Talus turning his head and seeing the nearby town. "Oh."

He couldn't keep the disappointment from his voice.
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Reactions: Finn