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- 43
It was a dark day when the Abyssal came to Cortosi Coast, Allir Reach. From the depths of the sea, slimy, tentacled horrors emerged from their underwater lairs and began to lay siege to villages and towns across the coast, abducting many and dragging them back into the water for some unknown purpose, killing any who resisted. Word had quickly spread to the city of wealth, Alliria and soon, the city guard in conjunction with the standing army began to mobilize. For every regiment that was raised to defend her, there were at least a half a dozen mercenary groups the merchants had hired to aid them. As when the Emerald Death had attacked, the city guard had manned her walls, declared martial law and sent out companies of fighters to delay the oncoming hordes, both to buy time for the refugees to escape and for yet more fortifications to be constructed.
Among those chosen to be on the front lines were the Freedom Fighters, a small but mobile group of sellswords that owed their allegiance to the Paladin, Nathaniel Jameson. However, when the hordes had arrived on the neighboring towns, their leader was away on an important, personal mission, and so it fell to his apprentice and right-hand man, Maximus Album to lead in his master's absence.
Max was not the tallest member of the Freedom Fighters, nor was he the most heavily armored, but he was by far the strongest of them physically and had learned under the Paladin of Nykios himself. Furthermore, he had previously been a member of the Army of Ragash, several years before. This skill lent well to field command as he had laid out his plan to drive back the sea-born hordes. Seeing as how the enemy could emerge from any point along the coast and had yet to show their full strength, Max's usual method of hit and run tactics were abandoned in favor of a static defense and overwhelming firepower.
They had chosen an uninhabited area of the beach, with their backs to the neighboring towns outside the city, both to avoid civilian casualties and to try and gauge the enemy's capabilities.
Mages and ranged combatants had set up makeshift trenches along the beach and prepared spike pits in sand dunes to trap incoming attackers. Archers and slingers and crossbowmen were among them. A line of spearmen in heavy armor and shields set up in the front and waited while Max oversaw their efforts.
Unlike his brothers, Max had forgone the use of heavy armor, preferring instead to remain outside the line, both to direct his men and to try to give them an inspiring presence. All the troops in the line had heard of Nathan's staunch fighting prowess, but to have him be gone in this hour would be detrimental to their morale. Instead, Max intended to show them that even an apprentice Paladin was still a force to be reckoned with.
"Men, women, my brothers and sisters." He began, deciding a speech would do well for them before the battle was joined. It would have to be a short one, considering the number of sightings were increasing with every hour. "I do not want to be here. These creatures, these...Abyssal are a force unlike any I have ever faced. An unknown threat that has emerged from the depths of the sea. We know not their numbers or their power. All we know is they threaten our homes, our families, our very way of life itself stands in awful jeopardy.'
No one spoke. Max continued.
'Perhaps my words surprise you. It falls to me to tell you that I feel no fear. That I know for absolute certainty that our victory is assured. Let me tell you the truth, for you have earned that right. I tell you now, I look into your faces and I see outstanding courage and resilience that I know is unequaled by any force in the world. It brings me no small amount of pride and joy, to look upon you and to see you standing here. I know, many of you are afraid, as am I. This coming battle promises to be one unlike any that has been fought before. I have faced horrors beyond measure, enemies beyond description, things even what my master himself has said would have been strong enough to slay even one mighty as he."
Still, there was silence. Men and women looked to their sides, as if puzzled by the apprentice's words, but not a word was spoken.
"Let me tell you now, that fear you feel, that bristling on the back of your necks, that is a good thing to feel. It will prove useful in the coming battle. It shows you are not fools. It shows that yes, we might well face death at the hands of an enemy we never expected to face. The fact that you still are here now... I cannot conceive of the sheer amount of bravery that beats in your hearts."
Men could not help but stand up a little straighter at his words. Max could swear he could see a few smiles on faces beneath their helmets, but still, there was not a sound. He might well have been addressing a company of statues.
"It shames me to admit this, but I would abandon this defense if I could. My instinct screams at me to run. To drop my spear. To flee for my life and spend my final few hours of life with my brothers organizing the defense of our home, behind the safety of the high walls. Yet, I remain. The dutiful side of my heart demands that I stay and fight. If I have but one choice, it will be this: I will stand and fight. I will hold this line, to give another hour, another minute or even a single second more time for our friends, those who are not here fighting with me!'
With that, Max turned, pointing with one arm to the sea endlessly lapping against the shore.
"When the enemy hordes emerge from those dark depths, they will find me waiting for them with my spear in hand. Not because I believe I can win, but because it is right! I stand against them, knowing that for every moment I give, it will buy another second of grace to our allies. If I cannot win here, now, then I will die knowing that I slew a great many of the enemy. That I will be part of the stepping stone that will bring salvation."
Max paused a moment as he donned his own helmet, then turned to his troops, raising his spear high.
"I have said enough. You need not hear more of my proclamations. All I ask now is that you share some of that courage with me. All I ask now, my brave companions is this: Are you with me?!"
"We are with you, Maximus!" The entire company roared back, raising their weapons in salute.
Just then, as if on cue, the enemy hordes began to arrive. Hideous and numbering in the hundreds, they slogged their way out of the sea. Thralls were the first of them. Humans who had been taken by the enemy and turned against their own. Pale skinned and bearing whatever weapons they had tried to defend themselves with before they were abducted, they formed an unruly mob that charged straight for the front lines with reckless abandon.
"For Alliria!" Max cried as he turned and rushed forward.
The first blood of this battle at least was drawn by men. Max's spear impaled straight through the chest of his attacker, one of the actual Abyssal creatures itself - a disgusting beast with three eyes on its featureless face. With a grunt of exertion and a prayer on his lips, Max turned it aside and flung the creature to the ground. It tried to swipe at him with its tentacled arms, but he quickly finished it by raising his booted foot and stomping, hard upon its head. Inky black blood spurted from its head as he split it in two like an overripe fruit. The tentacles immediately fell still; the creature slain.
Behind him, Max's troops cheered.
Among those chosen to be on the front lines were the Freedom Fighters, a small but mobile group of sellswords that owed their allegiance to the Paladin, Nathaniel Jameson. However, when the hordes had arrived on the neighboring towns, their leader was away on an important, personal mission, and so it fell to his apprentice and right-hand man, Maximus Album to lead in his master's absence.
Max was not the tallest member of the Freedom Fighters, nor was he the most heavily armored, but he was by far the strongest of them physically and had learned under the Paladin of Nykios himself. Furthermore, he had previously been a member of the Army of Ragash, several years before. This skill lent well to field command as he had laid out his plan to drive back the sea-born hordes. Seeing as how the enemy could emerge from any point along the coast and had yet to show their full strength, Max's usual method of hit and run tactics were abandoned in favor of a static defense and overwhelming firepower.
They had chosen an uninhabited area of the beach, with their backs to the neighboring towns outside the city, both to avoid civilian casualties and to try and gauge the enemy's capabilities.
Mages and ranged combatants had set up makeshift trenches along the beach and prepared spike pits in sand dunes to trap incoming attackers. Archers and slingers and crossbowmen were among them. A line of spearmen in heavy armor and shields set up in the front and waited while Max oversaw their efforts.
Unlike his brothers, Max had forgone the use of heavy armor, preferring instead to remain outside the line, both to direct his men and to try to give them an inspiring presence. All the troops in the line had heard of Nathan's staunch fighting prowess, but to have him be gone in this hour would be detrimental to their morale. Instead, Max intended to show them that even an apprentice Paladin was still a force to be reckoned with.
"Men, women, my brothers and sisters." He began, deciding a speech would do well for them before the battle was joined. It would have to be a short one, considering the number of sightings were increasing with every hour. "I do not want to be here. These creatures, these...Abyssal are a force unlike any I have ever faced. An unknown threat that has emerged from the depths of the sea. We know not their numbers or their power. All we know is they threaten our homes, our families, our very way of life itself stands in awful jeopardy.'
No one spoke. Max continued.
'Perhaps my words surprise you. It falls to me to tell you that I feel no fear. That I know for absolute certainty that our victory is assured. Let me tell you the truth, for you have earned that right. I tell you now, I look into your faces and I see outstanding courage and resilience that I know is unequaled by any force in the world. It brings me no small amount of pride and joy, to look upon you and to see you standing here. I know, many of you are afraid, as am I. This coming battle promises to be one unlike any that has been fought before. I have faced horrors beyond measure, enemies beyond description, things even what my master himself has said would have been strong enough to slay even one mighty as he."
Still, there was silence. Men and women looked to their sides, as if puzzled by the apprentice's words, but not a word was spoken.
"Let me tell you now, that fear you feel, that bristling on the back of your necks, that is a good thing to feel. It will prove useful in the coming battle. It shows you are not fools. It shows that yes, we might well face death at the hands of an enemy we never expected to face. The fact that you still are here now... I cannot conceive of the sheer amount of bravery that beats in your hearts."
Men could not help but stand up a little straighter at his words. Max could swear he could see a few smiles on faces beneath their helmets, but still, there was not a sound. He might well have been addressing a company of statues.
"It shames me to admit this, but I would abandon this defense if I could. My instinct screams at me to run. To drop my spear. To flee for my life and spend my final few hours of life with my brothers organizing the defense of our home, behind the safety of the high walls. Yet, I remain. The dutiful side of my heart demands that I stay and fight. If I have but one choice, it will be this: I will stand and fight. I will hold this line, to give another hour, another minute or even a single second more time for our friends, those who are not here fighting with me!'
With that, Max turned, pointing with one arm to the sea endlessly lapping against the shore.
"When the enemy hordes emerge from those dark depths, they will find me waiting for them with my spear in hand. Not because I believe I can win, but because it is right! I stand against them, knowing that for every moment I give, it will buy another second of grace to our allies. If I cannot win here, now, then I will die knowing that I slew a great many of the enemy. That I will be part of the stepping stone that will bring salvation."
Max paused a moment as he donned his own helmet, then turned to his troops, raising his spear high.
"I have said enough. You need not hear more of my proclamations. All I ask now is that you share some of that courage with me. All I ask now, my brave companions is this: Are you with me?!"
"We are with you, Maximus!" The entire company roared back, raising their weapons in salute.
Just then, as if on cue, the enemy hordes began to arrive. Hideous and numbering in the hundreds, they slogged their way out of the sea. Thralls were the first of them. Humans who had been taken by the enemy and turned against their own. Pale skinned and bearing whatever weapons they had tried to defend themselves with before they were abducted, they formed an unruly mob that charged straight for the front lines with reckless abandon.
"For Alliria!" Max cried as he turned and rushed forward.
The first blood of this battle at least was drawn by men. Max's spear impaled straight through the chest of his attacker, one of the actual Abyssal creatures itself - a disgusting beast with three eyes on its featureless face. With a grunt of exertion and a prayer on his lips, Max turned it aside and flung the creature to the ground. It tried to swipe at him with its tentacled arms, but he quickly finished it by raising his booted foot and stomping, hard upon its head. Inky black blood spurted from its head as he split it in two like an overripe fruit. The tentacles immediately fell still; the creature slain.
Behind him, Max's troops cheered.
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