30s, parent, computer programmer


Unwashed Member
Hi everyone - pretty standard nerd background of fantasy writing and roleplaying games here. I was too socially awkward even for the Dungeons and Dragons guys back in high school, but slowly I figured it out. Home w the kiddos all summer, here and elsewhere experimenting with finding a new home on the internet and a place to dream up some good stories.

I've put together a character already: Iriket the Tongue.


The other character archetype that I write recurrently is one in their 40s or 50s, a lifetime thug who's found religion and reformed, and in conflict between the more tolerant and more fundamentalist sides of their faith.

Still experimenting and trying to figure out what I should post as "myself" vs as my character sub-account.

Howdy everyone!
Welcome welcome welcome :D if you have any questions please ask ^^ and if you didn't join the discord of that site yet, I highly recommend you do :) a lot of stuff happens on there!

Can't wait to get to know you and are PC ^^ looking forward to what plots might happen!
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Alloo and welcome! There’s quite a crowd of 30+ year old writers here so you should feel pretty well at home (hi, I’m one of them).
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