The emperor snorted and held the door to the cabin open for her. They both moved inside and he shut the door. There was a table with an especially large chair that looked specially built along with two smaller chairs and a large swinging hammock in the corner. No room for a real bed. Not one fit for his proportions anyway.
Maps and river charts littered a desk in the corner, along with reports and letters detailing the attacks.
And, of course, there was a beautiful rug of Ragashan design on the floor. Otherwise the cabin was extremely sparse.
Stooping low, he moved quickly to the chair and sat down with an irritated grunt and a mumble about ceilings. He picked up the pot on the table and poured two cups full of a dark and steaming liquid, the rich, bitter aroma of which quickly suffused the air of the cabin.
“I brewed it in the Abtati style. Theirs is the best. The original.”
Maps and river charts littered a desk in the corner, along with reports and letters detailing the attacks.
And, of course, there was a beautiful rug of Ragashan design on the floor. Otherwise the cabin was extremely sparse.
Stooping low, he moved quickly to the chair and sat down with an irritated grunt and a mumble about ceilings. He picked up the pot on the table and poured two cups full of a dark and steaming liquid, the rich, bitter aroma of which quickly suffused the air of the cabin.
“I brewed it in the Abtati style. Theirs is the best. The original.”
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