Thunder of Thanasis The Storm

Threads open to all members of the Thunder of Thanasis group
Character Biography
Bani peered out at the storm through the wide windows of their briefing room. It was a dark, swirling mass writhing just a handful of leagues from the city. It was lit with strobes of lightning from within, the sounds of which reached her ears late and diminished. These thunderous booms were muddled amidst the contant, low background roar from far, far away. She had never seen clouds so black, nor those that seemed to move like tendrils in the sky, lashing out before withdrawing into a central mass. A light rain peppered the lenses of her flight goggles, the only influence of the storm at this time.

“…first noticed at dawn,” their commander continued. Bani wrenched her attention back to him from the window. His voice was boring. Like inhumanely boring. It shouldn’t be possible to be so uninteresting when talking about lightning and booms.

“But it is moving quickly. By our estimates it will be over Thanasis in two hours.”

“We’ve had storms before,” Bani blurted. “Bigger than that.”

“Pay attention, rider!” Was the response she got, and she tensed and moved her goggles to her head. It wasn’t her fault this man’s face deflected attention. Her eyes just… slid off his boring, plain features.

“This storm is highly abnormal, as was explained to you. It is too small, too intense, and moving too quickly.” He took a breath, clearly agitated by both the inattentive rider and the task at hand. “In short - we don’t know what it is.”

“So… what? Are we gonna blow it back with our dragons’ wings? Talk to it? It’s a storm.” Bani’s insolence was not new. The only reason she had not be severely punished at this point was due, not to family connections, but to her niche skill. She was fast, clever, and uniquely suited to certain tasks. She wondered why she had been called for this specifically.

“No,” the officer sneered, and his painfully plain face twisted into something like grim satisfaction. “You are going to investigate in person.”

Oh. Good. So she was being punished. They were sending her to die.

Loathe to give this butterface any form of joy, she snapped her goggles back over her eyes and asked “So when does this suicide mission start?”

“This reconnaissance mission will have you gathering information about the storm’s intensity, movements, and source. This flight squad has been specifically selected for the task at hand. Some of you have speed, others durability, others the intelligence needed to figure out what we’re dealing with.” He looked pointedly away from Bani at this last part. “You will approach the storm, investigate as best you are able, and report back. Gather as much intel as you can, but don’t do anything stupid. We cannot afford to lose dragons for intel.” Bani noted that he had said dragons, not riders. “You have ten minutes to prepare.”

Bani glanced over at the others assembled as he left. “I always figured I’d die in an explosion, but lightning is pretty close.”
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Leovold
Reconnaissance of a storm. Hmph. Bani was right in spirit; the commander's instructions made little sense in the context of a natural phenomenon. Then again, that much was obvious. What also should have been obvious was the nature of the storm in question. Thanasis, the nation of dragons, about to be ravaged by a small, localized storm that moved with abnormal speed? Surely it too would be a dragon. Though he supposed the Thagretians could have cooked up some new monstrosity...their nephilons spewing lightning wouldn't be too out of character.

Regardless, orders were orders, and as a Scaleguard it was Leovold's duty to serve and protect the kingdom. He was already armored, and Iralux was likely chomping at the bit out on the landing. Leo turned his smoldering gaze to the pipsqueak of the group.

"I thought you were the adventurous type, Nhalaryn. Is this not a chance for you to break some kind of new record?"

His expression slowly slid into an amused smirk.
  • Frog Sus
Reactions: Bani
"You are certain?"

It wasn't clear who the man leaning into the wall in the corner of the room was speaking to. His voice was little more than a mutter, and his head had turned away from the rest of the group. It was uncharacteristic of Carlyle Arevalo to so readily volunteer for such a mission as this one, esepcially when he was supposed to be on leave while finding a new home, after his previous one had been ransacked by a group of ne'er-do-wells out for his blood.

Even so, as an Ascended of some renown and lauded for his ability, it would have been foolish to deny his help. It didn't matter why.

Arevalo grumbled at whatever unseen entity he converse with, stepping away from the wall and joining with his partners for this little storm-chasing diversion. The violet haired man was familiar with Leovold, heir to the dwindling yet still respected Solherre name. He'd garnered a reputation, both for his ability and his ego. So long as he stayed out of Carlyle's, or rather, Zeodag's way, there would be no issues.

It was the smaller one that baffled him a bit. Bani, she called herself. Seemed a bit of a runt, but they wouldn't have brought her in for this if she wasn't prepared. Arevalo only briefly regarded them both, leaning against the window and peering out towards the looming storm with a scowl.

"If it is just an abnormal storm, our mission is as simple as observation. If there's something more..." And judging from his tone of voice, he certainly seemed to suspect as much. "Then we're the first attempt to quell it before it reaches the city. We go from reconnaissance to the front lines." Carlyle turned his head towards the commander with a sour little smirk on his lips. "I do find your way of sugarcoating such realities to be admirable."

Zeodag was right; Carlyle knew it the moment he saw the storm with his own eyes, imbued with the twisted magic of the Dragon bonded to him. The Commander had no idea what he was sending Solherre and the half-pint into.

What made him nervous, though, was that Zeodag didn't know either.

  • Thoughtful
  • Nervous
Reactions: Bani and Leovold
Ten minutes. It wasn’t much, but then again being given any time to even mentally prepare for a mission was a luxury. Bani was already in her flight leathers, lightweight and smoothly contoured to reduce drag. She was tiny, as was her dragon by comparison to anything other than feathered breeds. While his fire was potent enough, and her devices were clever, the pair of them had speed as their main offering. They had to maximize that as much as possible.

"I thought you were the adventurous type, Nhalaryn. Is this not a chance for you to break some kind of new record?"

Bani wrinkled her nose. He had used her mother’s family name that he knew she disliked. Nhalaryn was too stuck up, and the family was just fine with her not carrying their surname along with whatever nonsense she got into. Then again, she figured they would be conspicuously present if she achieved any true honors. Racing medals didn’t count, apparently.

She opened her mouth to retort but her voice stuck in her throat. She paused, mouth open, as his words hit her. Leo was usually an ass so it took a second for her brain to actually listen, and not automatically be an ass right back.

“Ya know what… you’re right.” She then made a fake retching sound with a hand to stomach in poor theatrics. “Sorry, never said that before. Don’t care for it.” She stepped up to the (much) taller man. “Let’s see who can stay uncooked the longest.”

She pointed a gloved finger at Carlyle after his most astute summary. “This guy gets it.”

“Solherre, you have command in the air.” Their commander stated plainly. He clearly had preference for nobility, but he was not about to let the tiny brat have any more authority than absolutely necessary. He left for the flight field. Ten minutes and counting.

Bani looked back out the window. The clouds continued their approach, growing darker. She wondered what the commander could be “sugar coating,” but didn’t want to give Leo the satisfaction of asking.

“So if that’s not just a storm… we’re not just going to ‘report back’ right?”
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Leovold
Seemed it wasn't possible to avoid having lowly Ascendants on a mission these days. If he wasn't pairing up solely with his fiancée Eira and her alone, there was at least one lottery-winner tagalong in the group...and this one liked to dye his hair purple. The fact that he had a better grip of the situation than Leo's fellow noble bode poorly.

"I'll relish the opportunity to bring it low, should there prove to be a living thing at the storm's heart. Such is our duty as nobles, and what you signed up for as an Ascendant," Leovold pointed out to Carlyle, his arms folded across his chest.

Bani, meanwhile, made a show of conceding a point for once. He'd never known her to be particularly fond of acting her part as a noble, and it irked Leo likely as much as his own personality irked her.
"Get used to it. You'll find I'm right most of the time."

The commander assigned Leovold as wing leader, and the Solherre heir gave a quick salute in response. It was to be expected given his experience and the company he'd been provided, but it was good to know that their superior had his head at least partly screwed on straight.

Off the commander went, and Leovold began to make his final preparations as instructed, gathering his things before the group would inevitably head for their dragons.

"That depends entirely on the details. We go up and we assess the threat," he answered Bani plainly, the tactician in him kicking into gear. "If it's something we can deal with on our own, we deal with it ourselves. If it's somehow beyond us we may have to rally reinforcements."
  • Cthulu Knife
Reactions: Carlyle Arevalo
Carlyle's head briefly turned from the window, quirking a brow at Solherre's manners. He'd be rather cross with the nobleman, if it wasn't so amusing the level of ego that every word he spoke carried. Powerful and esteemed though Leovold may be, he'd no idea what he was talking about when it came to Arevalo or his involvement in this assignment.

And, quite frankly, Carlyle couldn't be bothered to clue him or the half-pint in. They wanted Solherre to lead? That was just fine, so long as he made the correct choices, and didn't try to get them all killed. No doubt Zeodag would have objections about this arrangement, but the black beast would have to deal with it, for now.

"We've no idea how time sensitive this is." He added, "If we take the time to report in, it may be too late by the time we mount a defense, assuming this is no ordinary storm."

With a brief nod to the Commander, Arevalo did not linger to hear whatever Leovold's 'stragety' was, instead turning to head out of the room. His boots clicked against the floor of the chamber as he cast one last glance at his two partners for the day. "If the two of you continue to bicker all the way to the storm, I may just throw myself off of my dragon before we have a chance to investigate." Bani looked like a child, but Solherre acted like one.

He was beginning to prefer the former.

Bani Leovold
  • Frog Sus
  • Dab
Reactions: Bani and Leovold
Leovold must know that his command over the other two would be tenuous at best. While Bani didn't plan on tempting a court marshal, she was never great at listening to instructions. The orders usually came out too slow, she would always complain.

"Right," she said, saluting Leo in a mocking imitation of his actions to the officer. "Well, I'll meet you two up there. Don't keep me waiting." She snapped her goggles back over her eyes and stepped out of the open window, falling immediately.

Vexillion caught her in well-practiced fashion and his black-feathered wings carried them up to the top of the tower in an easy spiral. Perks of riding one of the smallest dragon breeds included easy mounting outside of flight fields and wide towers. Many dragons couldn't even comfortably perch atop Thanasis' highest spires. Yeah, they would win in a flat-out stomping contest, but they had to catch up first.

Bani directed her dragon at the swirling clouds. She could do a quick jaunt and still be back before the others had mounted up, surely. "Come on, boy, just a taste." Vex chirped an affirmation and swooped forwards.

The wind coming at them was tremendous, thrown off from the maelstrom even at this distance. Bani tucked low, holding tight against the turbulence. Approaching this thing would be half the challenge in itself. The wind was odd: one gust was chilling, while the next felt warm and humid. No wonder the currents were so bumpy, while these conflicting eddies swirled around themselves.

She pulled Vex around to meet her comrades as they rose into the sky, yelling her scant initial report over the wind. "Gonna be an uphill flight to the center. Can't rely on thermals... this thing is shifting its mood every second!"
  • Frog Sus
Reactions: Leovold
"If the two of you continue to bicker all the way to the storm, I may just throw myself off of my dragon before we have a chance to investigate."

The Solherre noble had to hold himself back from retorting with a "Why wait?"

Leovold watched with nary a twitch in his expression as Bani unceremoniously leapt from the nearest window. He was familiar enough with her antics by now to know that feathered drake of hers had likely never stopped to rest, instead just circling about outside waiting for its rider to foolishly launch herself from some ill-conceived part of the tower.

"So uncivilized..." he muttered. But the two did have a point: time was of the essence. Thankfully Leo was, like Bani, already suited up in his riding armor. OF course, his was more suited for battle than for speed, being actual plate metal armor than simple leathers, but he appreciated the other rider at least had herself prepared.

In just a couple of minutes Leovold had made his way to the flight field and gotten himself strapped to Iralux's saddle. The sun dragon was as impatient as ever, shimmying about and chomping at the bit in his eagerness. Iralux lifted off in time with Leo's "YA!" and in no time they had caught up to Bani.

"Wonderful," he hollered back to Bani before patting Iralux's side and sending his intent to the dragon. Iralux began to radiate an aura of light and warmth, a guiding beacon for the other riders. "Try to stay close! I'll have Iralux try to keep things consistent."
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Bani
Carlyle was, conspicuously, the last to arrive. Zeodag had awaited him in the field, a black mass of scales and teeth hunched over impatiently, burning violet eyes locked on the incoming storm. The bond between the two differed than the ordinary union of Ascendant and Dragon; Carlyle could not simply command Zeodag to prepare for flight, could not merely climb up and ready himself.

Because Zeodag was the one in charge.

"We're ready." He approached the Dragon's side, looking up at the fumes pouring from his flaring nostrils from the side of his vision. "I think we should be prompt. If this storm is as serious as you think it is, those two will need the support on their approach." Carlyle didn't particularly care for Leovold or Bani, but to have them die because he wasn't there to help them wouldn't be good for his reputation, or his status as a respected rider for the Ascendants.


Arevalo's face twisted in discomfort, the words of Zeodag echoing off the sides of his head like dull stones. The Dragon could not speak, but their link allowed Carlyle the ability to interpret his thoughts quite clearly, and rather painfully as well.

We go last. We observe.

A frown creased Carlyle's lips, and he felt a bubbling frustration in the back of his throat. It had been Zeodag that had wished to be here for this storm, whatever it was, in the first place. Now he wished to sit on his haunches and observe?

"With all due respect, and casting the wellbeing of the others aside, the most apt way to witness exactly what these winds bring is to be there firsthand. You may stay if you wish, but I am finding my way to those clouds."

It was rare of him to talk back to Zeodag, and that was noted by the sudden turn of the Dragons head towards his rider. The relationship between them may have been a complex one, but they were still bonded, and Zeodag was still beholden to all that such a bond entailed.

"Apologies for the delay!" Carlyle called out quickly, Zeo's massive black frame rising up behind Iralux and Vex. With a disgruntled snort, Zeodag ascended to fly over the other two Dragons, angling his wings downwards in a way that shielded Bani and Leovold from the harsh bite of the winds they approached, while not detracting from their lift. "Solherre, If I may--"

That he was asking permission from such a pompous nitwit pained him, but there was no helping it.

"I would like to take point as we arrive. Zeodag's vision is beyond the scope of a normal Dragon. He will be able to see anything coming at us before Vex or Iralux."

Bani Leovold
  • Smug
  • Frog Sweat
Reactions: Bani and Leovold
The light and warmth coming off of the sun dragon was pleasant, and it did offer a small respite from the choppy currents they were being tossed amongst. She gave a salute to the shimmering pair, acknowledging their help without vocalizing a full 'thank you' that would have been difficult to force past her lips.

Zeodag brought the last rider to their airborne group. Bani felt Vexillion subtly shift away from the black titan, though it was calmer behind the large wings. Vexillion would be able to outmaneuver the others when they were in the storm system, but drafting behind on the approach would allow him to conserve his energy.

"Let's get a move on!" she called over the howling winds, tucking herself and her dragon close behind Zeo and within range of Iralux's light. "We're catching a light drizzle!" Indeed, a subtle mist was being thrown in their direction.

It was small for a storm system, but it was still quite large. It was at least half a mile wide and perhaps half as tall, and it was trailing a dark shadow of rain in its wake. The closer they got, the more Bani had to wipe water droplets from her goggles.

The clouds that approached them continued to flicker with lightning, but it was becoming clear that the colors varied. Hot white flickers were the most common, but some were a bit more yellowed, and Bani thought she saw a red flash at the far corner. Bani did not like how the clouds were moving, they were thick and nearly black, swirling and gliding too quickly and too... evenly. She hoped Zeodag could tell them what was inside without them having to enter.
  • Sip
Reactions: Leovold
Only a fool would be offered such a strategic advantage and not make use of it. The only question was what had taken Carlyle so long to catch up, but now was not the time to go chastising him for it. The Ascended could make it up to them in the air.

"Right," Leovold agreed. "Take point, then. Try not to stray too far from the haven."

Rain did begin to fall, and the outer edges of Iralux's sphere intensified in strength. The hiss of water droplets hitting the haven and evaporating was reassuring for now, but the field of safety wouldn't be reliable once the trio met with the true gale.

As the group drew closer it became obvious that this was, as speculated, no natural storm. Leovold called ahead to Carlyle.
"Can Zeodag see within? Iralux can provide illumination, if you need."
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Bani
Zeodag surged ahead of the others, happily putting more distance between himself and the pair he was so regrettably partnered with. Even the malcontent Zeo found himself rather impressed with Iralux's protective haven, an acknowledgement Caryle felt through their bond, and appreciated even more given his position at point.

As they neared the raging storm, however, it became clear that such a barrier would not shield them from the awesome wrath of the winds, or the roaring speed of the rain as it began to pick up in intensity, the sky before them resembling a curtain of darkness. The heavy drops began to pierce through, stinging against Carlyle's brow. It was enough to force him to slow, pulling back on Zeodag as his vision blurred.

Leovold's voice carried from behind, and Carlyle placed his hand flat against the back of his Dragon's neck. He could feel Zeodag's magic pulsing through his scales, could hear the low grumble as the beast peered beyond that thick wall of torrential downpour to see beyond. Arevalo opened his mouth, relaying the dragon's findings almost verbatim.

"It doesn't just look solid, it is solid!" He turned, cupping his hand over his face as he shouted back. "It's a barrier, comprised of inclement weather, possibly cast by one or more persons." Possibly was the key word. Mages could conjure up such a maelstrom, but it was rare, and Zeodag's knowledge was far from absolute. "Whatever the source of the storm is, it's moving along with it. That much is certain."

Leovold Bani
  • Frog Sip
  • Nervous
Reactions: Leovold and Bani
Bani rode the slipstream of the large black dragon, warmed by Iralux's light. Later on she may lament her reliance on not one but two fellow riders, but in the moment she was focusing on not being blown from her saddle.

Her eyes widened behind her flight goggles as Carlyle gave his report. People were doing this? Even if it was only a possibility, the very thought made her blood boil. Who would come here, for no reason, to cause destruction to their city? The Jarlax didn't have this kind of magic, and things had been quiet with Thagretis. She had heard reports of new, foreign peoples coming from the west... could they wield such power?

A thunderclap reverberated through her and her dragon's body. They were very close now, and the constant haze of rain had obscured the ground below. It was like the three riders, their dragons, and this force of nature were the only things to exist.

"Is it solid beyond the barrier???" she yelled back. "If we open a hole, Vex and I can get through!"

She didn't know that for certain. Or rather, she didn't know if they would survive after they got through. But Bani hadn't known she would survive many of the things she had done in her life. After all, if you worried about dying, you wouldn't have any fun.

Vexillion dipped out of the other dragon's protective covers for a moment. He could hold his own against the winds here, for a time, and in a full sprint he should be able to overcome them. The rain hurt badly where it whipped against Bani's skin, and she snapped her facemask into place, drawing the thick leather over her nose and mouth.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Leovold
Cast? As in magic? If it wasn't produced by a dragon, then what was responsible? No such magician existed within Thanasis. Maybe a Thagretian could have conjured something like this, but their magics were more methodical, more foul. So what was the nature of this?

"Let's get to the bottom of this," Leovold hollered before looking to Bani. "Be ready, your entry point is coming."

The Solherre rider tapped his dragon and intent surged from him to his partner. Iralux roared, the telltale markings of the sun dragon flaring brightly.

Solherre and dragon both drew closer to the swirling black mass of the storm's heart. The barrier faltered and withdrew as Iralux gathered his strength, and with a roar that could be heard even among the whipping winds he let loose a searing jet of plasma that hissed through the air, rain vaporizing on contact with it.

Heat and light in their purest forms aimed to drill through the barrier. If a sun dragon could not pierce the veil, then little likely could.
  • Dwarf
Reactions: Bani
Despite Carlyle's drastically low expectations for his two compatriots, they once again surprised him with their willingness to charge headlong into obvious peril at the drop of a hat. Both Bani and Leovold balked only a moment at the idea that the storm was the product of the arcane before steeling themselves to attempt to break the magic through sheer force.

Beneath him, he could've sworn he heard Zeodag chuckle. Through the link they shared, he felt all that the Dragon did, and even the malcontent behemoth he rode found some level of admiration for the boldness on display.

That And disconcerting.

Both the Solherre and the Sun Chaser broke out of formation, leaving Carlyle and Zeodag behind in the punishing torrent as they surged forward toward the storm. Arevalo gritted his teeth as the rain smacked against his skin, but he drew his hood over his head and kept his eyes downrange. It would take more than a meager storm to best him, and he wasn't about to miss this.

Iralux demonstrated an incredible showcase of ability as he took in that power once projected as a barrier and projected it as a spiralling beam of raw heat that cut through the air like a knife through butter, leaving a rising trail of steam in it's wake as the heavy rain could not withstand it's might.

Contact was made between Iralux's plasma blast and the encroaching wall of tempest. The moment they touched, the entire storm approaching them seemed to... stall. Like turning gears, jammed by the smallest peice of debris. More likely, whatever was conjuring up this maelstrom was reeling by the sudden jolt Leovold's companion had just delivered.

A burst of wind, stronger than those before, blew fiercly against all three of the Ascended. The storm seemed to roar, whether in pain or in anger it was difficult to tell. One thing was certain from one glance, however...

There was a hole, right where Iralux had attacked.

"Bani, now!"

Leovold Bani
  • Dwarf
Reactions: Bani
Fire. Light. Wind. Rain.

Everything collided at once. While the storm's din could hardly get any louder, there was nevertheless a cataclysmic blast beneath the combined might of Iralux, titan amongst sun dragons, and Zeodag, a ruthless mystery. Bani had only a moment to react, a fraction of a fraction of a tick from a cosmic clock. In that moment the first thing she felt was how very, terribly, frighteningly small she was. The light from the attack was so grand that she saw the bones in the hand she raised to cover her eyes, saw the storm and the dragons and the wind beyond that. The heat threatened to peel the skin from her skull, and the blastwave ripped the air from her lungs. She was nothing. She was a speck of dust against this power. They were but passengers atop the wings of gods.

The next moment, scarcely a breath later, the wind all but ceased. The black and solar dragons had vaporized a tunnel for her... but it would rapidly collapse. Vexillion did not need Bani's command, and he had bolted before Bani's boots even touched his sides. Bani's knuckles strained as she held fast to the harness and watched the rain drops boil from her lenses. She rode as low as she possibly could, and felt the adrenaline push harder.

They were caught in a slipstream now, the collapsing tunnel pulling them forwards faster and faster. She felt their flightpath lock, felt the push of invisible forces at their tail. They could not escape now if they tried. For better or worse, they were going inside the storm. The core loomed at her from a swirling black maw that grew and grew until it swallowed her whole. All the power of their dragons had bought them but a few seconds, and the storm sealed behind her.

Bani had shut her eyes, bracing for the impact of still more forceful winds... but they did not come. It was quiet, or rather quiet enough that the ringing in her ears was overpowering any other sounds. There was wind, to be sure, for she saw it buffeting the feathers of her mount, but she was not about to be torn from her seat. They were in the eye of this storm. She looked ahead.

It was dark. Extremely dark, with thick clouds. Vexillion fired a burst of flame. The tendrils of light shot forwards and were then pulled aside. By their path, Bani figured they would have headed back to the outer wall of this place, where the winds roiled. Vex fired another flare. It punched through the mist, but this time it hit something solid.
"Shit!" Bani pulled up, narrowly avoiding impact with a huge, metallic wall. It shimmered through the clouds and moved as the storm did, blurring its construction and form. Bani could not see the top nor bottom through the clouds. Further fireballs sputtered against it without apparent effect. She tried to follow it, but suddenly it dipped away, further into mist. She swore, and tried to follow. Vexillion kept lighting flares through the clouds. They showed wind currents, but made no contact until suddenly the wall rose up in front of them again.

Bani banked hard and skirted along its side. How could something this large move and float?
Vex screeched a warning, and Bani looked up just in time to see the clouds part above them and see a massive shadow loom. It fell towards them, pulling the air as it moved, trapping them in its vortex. Vex tried to fly to the side but found himself pulled upwards. In desperation, he let loose a stream of fire.

It lit the object. It was made of the same glossy metallic material as the rest of the slithering wall. It was impossibly large, dwarfing even her massive companions. As it fell, it did not end, and appeared to pull more and more of itself out of the clouds. Bani realized that whatever the moving, swirling structure was, this was the end of it. Or more appropriately the front.

She could see tendrils, thick as ancient trees, stretch down from the front of the object and vanish into the mists. Further back, she saw what looked like massive, twisting towers pierce into the heavens. Was this a fortress? A flying war-citadel come to conquer them? Her mind reeled at what magics could have done this, until the much more obvious answer revealed itself when the side of the fortress opened an eye larger than most homes Bani had lived in.

Bani did not have time to process the bowel-watering terror she felt as the turbulence of the creature's jetstream sent her and Vex spiraling out of the way. She and Vexillion punched through the storm's outer wall, whipped back into the howling winds and stinging rain. "Come on!" she thought more than spoke, steadying herself and her mount. Inky black feathers flew in their wake as they fought the winds back to Carlyle and Leovold. Her time within had been embarrassingly short, only a few minutes, but she had been blown far enough that it took another few minutes to even see the outlines of their dragons.

Her chest hurt with every breath. She must have broken some ribs on the way out, and the vision in her left eye was hazy. She pushed all that aside, she had to get back to Leovold and Carlyle. She had to tell them. Warn them. They had to warn everyone. Bani was not accustomed to fear. She had been told that it was related to something she lacked, "self preservation" or something dumb like that. But she felt fear now.

"Dragon!" she called out as she reached them, her voice cracking. "Biggest fucking dragon you've ever seen!" Even that didn't do it justice. Words failed her for how massive this thing was. "Its eye could eat you both!" That was the best she could come up with.

She no longer felt like they were riding on gods.
  • Gasp
Reactions: Leovold