Vordrakel Deaz'renith
Vordrakel has long, pale blonde hair and green eyes, and the gold-hued skin tone common to his kin. Despite being a warrior, Vordrakel appears more of a scholar, eschewing armor for magical protection. He is of average height and build for an elf.
Skills and Abilities
Vordrakel's favored weapon is an elven curve blade. He usually wields it in a dueling style (one handed, keeping one hand free, but he can use a shield when necessary)
Mageblade: Vordrakel can imbue his weapon with a spell that casts upon striking a foe.
Light & Fire: Vordrakel specializes in concentrating light magic into both offensive and defensive spells.
{WIP sandbox ideas for later
Blinding flash
Sun beam
Mage armor (light?)
Holosmith/lightforge stuff?}
Mageblade: Vordrakel can imbue his weapon with a spell that casts upon striking a foe.
Light & Fire: Vordrakel specializes in concentrating light magic into both offensive and defensive spells.
{WIP sandbox ideas for later
Blinding flash
Sun beam
Mage armor (light?)
Holosmith/lightforge stuff?}
Faith & Tradition: Vordrakel believes in and aims to uphold the ancient traditions and spiritual teachings of his people. This can, at times, lead him to be intolerant of other faiths and slow to change.
Calm & Rational: Vordrakel is typically a very patient man - both in life and in battle - willing to listen to every side of an argument even if he disagrees, and taking measure of an opponent before striking.
Reserved: Great loss from the times of the Eventide have left emotional scars that he distracts himself from by focusing on the problems of the present.
Calm & Rational: Vordrakel is typically a very patient man - both in life and in battle - willing to listen to every side of an argument even if he disagrees, and taking measure of an opponent before striking.
Reserved: Great loss from the times of the Eventide have left emotional scars that he distracts himself from by focusing on the problems of the present.