Fable - Ask A Change of Plans

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first

Livia Quinnick

Leading the Way
Character Biography
Livia showed her nerves easily as she sat and waited for the representative of the Republic.

She had a shit time getting sleep the night before, did not have much of an appetite this morning, and now, she was forced to drink some tea to 'calm her nerves' at Cenric's insistence. Quinnick could not see or tell which face he wore, but he was present. Her magic had trouble pinpointing his exact location, but only because he could so freely change bodies. It was as if he left trails that were too confusing to follow, and thus she did not think on it anymore.

A little over a week had passed and word had found it's way to Liv and Cenric that the Republic wished for an update. Perhaps it was their way of ensuring the Initiate was still alive and well, but either way, this extra day delaying their travels left the girl impatient and nervous.

An update with nothing to offer. They were following a trail, slowly at that too. To Livia, it meant shame. She could not make quick work of this, and felt as if her compass magic would become ridiculed once again. She tried so hard to change things around for herself during her years at the Academy, but she was to graduate soon. What if the Dreadlords see her as something lowly, like a Fourth Level instead of the Third level she wanted to work for?

And still, the seat across from her in the booth of the pub in some seaside town nearing the Falwood remained empty.

One more minute, or else I am leaving.
  • Devil
Reactions: Cenric
The first sign of the envoy's arrival to Livia would actually have been the clacking of a cane on hardwood if she managed to hear it over the hustle and bustle of the pub. Soon a familiar figure slipped into the seat in front of her as he massed with some hair hanging in front of his face. His dull grey eyes pointed directly at her.

"Hello, Livia. It's good to see you. How have you been?"

While the question was asked politely, it was clear that Alistair was also asking out of worry for her. The requested meeting place near the Falwood was unexpected as it still remained clear where their party was heading for their artifact. Alistair's own investigation into his artifact was pointing him north.

"We heard there were some changes and the higher-ups wanted an update. I'm just here more to check with you."

Even while he spoke, Al characteristically continued to monitor the crowd. He knew that someone else from her party had to be here as Erodin would not leave Livia on her own.

Livia Quinnick
Perched upon the high roof top opposite the pub crouched a woman.

Her face a dispassionate mask, the platemail on her shoulders seeming to weigh absolutely nothing as she shifted and watched the two Dreadlords below. The woman made no real attempt to hide herself from view, though the buildings sign was more than enough for her to hide behind from all but the most observant.

The figure watched with just a flicker more interest as Alistair made his way towards the restaurant. Amber eyes following his broken gait as he made his way towards Liv. Lips pressing to a thin line as he read the man's words from a distance.

"Fuck me." Cenric complained to himself as he gently bashed his head against the sign in front of him. "Small talk?"

They'd already taken a fucking detour in getting here for this stupid update, and now he wanted to ask Liv how she was? Did the Republic really feel the need to hem them in this much? Did they not realize that they were in competition for these damned artifacts?

A long sigh dragged from the woman's lips, head tilting upwards for a moment before he returned his attentions. "Come on Livy, wrap it up."

He begged quietly. "We have a thousand miles to cover."

Cenric said, rubbing at his vessel's face.
She knew that sound, knew that familiar presence that her magic picked up on.

Her olive gaze fell upon the cloudy pair that belonged to Alistair Krixus. He had been one of the last to see Livia before she embarked on this mission on behalf of the Republic, but she could not help the impatient tapping of her fingers against tabletop. They stopped as soon as he inquired about seeing how she was doing, and Livia snorted.

"I am still alive."
That came out sharper than she intended, and the Initiate sighed and turned her head to look out the window, watching the busy street and the people and carts and oxen filling it. "Gilram caught wind of Erodin and Amelie and begun hunting them both. They are sure he does not know of my involvement, and what I am doing for them and the Republic, and so to ensure I am kept safe, they brought in Erodin's mentee, Cenric."

And Cenric had proved to be a great travel companion. Conversation was never boring, and he poked and poked her for answers to questions she was sure belonged at the Academy, but it proved a great distraction from her growing impatience and frustration.

"This is going to be a lengthy mission because I cannot track the exact whereabouts of the artefact, only the path it has taken. So... sorry to say, but I really do need to get going." Livia offered Krixus a weak smile, sheepish that she could not stay to chat any longer, but there was precious minutes being wasted if they were not on the road moving. "You can tell the Republic I plan on attending Graduation... because I am not waiting another year to be gone from that place."

Alistair Krixus Cenric
  • Popcorn
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Slowly, Alistair's smile dropped from his face and his eyes seemed to deaden, his facial emotion did not switch to disappointment but more of a sad confirmation of something was quickly made aware.

"That was not in the original agreement...With such a change of terms, you don't have to be here, another seeker can be provided if they are so willing to change their end of the deal."

The mention of Cenric did spark in him some emotion, if it was who he thought it to be then they were a member of the Vigilite. That both relieved some worries and created new ones. That also explained the confusing magical auras in the areas. Liv's own magical aura was enough to annoy Alistair, but combined with Cenric's ever-changing magical energy, it was difficult to pen anyone down.

Ultimately, this was meeting was meant to get a status report on Livia's current mission while also performing a psychological evaluation on Livia. Had her time spent with Erodin and Amelie indoctrinated her in any way?

"And a hello would have been nice."

Livia Quinnick Cenric
A long yawn pulled from from his lips, smacking together lazily as he looked down at his nails.

It was always strange to inhabit a female vessel. Comfortable, in a strange sort of way, but he never knew what to refer to himself as. Cenric supposed that his original body was male, but gender seemed a rather silly thing to worry about when you could inhabit a different body at will.

"When did I get my nails painted?" The Dreadlord asked himself with a frown. "Ah well, looks nice."

A shrug rolled over his shoulders, and with a clank of platemail the woman still watching from above leaned against the chimney besides her. Eyes narrowing as she read the words that fell from Alistair's lips. Wondering how Erodin and Amelie would take to their deal being changed from the other side. "Kress. Hope I don't have to kill him."

Shame to lose what could be such a valuable asset.
She was quick to try and get an answer in, but Alistair stumped her by pointing out she had not properly greeted him. Such a failure would have gotten her a mark down form Proctor Urahil's Etiquette class, but Livia sank in her seat a little and stared at him a beat. "Apologies. Hello, it is good to see you, Krixus."

But time was not on their side. She blew a stray piece of silver hair away from her face, clearing her throat before pulling her arms to cross over her chest. "I do not want anyone pulling me out from this task. I know anyone can be a good tracker when given the time, but I am the best shot at getting this done quickly. While Gilram is chasing after Erodin and Amelie, he is not looking to me and wondering where it is I am going." Liv chewed her lip, green eyes dropping to stare at the table's surface between them.

She loosed a sigh.
"Look, do you want to meet Cenric? Talk to him to get to know him and feel a little better about this change in plans?" And she did not wait for his answer before her leg hooked around the chair to her right and dragged it to her table. He would have eyes on her, she did not know which pair had been watching, but he would know that invitation to sit and talk was for him.
He had largely expected the answer, as very few Dreadlords would take an opportunity to not complete an assignment. Still, he had put the offer out there just in case.

"That would be up to him, as I suspect he already had the opportunity to come do so."

Alistair turned his gaze in the direction where Cenric would be located. While he could not directly pin point where the discreet Dreadlord was, it was easy to figure out where in the vicinity the man would be, simply by looking in the direction where it was most difficult for Alistair to 'see.'

"But yes, I would also like to hear where your senses are taking you, at least a direction or any other knowledge you may have. We have scholars back in Vel Anir that are attempting to find and connect the dots with these relics we are seeking."

In truth, the scholars were doing a piss poor job of it all. Any knowledge that Alistair had on his own relic had largely been gained from his own scrying or work by Salak. Still, the Republic wanted to feel like they had more of a hand in this search, so Alistair would play his part.

The longer Alistair spoke with Livia the more closely he seemed to be looking at her, looking through her. He was analyzing her magical aura to see any apparent changes. An aura was often subject too change, often changing due to experience, training, or just new understandings of one's own magic.

Cenric Livia Quinnick
A heavy thud rang out across the street from the cafe as a woman in full-plate came crashing down onto the cobbles. Her boots thundered against the ground, and a noblewoman let out a quiet 'eek' as the soldier stood and glanced up at her. "Apologies."

Cenric said, dipping his head in a nod as he began to stride across the street. As he moved he reached up and unclasped the sword from his back. Letting it fall into the palm of his hand as he stepped over the barrier of the cafe and joined the two other Anirians.

"Lord Krixus." Cenric said, tilting his head in greeting. "What a fine day to meet a fellow member of our esteemed cities Secret Police."

He leaned his sword against the table. "I was just telling Liv the other day how most Dreadlords just choose the boring jobs."

"Refreshing to talk to someone with brains enough to make a different choice."
Cenric continued, flagging down the waitress so that he could order a drink.
Livia snorted.

She was unsure of her own future come graduation, but the Vigilite had extended an invitation to her with her magic in mind. Perhaps it was a flattering thing that her compass magic was sought after, as she was part of a secret task force to train and take down rogue Archons, and now the Vigilite.

Two of their members were now sat at the table she was present at.

"This new look of your's is..."
Liv made a face, peering over the woman. It humoured and left her surprised whenever he took on a female vessel. "Fascinating."

She cleared her throat and sighed softly. "Alistair here believes I can be taken back to Vel Anir, and a tracker takes my place." Her gaze did not look to either of them. Perhaps Al was right, and Cenric would agree with him and send Livia away. She had believed such a role was destined for her, for her magic to give them proper course on their travels.

Was she wrong?
  • Blank
Reactions: Cenric
A polite smile quickly popped onto his face as he took a good long look at Cenric. The actual appearance itself did not do much for Alistair, but he did try to memorize the aura in front of him, even if he knew it may change. Cenric had developed a strong reputation in the Vigilite, especially as one of the best for infiltration, for obvious reasons.

"Yes, it's good to know someone competent is looking after Livia."

Cenric's mention of boring jobs did bring a genuine smirk to his face as he glanced back at Livia, "Sadly, they can not find many of us that can do actual thinking on the job." he joked.

Livia's own repeating of his thoughts brought him back to the slightly serious matter at hand.

"Yes, I mentioned such an idea to Livia, but she seems against it so I will respect her wishes...I worried that if Erodin and Amelie were so quick to change this section of the agreement, then what else would they be willing to change without informing us."

Alistair was aware that Cenric was an ally of the two, and potentially even Livia was, but he saw no reason not to speak of his worries. If not now then when.

"If Livia wished it then I believe we would have a strong argument to do so. Alas, she is set on finishing her assignment...admirable."

Livia Quinnick Cenric
"Allirian Ranger." Cenric said, gesturing to the patch on the woman's shoulder. Though not elaborating on why he'd taken the body, nor why he'd chosen to use it today. "Didn't really have much of a sense of fashion."

The Dreadlord said, continuing his and Liv's debate of which of the two of them was more stylish. Though quickly quieted as the Initiate continued to speak.

"Alistair here believes I can be taken back to Vel Anir, and a tracker takes my place."

As Livia said those words, the head of Cenric's vessel slowly turned towards Alistair. Cocking a single brow as though waiting for him to answer the accusation. Which, of course, he immediately did. "The bargain hasn't changed."

He stated plainly.

"Erodin and Amelie are protecting her." Putting distance between themselves and Liv had been the kindest possible thing they could do. "Gilram wants their heads for killing his ex-wife."

Information was power. It had more value than gold, in the right hands, sharing it was not often the best thing to do. But here, Cenric knew that doing so would bare fruit. "In a roundabout way, getting her away from themselves was the safest thing to do."

Cenric flashed the Initiate a brief smile, then looked to Alistair.

"Not to mention the opportunity it gives us, and you." The vessel said, motioning to the nearby waitress. "While Gilly is distracted on his quest for vengeance. We can look for the artifact."

Another smile flashed over his vessel's features. "And you can look for the others."
A raised eyebrow was the only reaction to the news of Gilram's wife's death. That would make a lot of sense, and explain the increase in movement from Gilram's pieces recently. They had originally thought he was just preparing for something big, but it was him being retributive...That could be just as dangerous.

"I don't particularly disagree with any of your statements. I meant to offer that if they can protect her from afar then she could find your artifact from afar. It was merely an offer for her to make a decision, see has so I will not entertain the subject any longer."

People often thought their side was the only side that could manipulate the words of an agreement like they were the only side smart enough to think of such ideas. He would not be surprised if Erodin thought the entire Republic to be idiots, hell he basically already did.

Besides, the idea was not something brought up by Vel Anir. This was something he thought of to give Livia and out if she wanted it. His first job was the well-being of the Republic, but he looked after those he called friends.

"If what you just said is true, which I have every reason to trust your truthfulness, then we'll move up our own timeline for traveling north. Maybe we can have all the relics found within the next two months." Alistair offered hopefully.

If Alistair was heading north to an unknown and unfamiliar kingdom, then they were heading south into an overly familiar kingdom, that would also love to see them dead.

Cenric Livia Quinnick
Livia raised her brows, flicking her eyes between Cenric and Alistair both.

Relief and validation had her feeling secure now in this endeavor to find the artifact, that Cenric did not wish her to return to Vel Anir, or Alistair insist she return to the Academy. She had grown up knowing anyone could do what she could, but no one could catch that sense of direction the second it changed, or the visions that came with the destination. There was more of her magic she wanted to unlock on this mission, and she knew Cenric would be one to help her.

But there were times Liv wished she was back at the Academy, surrounded by her peers, and being swept off her feet by a certain blond boy gifted with speed. She wanted to make things right with Silas, but the distance had made her miss him like she never thought she would ever with anyone in her life.

"Hey, Al?"
Livia cut in, clearing her throat as she sat up straight in her chair. "Did you check on Silas and... see how he is?" A letter burned in her pocket. It was not done, nor will it ever be done, there was too much to say to say to him in terms of apologies. Erodin had shown her a rune that would send messages better than letters, but in the end she could not bring herself to do so.

Her eyes were fixed on Alistair, not wanting to see whether or not Cenric would be bored or annoyed by her making chit chat when they really needed to go.
"That's a grand idea." The woman said as Alistair spoke of heading north. A toothy grin touching the vessel's features. "In fact."

He glanced briefly towards Liv, considering just how thin he could stretch himself.

Though his magics allowed for far more control that most would assume, there was a limit to what even he could do. The bodies that carried him all over the world could only be strained so far, and the tether between them had it's limits as well.

Still, there was opportunity here. "I think it best I join you on that trip. Coordinate, as you will."

Cenric flashed Alistair a smile. "I know the North well."

He continued, though didn't elaborate as he noted the small hint of nerves and eagerness sitting besides him. One glance telling him that there was a question on Liv's mind that she desperately wanted answered. The older Dreadlord fell quiet, allowing his ward to speak her mind and ask her question.

Knowing it was best to allow her to seek the answers she so desired.
  • Bless
Reactions: Livia Quinnick
Cenric joining their venture up north? That was something he had not considered, but it would prove helpful, especially if he genuinely knew of the location they were heading to. Al had been to Nordengaard, several times in fact. However, this northern island was actually fairly close to Vel Anir and remained a mystery to Alistair.

"We will be happy to have you along."

He would have preferred to continue talking about the missions because the next questions by Livia were not in his comfort zone. Oh...about that. Defining 'checking up on' was difficult for Alistair. He had checked in on the boy at the Academy, never having outright conversations with him, but he was alive and breathing the last he checked.

That had to count for something.

Alistair had very much wanted to avoid him having to discuss whatever weird love relationship the two initiates were sharing.

"He is...alive."

Cenric Livia Quinnick
Her face fell flat.

Brows furrowed slightly, and Livia found herself moving to lean back into her chair as she averted her gaze. She now wished Henk had been present. Henk understood why she would have asked such a thing, and he would have ensured all was well.

"Alright. We are done here." She did not wait for anyone to stop her from pushing back her chair, standing, and tucking her chair back into the table. "I am getting some rations for the trip."

Cenric and Liv had already gathered their supplies for the next leg of the journey, but Livia needed a moment away. She wished there had been more to Alistair's answer, something to keep the guilt for not sending Silas a letter or message in the time she had been away from the Academy.

There was a market nearby, easily seen from the windows of the Dreadlords she had left. Livia's bright hair was unmistakable, but she figured Cenric had one of his many vessels watching out for her.
  • Devil
Reactions: Cenric
Cenric had to bite back the chortle in his throat, nearly spitting out the drink he'd been taking a sip as Alistair answered Liv.

His vessel shook slightly with concealed laughter, face somehow remaining blank as the Initiate stood from the table and brought their meeting to an end. A moment passed at Liv walked away, and finally Cenric let out the chuckle he'd been suppressing. Glancing at Alistair with no small amount of amusement. ”I see you're not one of those hopeless romantics I've heard so much about.”

The Dreadlord said with slow shake of his head.

As Livia walked away, she would soon find Ein’s body falling into stride besides her. The trademark cocky smile pulling at his lips as the amusement of one vessel carried through to another.

”Perhaps it's best we take our turn south.” He said finally, offering Livia an escape from the realities that still hung over her. Their journey was far from finished, and the more time they wasted the longer it would be before they returned. There was no telling how far they had to go, with only Liv’s magic pointing their way.

It could be days, or weeks, before they found their feet upon the shores once more.
  • Frog Sus
Reactions: Livia Quinnick
Alistair sighed as he watched Livia storm off. Ok, so he might have dropped the ball a little bit on that one, but what had she expected with that? He was horrible when it came to dealing with that lovey-dovey stuff, it had been a miracle it worked out with Kristen for so long before she left him.

Besides, it wasn't like he had completely left the boy on his own. Alistair kept his eye on him at the Academy. If he would have seen any major breakdowns coming then he would have intervened, but he never had too. That was a good thing.

He wanted to call out to Liv and explain, but he realized there wasn't much to discuss. She had wanted him to do something specific and he had not understood that and in doing so failed.

"Apparently not."

Alistair got up from his seat at the table, and this meeting was clearly over. He would have to make it up to Livia at some other point but now was not the time.

"Please send one of your bodies to the Krixus estate when you are prepared to leave. All of our preparations should be ready within two weeks. I'll see you then." He directed at the female body.

With that said he turned to leave and disappeared back into the crowd of people.

Livia Quinnick Cenric
  • Frog Sus
Reactions: Livia Quinnick