"Perhaps not, but you wouldn't have wasted your time looking for him had he told either of us where he was going." She shrugged, still sheepishly making an attempt to apologize after Chasmine rejected the first. Having spent no time with the girl when she was alive, Ysobel's first experience with Chas was shockingly pleasant. She could admit that she appreciated having company, but the company of someone who had gone out of her way to force Ysobel, who'd for all purposes been rotting in bed since Gaage left, out of the house to do something as simple as flower picking...She was grateful. Genuinely, truly grateful that she had shown up when she did.
Her eyes followed Chasmines up into the trees. Everything looked the same to her. Herbalism classes had been lost entirely on the blonde. It was probably a good thing, she'd never had to forage for food on her own, else she'd have been dead five years ago.
"What kind of medicinal property would you get from eating tree bark?" She wondered aloud, continuing on with, "did they call it dogwood after a dog's barking?" and a quiet giggle.
Her eyes followed Chasmines up into the trees. Everything looked the same to her. Herbalism classes had been lost entirely on the blonde. It was probably a good thing, she'd never had to forage for food on her own, else she'd have been dead five years ago.
"What kind of medicinal property would you get from eating tree bark?" She wondered aloud, continuing on with, "did they call it dogwood after a dog's barking?" and a quiet giggle.