While the war with Cortos was most present on the western edges of Anirian aligned territories, that was not to say it went unnoticed at home. The capital city had ramped production of all manner to supplies, from armaments to aid in combat, to shoes for horses, to barrels for supplies. Taverns were often overstocked as companies of troops came to and fro for resupply, orders, and even temporary leave. Parliament was constantly in session or briefings with the Guard, while vestiges of the former power structure of Great Houses had taken residence, trying to be at the right at the right time for gaining influence and intelligence.
In certain smoke filled rooms word was beginning to spread of a conspiracy. It was not known if was a Cortosi plant, or simply a sympathizer, but one of the aides of Senator Daramund, appointed to the Committee of Logistics, had been discovered as a turncoat. The aide had potential access to troop numbers, movements, supply orders, and even distribution of Dreadlords across the Cortosi front and at home. The city itself was sealed quickly, leaving the spy only one recourse. The Undercity.
Kael, along with every other Dreadlord, Initiate, Guardsmen, and even Bounty Hunter with competence and trusted to keep a secret had been drafted with specific orders. A forty eight hour search was to be conducted, exploring the under-city of Vel Anir to find the spy and return. There would be no help if he did not return after forty eight hours, and he'd be presumed dead if he didn't report within five days. There was danger under the city, danger he was not fully disclosed on. Perhaps danger their intelligence hadn't fully documented. Dangers he would have to fight or avoid on instinct, perhaps alone. The shapeshifter traveled light, a pair of knives, a shortbow, small quiver, and a day's worth of rations.
In certain smoke filled rooms word was beginning to spread of a conspiracy. It was not known if was a Cortosi plant, or simply a sympathizer, but one of the aides of Senator Daramund, appointed to the Committee of Logistics, had been discovered as a turncoat. The aide had potential access to troop numbers, movements, supply orders, and even distribution of Dreadlords across the Cortosi front and at home. The city itself was sealed quickly, leaving the spy only one recourse. The Undercity.
Kael, along with every other Dreadlord, Initiate, Guardsmen, and even Bounty Hunter with competence and trusted to keep a secret had been drafted with specific orders. A forty eight hour search was to be conducted, exploring the under-city of Vel Anir to find the spy and return. There would be no help if he did not return after forty eight hours, and he'd be presumed dead if he didn't report within five days. There was danger under the city, danger he was not fully disclosed on. Perhaps danger their intelligence hadn't fully documented. Dangers he would have to fight or avoid on instinct, perhaps alone. The shapeshifter traveled light, a pair of knives, a shortbow, small quiver, and a day's worth of rations.