the spine

  1. Carr Ledrose

    Open Chronicles Strip the Dragonbones [open to Noct Yaegir and whomever]

    The silver dragon's corpse, none too fresh, stretched across five wagons. Oxen had sufficed to get the dragon through the forest, from small Ashdell by the lake up into the hills. But for the final approach to Crobhear Keep, Carr and the other guards hauled on ropes, working alongside the oxen...
  2. Ruka Kargatal

    Fable - Ask The Druga

    An imposing fortress lit by a crack of lightning. There in the heights of the Spine its walls rose, the labor of a great many Spine orcs and their Blight orc benefactors, and so did they name their black creation: the Druga. From the Druga poured forth raids into all the surrounding lands. West...
  3. Hath Charosh

    Private Tales I miss the mountains

    Hath lifted one hand to his chin and brushed ice from his beard. Whilst he always enjoyed visiting the tribes in the spine, he had been raised on the savanna and the cold always bit deep. He took two steps back from the ledge and looked towards Bula. This pass was ice troll territory. They had...
  4. Victoria O'Connor

    Private Tales Sanguis Crassior

    The lower Spine’s first snows had come hard and fast and heavy, swallowing the world in white. The trees shivered in the wind like they were trying to throw the powder from their branches, but for every flake shed two took its place, and bows creaked beneath the growing weight. The forest...
  5. Ostrum Brandish

    Private Tales The Frozen Cabal

    Howling winds tinged with frost did make their passage across the heights of the Spine, from thinning airs was much chill imparted across those who pressed on through such hazards. Heavy cloak swaddled those who did presently press mountain boot upon stone face imposing, as these freezing winds...
  6. Quacey

    Private Tales Return to the Twin's Home

    Sweet little one, Sweet little two. To you I run. How I love you. Quacey hadn't had much time for the past three months to focus on his poems. He needed to bring Ethir back to Twin Home with him so she could work on finding her path.... At least that was the original purpose. A month in and he...
  7. X

    Fate - First Reply Hitting A Mark

    ((ooc: looking for a quick fight between my character and someone. The plan is that your character is being hunted by Xiel for a large amount of money. )) ------------- The Nordenfiir had been watching the main road for the past week, waiting for the person to match the picture that he...
  8. Valkanthrandilax

    Private Tales Scions & Sinners

    Few would-be burglars survived the bitterly cold Eretejva, much less managed to scale the frozen crags and mountains that held one of the hidden entrances to the dragon’s lair. Fewer still would have been able to see through the veils carefully placed over each possible entrance, delicate...
  9. Zharzohved Vaultkeeper

    Fable - Ask A Hundred Bolts and a Prayer

    Agatha. I hope this missive reaches you in whatever condition it is that you deserve. Ain't often I call for anyone to come to the Deepvaults, but I need to speak with you as soon as possible. The idiot that I sent to deliver this message should have also come with a chest of gold bars. You'll...
  10. Azura

    Open Chronicles A stranger in an unknown land

    Of all the places in this strange new world, it was almost expected that Azura would end up finding this one. The mountains called to her. They were part of her blood. As was the forest and the creatures that roamed within in. Though, they were slightly different to the animals that she was used...
  11. Kaarle

    Private Tales Artifice

    “ Some ways uphill, the mountains if you will, is an old outpost. Beneath it, lies the lost repository we spoke of last year. Says so in this writ— “ A slip of parchment, sound like dry leaves in the wind. He snatched it from the air, neutral severity on his face slowly turning to outright...
  12. R

    Fable - Ask To Be a Praetor

    FIVE YEARS AGO The chill of the mountainous heights of the Spine bit into Ruslan's bones. The freezing rain was coming down hard, and the dark clouds above smothered the light of day and covered the hardy forest of trees in a uniform dimness. He was pressed to the ground next to a thick batch...
  13. Bebin Theros

    Completed Bebs and Breakfas: Faramund

    Some years ago... A crackle and hiss, warm and emberic as the little tongues of gold and red wriggled and waved, fast with excitement, they ate up the tinder. Wood shavings and pine needles, and cracked open cones. Bebin smiled, and gave the small flame a nod, pleased with fruit of his...
  14. Valkanthrandilax

    Private Tales Where the Sky Ends

    It was such a pity the Spine was infested with orcs and dwarves. Some of the most heavenly sights on Arethil formed in the rise and fall of lofty mounts and deep valleys dotted with glimmering lakes, and the lesser races had to tarnish it. Thank the gods they didn't have wings themselves and the...
  15. Everleigh Ebersol

    Completed A Residue of Sympathy

    [art cred] Before anything could be done, they were falling. The cold got even colder, even more glacial than it had been before as they fell off the ravine. It felt like every nerve had been stung by a Ixchel Wylds Sap Wasp, this cold so cold it felt almost hot and searing. Yet there was that...
  16. Garrod Arlette

    Fable - Ask One Flew Over the Mandrake's Nest

    Yaegir Den: Tartorum East of the Wda Fork Old boards creaked under pack-laden weight. "Yaegir," came the greeting from behind the bar. Few were gathered about the Yaegir's Den. Haggard faces and tired eyes. They carried cold iron and wore worn leathers. They nursed drinks and swapped...
  17. Hector

    Knights of Anathaeum Through Halls of Flame

    Mission: Flame Keeper Priority: Medium Rank: Squire Operatives: Tandems of sworn and accompanying squires. Objectives: Investigate the ancient ruins believed to be a Temple of Flame. Briefing: Sources claim there is a bygone ruin far and to the north of the Spine. At the edge of the...
  18. Nyrial

    Fate - First Reply On the Moonlit Path

    Beneath the cover of her hood she was shielded from the evening rain, but that did little to help her now waterlogged boots that had thoroughly soaked through to her feet. The cobblestone streets had done little to prevent such a happening, and in fact small dips in the streets had only...
  19. Magdeline

    Private Tales A Familiar Feeling

    Monastery business. It was rare for Maggie to take on monastery business, and quite frankly, she liked keeping it that way. It wasn't that she disliked the order. Her... sworn brothers and sisters. Or even what they stood for. The wyld lands and the small folk. Life, and the death it took to...
  20. Hector

    Private Tales A Grudge to Bear

    Hector waited in ambush, his forest painted armor dulling the light that did strike its surface. He tried to still his breathing, felt his heart want to quicken. They had worked out a sign, as they shoveled boiled oats and roasted nuts down in the pre-dawn light. A handfull of berries too...