Private Tales A Big Pea in a Small Hole

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Character Biography
It started as all great adventures did.

With a very long walk.

You see, Bruk knew in his heart of hearts (and sometimes in the still-beating hearts of those who met him while he was hungry) that he was The Guardian of the Forest; chosen by nature herself to slay all those who dared to destroy her. However, there was a small issue at hand. There wasn't really a set place to go, or distinct foe to vanquish. Which boiled down to Bruk letting his feet (and all those hearts) guide the way in aimless wandering.

Thus the very long walk.

Completely oblivious of the world around him, the Orc had blundered, slaughtered and eaten a path of destruction with a very wonky inner compass. He had become the scourge of wood and stonecutters alike, leaving small towns unable to build much of anything due to his habit of tenderising all the able-bodied workers with his meaty, green fists.

He had to be stopped, well, at least in public opinion from those with suffering businesses and empty hearths (and let's not forget the fletchers, they were most annoyed).

Eventually, this led to a modest bounty being placed upon the wayward Orc, otherwise known as 'BRUK' but sometimes known as 'OH HEAVENS, HE'S COMING FOR MAAAAGGHH!!!' A bounty that Bruk was very much unaware of; he had been too busy trying to comprehend their loathing of the environment that nurtured their development as a society and how they were blind to methods of sustainabil-

Okay, no, he had been thinking about food. Being the Guardian of the Forest was hungry work, after all.

And in such deep contemplation Bruk had failed to observe the suspicious pile of leaves in the middle of the road and only noticed their presence after he had stepped upon them.

A trap.

For beneath the pile of leaves was a large hole, about twenty feet deep. A hole which Bruk now occupied after tumbling into it like a large green oaf. This was a very confusing experience for him, it wasn't terribly often that the ground itself tended to eat people like this. Was nature mad at him? Had he done something wrong?

It made his head hurt (although that may have been because he hit his head on the way down).

“WAT BRUK DO WRONG?!” the Orc asked the hole that was now the sky, a large trembling pout appearing on his terrifying face.

“Oh, you know what you did, fiend!” came a victorious yet accusatory voice in response. Was it really the voice of nature herself? She sounded rather nasal and quite masculine. This was rather confusing, but as Bruk was already confused, it didn't really matter too much.


Appearing at the top of the hole was first, a drawn bow and arrow and second the man that held it. He was about to respond to the brute's disorientated shouts as rehearsed in his head the entire time he laid in wait but was unfortunately interrupted by the bounty.


The man blinked, at first annoyed and then bewildered.

“I...beg your pardon?”

The man, Reginald Pewter had designed this idiotic trap with his partner in crime (and part-time lover) Brumhilda Bosht. The other hopefuls wishing to nab this bounty had laughed at the concept of a big hole in the middle of the road but who was laughing now?

Reginald knew that the smarter option here was to rain down a storm of arrows upon the trapped Orc and be done with the matter, but between its perplexing questions and his immense feeling of pride he couldn't do it just yet. Not without Brumhilda (also known as BB, or BBB when she was feeling extra bad) who was at that moment in time, convening with nature.

Or taking a piss in a bush, to shed the shackles of polite society.


  • Haha
Reactions: Bard
I bounced along the roadways as I am wont to do now and then. The trees waved above me as I passed and I offered them a wave and a bow. Good folks trees. Never too high and mighty despite their size. It didn't suit a person to think size meant superiority. Though a certain emperor down south certainly would disagree.

So, anyway, back to skipping along. The gilded rays of the sun broke the upper boughs of the trees and left the path before me in dappled shadows. Pools of radiance like rose petals for my unshod feet guided me along until...Hark? Was that shouting?

I skipped along and waved to a brutish woman pissing on a bush, IN PLAIN VIEW, on the side of the road and ignored her shouts for me to halt.

Who was this moldy cow to demand something of me? Me?! I ignored her some more as I saw a man standing over a hole with a bow. Not very sporting. Probably bandits, I surmised. So with typical flare and obvious style, I brought my silver flute up between is knobby knees and gave him a shove into his own hole. Poetic really. I should write that down.
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  • Orc
Reactions: Bruk
What had started as an otherwise peaceful retreat from the bustle of Amol Kalit had quickly turned into something of a commotion. Much as Fieravene was want for some semblance of serenity to start off her day, she'd rarely pass up the opportunity to bear witness to a scene.

Staring up at the signpost marked by the myriad arrows and town names, the dark elf gave up the endeavor of her journey to head west toward a place called Blank. There upon the road she found a gaping hole, a smallfolk, and a-

"Bruk?" she blinked with surprise, "Sweet Pea, is that you? What in the Thousand Realms of Oblivion are you doing in a hole? For that matter how did you find a hole big enough to fit in?"

Her horse came to a stand just off the side of the smallfolk, to which Fiera offered a small smile, "Hello there, are you party to this debacle?"
  • Orc
  • Love
Reactions: Bard and Bruk
Oddly enough, the liar at the top of the hole had apparently decided that he would join Bruk within it, perhaps his excuse for masquerading as Nature was so strong, and so personal that he needed to join the Orc within his own trap.

Or perhaps he was pushed by a song-slinging Halfling.

Bruk couldn't see it, so of course, he couldn't even begin to consider such a thing. In the confines of the hole he caught the unfortunate Reginald in his gargantuan green arms and simply held the man for a moment or two, staring into his soul with differently-coloured piggy eyes.


The man had somewhat frozen in the scenario, Reginald had been entirely on top of things a mere moment ago and now, here he was, being held like a damsel in peril by the very brute that had stomped a path of terror throughout their region.

He opened his mouth to speak but was promptly dropped by the Orc who suddenly bellowed with frightening volume and even more terrifying excitement.


Fi-Fi was a good egg.


“Oh heavens, please heee-aack.”

With his short attention span shattered by the sudden appearance of Bruk's favourite lady the Orc had forgotten that Reginald even still existed in the hole with him and as a result of such accidentally stood on the would-be bounty hunter.

  • Love
Reactions: Fieravene and Bard