
  1. Wordweaver

    Fate - First Reply Between the Lull of a Breath

    A moth flapped its wing in a hurry, making Wordweaver's ear twitch imperceptibly. The thick foliage of the southern Falwood rainforest trapped the moisture in the air, shielding its ground from the dimming amber of the sun far above. With its balmy, humid air, Wordweaver could even smell the...
  2. T

    Open Chronicles Curse of the Crimson Star

    "I'm here about the contract," you said - don't you remember? All around, the voices of many others filled the air. Business at the Black Talon was bustling this evening, and there was little need to pay much mind to anyone trying to listen in to details. Even an elf's ear would be hard pressed...
  3. Livia Quinnick

    Private Tales Things That Fall // Part I

    Two months had gone by since Livia graduated. Two months since she now bore the title Dreadlord Quinnick. Two months since she restarted her hunting and tracking for this artifact with Cenric's help. Two months since... she last saw him. Silas, the one she claimed that had her heart, but...
  4. Izara

    Fable - Ask Roses Left to Their Own Machinations Grow Thorns Twice as Long

    The Falwood was everything everyone always said it was. Verdant and full of life. A sea of green as far as the eye could see. Ferns and moss among the trees, large mushrooms growing between roots far older than Izara herself. It was the exact opposite of home, or what she used to call home back...
  5. Lumen

    Private Tales There are things that hunt you in the night

    There was a small town just north of Vel Cirak called Umanji. While not notable enough to warrant a Vel title, it was a favorite jaunt for one of the prominent nobles in Vel Anir. A cousin to the Urahils. Bernard Urahil. Lumen had to wonder if he had the signature Urahil pale-blonde hair...
  6. Rhidian

    Private Tales First Darkness, Last Light

    There was nothing out here for him to punch without magic, but for days now; no, weeks, Rhidian had been filtering a rage he only felt when he came into possession of his magic. Krixus had helped him understand then, had been the one to help start him controlling and honing his magic that...
  7. Maranae

    Private Tales Well Met!

    Coyotes yipped at Lessat as it rose above the forested hills. The western sky bathed in fire as the sun settled beyond sight. To the east, the sky diamonds began to gleam on their velvet sphere. She sat in the seat beside the Master, trying not to doze. It had been a long day spent on the road...
  8. Erin the Black

    Private Tales For Those That Cannot

    The merry crackle of the fire and the cheery glow was a welcome reprieve from days spent trudging through the forest. The crackle was a counterpoint to the muted roar of the rain as it came down in a deluge. A quieter version of the thunder the growled low and melancholy as the grey skies...
  9. Zinnia

    Private Tales Dealings in Duality

    Long days were becoming more and more regular now that Zinnia had graduated and been assigned a level. Such was to be expected; it was her duty as a Dreadlord to fight and serve on behalf of her country. What was less expected was the odd nature of some missions. While Proctor Salak had...
  10. Eohan

    Fate - First Reply The Attack on Vel Sain

    [Shogun Rising - Noah Bradley] Early morning. A blanket of dew still sat upon the grass and leaves of this village on the edge of the Falwood - Vel Sain. Light just broke the horizon. The villagers began to stir as chickens and pigs began to make noise. No more than 100 people lived in this...
  11. Aerdeth

    Fate - First Reply Dangerous roads

    The Eastern edge of Vel Anir's territory had always been a dangerous place as it collided with the Falwood. Monsters often came from the woods making it hard life for the Anrian Frontiers people, but not all monsters that came from the woods had fangs and claws, some stood on two legs and came...
  12. Fingal Eadgils

    Private Tales An Unknown Close to Home

    Alliria had been a rich hunting ground for a time. But those with power were beginning to figure out there was a pattern to what was taking their people at night, and he'd been pushing his luck far too much to remain around the large city for too much longer. The bag he kept on his back full of...
  13. Rhidian

    Private Tales A Real God-forsaken Rescue

    "Well, we're fucked either way." Rhidian concluded, shrugging as he looked down the cliffside. The forest continued before them, the opposite side of the river that flowed between became a dangerous current as the snow began to melt. Rhidian turned to Orchid, shrugging once again. It couldn't...
  14. Livia Quinnick

    Fate - First Reply The Hum of a Creature

    A chill settled as the sun fell, completely putting the Falwood into darkness despite the last light visible past the treetops. There was no camp made, no fire to warm themselves, not when the feeling of being watched could be felt in the growing darkness. Livia dared not to breathe, but the...
  15. L

    Dreadlords Advanced Aniria Fair

    "Ah, stone the crows!" He was not off to a good start. Someone had the bright idea of leaving Lachlan in charge of cooking the meat they had prepared, but none thought to check if he really know how to, well, cook. The pieces of boar were well cooked now, having forgotten to turn them around...
  16. Ivan Skender

    Private Tales Feast for the damned

  17. Quacey

    Private Tales A Festival of Fun

    Two by two, The Dancing March Begins. Me and You, Ignoring all our Sins. The large fae looked at the words in his journal. A slight frown upon his lips. This one he didn't understand. He had written it but he didn't understand it. It was short. It was cryptic. It wasn't his usual style when it...
  18. Curcurbita

    Fae Courts Found and lost

    This was utterly rediculous. How long had he been waiting? 12, no, 13 years and still nobody came back. He was beginning to think they weren't coming back. His large pumpkin head leaned back and Curcurbita, cursed of the fae, looked up to the starry night sky in half hearted hope that he might...
  19. Baise

    Private Tales Hexed

    "He's turned off the road, into the woods!" "In a hurry." "Get after him!" The pack of bandits had been trailing the travellers for nearly an hour, waiting for darkness to fall. They had passed the man and his son on the road. With such extravegent clothes and a fine instrument the man had...
  20. Illyria

    Private Tales An Answer After Dark

    The days that the full treetops rustle from the gusting winds were the days she cherished the most. Most preferred the ocean, the sounds of a bustling market or the tranquility of a garden. Nothing spoke of home than the leaves dancing in the wind. If she barely felt the caress of air, at least...