
  1. Amell Quillon

    Private Tales In Clothes Called Duty

    Normally it was Marcus that would handle these business dealings. Felix Urahil had been putting Amell Quillon to work while he recovered in Vel Anir, but everything had been local. Dealing with the Great Houses, making appearances within certain military sectors, and dealing with the unsavory...
  2. Taayi

    Open Chronicles A Bad Actor

    The Order of Metisa – Alliria The Order of Metisa located in Alliria remained an odd organization throughout the years. In a way, it functioned as a large source of knowledge to the wider world – similar to a library. Yet unlike a library, few pages and books could be found in the Order’s...
  3. Lechies Delrio

    Private Tales Candle in the Window

    "Lechies." "...mph." "Lechies, we've arrived." Juliote's voice drifted into her ears, gently peeling the veneer of sleep away from Lechies's consciousness. She opened her eyes, awareness strengthening with every blink. The carriage had stopped. Their journey away from Damelin's estate was...
  4. Seska the Dragonslayer

    Private Tales Echoes Along The Way

    The worst of winter was over, at least. It was not precisely her favored season, even though the cold really had little effect on her slight frame. Here in the eastern reaches of Alliria, amid the city sprawl, she was least at home with the season. The scents of the marshes were muted by the...
  5. Erren Serris

    Fate - First Reply Mist, Muck, and Mire.

    It was very rare indeed that a trip to the Shallows of Alliria was something that appealed to Erren Serris. Most of the folk living amongst the swampy docks and mist covered boardwalks distrusted him. Serris wasn't the 'Tower Folk' from the west side of the city that they frowned upon so often...
  6. Quintus Vexion

    Letters The wise lord...

    To Lady Batahlia, I hope this letter finds you in good health and that the Celestials have blessed you with their grace. Word has reached my ear that your Lord Father is in bad health. I ask that you give him my kindest regards. My own father had grown quite fond of him during one of his tours...
  7. Eden Sinclayr

    Open Chronicles What's a god to a non-believer?

    The Forum Allirium sat within the heavy walls of the Allir Keep, cloistered away within an inner courtyard. It was comprised of carefully tended gardens, fountains, and seated gathering places. The natural beauty of the gardens were connected by wide, circling paths paved by white stones. The...
  8. Vasilios

    Open Chronicles Bandit of The Arts

    For the past few weeks there had been a series of thefts in Alliria. The only items that were stolen were high class paintings meant to be sold to Annuakat nobility and merchants. The local merchants of Alliria grew more and more nervous by the day and the wealthier ones increased security...
  9. Nere Ashorn

    Fate - First Reply Bottom of the Barrel

    It was near on the witching hour, and the bar on the outskirts of the Allirian capital was bustling with a comfortable number of patrons. The establishment was called the Golden Fish. A place of middling repertoire, neither particularly seedy nor reputable. The floors were sticky, the windows...
  10. Camille

    Fate - First Reply Heart of Alliria

    The Painted Dragon Camille sat within the inner office of the Crimson Dusk. One of the most powerful crime syndicates of Alliria. Finger tapped absently at the report on her desk. Mister Talmanese was gone from the territory. News that set her slender shoulders more at ease. He'd done...
  11. Rainie

    Private Tales There and Back Again

    Flickering shadows cast over the walls of a swaying, creaking quarters. Bits and baubles cluttered every horizontal surface. Statues, trinkets, and ornate boxes were all stuck to the crowded shelves with tacky putty to prevent them shifting as the ship rocked. With the curtains all drawn shut...
  12. Lechies Delrio

    Completed Fortune Turned

    It was early summer when Lechies returned to her family's estate. A visit long overdue, her parents had said, equal parts overjoyed and exasperated, when she turned up on their doorstep covered in dust from the road. She'd meant to visit months ago, but each time she neared Alliria, she'd catch...
  13. Vaalkar Tol-Lithrum

    Open Chronicles The Song of Diplomacy

    The Song of Diplomacy The horde of Orcs was closing in on Alliria. The scurry of loud thuds clouded the atmosphere, cementing hooves in the thick mud that plagued the Allir Strait. They’ve been making their trail from Bhathairk for four days now through tremendous downpours, bandits, and...
  14. Amades

    Open Chronicles A Compass that only points... down?

    370 Location: Alliria Docks Entering Port Morning Under a bright blazing blue sky on a sunny day, carried on a refreshing sea breeze to put life into your bones, the Vai Ilnarem, a 700-ton four-deck small carrack-sized vessel known as a Cavark, was slowing to dock, its great white sales being...
  15. Gerald Mercia

    Private Tales Flee

    "Get a move on, we ain't got all night!" Scurrying around a dozen different carriages and wagons were a number of hooded men, lifting and moving crates into them to be shipped off. Rain fell upon them as they worked, as did harsh words from their apparent supervisor who wasted no effort in...
  16. Neremyn Virvyre

    Private Tales Big Trouble at the Little Flower Shop

    ~~ “What is that?” The young scholar spoke quietly, in almost a hush, as the older elf pulled the coarse bed sheet out in a striking display of finesse and over-indulgence of dramatic pizazz. Dust and debris, caught in the curtains of sunlight cutting through the lofted laboratory, revealed...
  17. Garrod Arlette

    Completed The Fragrance of Dark Coffee

    "Here's the place," Garrod said, standing before a nondescript stone wall in the middle market district. Clean grey stonework, almost white, still straight and tall even if the smell of some day old piss wafted through the air. "Now," he trailed off as he rant his fingerpads along the surface...
  18. Divina Rosenstern

    Open Chronicles Harvest Moon Celebration

    In Alliria, one celebration could trump all others. One reason for the Merchant Council to relax, so to speak, and for the peoples, from the Shallows to the citadel, to pause from their labors and cheer on a season. This season happened to be Divina's favorite, as well. A full street near the...
  19. Larewen Dragana

    Private Tales A Night Out

    Larewen strolled through the richer districts of Alliria, her fancy garb a lot more common among the womenfolk here. An emerald bustle gown clung to her short frame, undoubtedly tailored precisely for her. Black gloves obscured the cursed flesh of her arm and hid only skin on the right. The...
  20. Arisa Lovelace

    Private Tales Hush Little Baby

    A few light droplets of rain fell from the cloudy sky and the leather clad woman looked up. The sky was dark, celestial bodies covered by a thick blanket of clouds. If anything, the near total darkness it brought was good for business. As long as a torrential downpour of any sort didn't come...