
  1. Afanas

    Private Tales Legacy of the Damned

    Akiza Sonshal Crowne Garisi Looking at it from afar, one wouldn't assume there to be much wrong with the city of Reikhurst, but the closer Afanas got to it, the more desolation he perceived unfurling before his eyes. Reikhurst wasn't as much of a city as it was a skeleton of one, a rough...
  2. Cato

    Fable - Ask Alpha Protocol

    "Just do what you can," Cato said to the cohort's smith. "I'll be back round shortly. Gotta make a trip 'cross the way first." He tossed the forger a lazy wave and headed out the makeshift shop. His blades had been nicked to the hells and back, which meant business had been good as of late. Lots...
  3. Agatha

    Fable - Ask Silver Crimson Black

    Some time ago, 'neath the shadow of the Spine... Dawn was a long time coming. Cold, and tired from a restless night spent on the march, Captain Agatha of the Blackshields was almost relieved when the time came to call for the company to halt. Stretching, her back muscles protesting noisily, the...
  4. Cato

    Private Tales Cut Your Teeth

    "Should've just bloody shivved myself," cursed Cato, loud enough for anyone in earshot. Blood dripped from cut near his ribs and another on his left arm. Luckily neither were too deep but that wasn't likely to last long. He only had to look up to see a bunch of cunts hungry for his head...
  5. Petrus Ritus Iskandar

    LFG - Quest Allirian Nights

    Salutations Ne'er-Do-Wells and Ruffians of the underworld of Alliria and beyond! Have a character willing to get up to no good, or perhaps just a knack for adventure or a connoisseur of coin? Petrus Iskandar, my character, would like to hire a small entourage of capable people not restrained by...
  6. Agatha

    Private Tales One Foot In The Grave

    The North Three days after the flight... The prisoner convoy was a slowly-moving blur in the distance. Black on grey, it grew closer with every whispered word and hushed reply. 'How many?' Agatha asked, gazing through the canopy of leaves limiting her view and hiding her from sight. 'Fifty...
  7. Cato

    Open Chronicles Touch of Grey

    "House Yhiron has a long and storied history of protecting the Reach. The blood of my sires and their sires before them are soaked deep within the very ground upon which you stand. The Elk Helm has been the symbol of our pride for nearly five hundred years. Thus the recent loss of our sacred...
  8. Cato

    Private Tales Edge of Tomorrow

    "Fuck yourself, and every useless cunt that came before you!" Cato swore at the nearest sergeant and any other bastard that was close enough to hear. This whole bloody situation had gone to the dogs. Only the 'Shields could've found themselves in a predicament so unnecessarily fucked. Dreams of...
  9. Cato

    LFG Mercenary Hijinks

    I got a hankering for salt, steel, and all manner of bad decisions. Just wanna throw Cato here into some shenanigans. Pretty much open to anything that a merc might get into. Doesn't even have to be with other mercenaries.
  10. Ishmael

    Quest Bad Business

    FALWOOD - RUINS It was not often that outsiders made their business in Falwood. As the home of most elves, the sprawling forest region had quite the reputation. Some spoke of men succumbing to madness. Other tales whispered of disappearing without a trace. In each of these stories, there was...
  11. Cato

    Private Tales Misery Business

    "I swear I don't know nothing about anything," the battered sellsword plead. Cato stood not two feet from his pathetic peer and said nothing. The Blackshield captain looked towards the rest and only saw his shared skepticism reflected in their faces. Hard eyes found the beaten brute's body once...
  12. Agatha

    Private Tales One Steppe At A Time

    Taagi Baara Steppes Sometime ago The grasslands stretched for as far as the eye could see. Standing up in her stirrups, Captain Agatha of the Blackshields cast her eyes towards the horizon. The ever-present sun glared down at her as she did, bathing her and the company in light. Sweating...
  13. Cato

    Private Tales Money for Nothing

    "Fives to sevens," the sergeant called out before he was met with a myriad of blessings and profanity. "Looks like it's going to be another lonely night, corporal," Cato said with a laugh as the purse was distributed amongst the winners. The captain had noticeably not made a bet and rarely did...
  14. Agatha

    Private Tales Making Inroads

    "Make way! Make way for the Blackshields! I said make way, damn you!" Using his halberd to push and prod any slowpokes out of the way, the Watch officer did his best to part the roiling sea of bodies blocking Agatha's path. Like most in the City Watch, the officer wore a red-and-black tabard...
  15. L

    Fable - Ask Carrying the Same Sin

    Layla Moreno had taken the job with Captain Timms because she owed him a favor. She did not like the man and she did not like to work with him. She was an assassin and a mercenary but he liked to take things too far sometimes and even she was sickened. There was a line that even pirates refused...
  16. Elliot Aldmar

    Private Tales Rebel Yell

    SIX MONTHS AGO All the townsfolk of Ypress were on their knees. A dead man, once the mayor, before them in the center of the town square. The mercenaries of Blair Company behind them and around them, their weapons out, swords hovering close to men, women, and children alike. And Leona Blair...
  17. Elliot Aldmar

    Private Tales End This Way

    WEST OF ALLIRIA Through the rain and the mist of the early gray morning, the company rode. Twenty men strong, damp cloaks on their backs, their horses trotting through the mud of the road, yet they were of high spirits. Their contract was easy money, easy money. Find a group of deserters from...
  18. Kjaran Mak Aodha

    Fable - Ask The Butcher's Bill

    Kjaran wept. He'd awoken with a start to find himself on his knees amidst the dead. Some of the bodies still squirmed and moaned, the sounds pitiful. The aftermath of a battle was a terrible thing. They'd left Ulrikstead two days ago, a collection of the local huscarls and mercenaries hired...
  19. Hahnah

    Fable - Ask Fire on the Horizon

    It all spiraled out of control. Several elven towns near the Falwood Portal Stone banded together to push back against the encroaching grasp of influence from Vel Anir. There had been some resistance in the past--shadowed schemes and guerrilla fighting--but this was nothing short of meeting a...
  20. Alexandros

    LFG In Need of a Contractor?

    Greetings! We are back at this again with a new character! A Athallian mercenary captain willing to fight for monies or what not, or attempt to debate the morality of actions in the realm. I've a few ideas for plots, but it will all depend on the characters that are intreasted in participating...