Myrra Zaeneir is a relatively average dark elf. As is typical for most elves her skin is free of any splotching or blemishes that are common among the other races. To another elf she would appear to be average in appearance, not unattractive but surely nothing to write home about. Humans on the other hand tend to find her quite stunning.
She has red eyes which are rather common amongst the Sharathi and snowy white hair which she prefers to keep long.
Due to the nature of her work she generally wears light leather or cloth and often uses a hooded cloak to help conceal her identity or blend into a crowd.
She has red eyes which are rather common amongst the Sharathi and snowy white hair which she prefers to keep long.
Due to the nature of her work she generally wears light leather or cloth and often uses a hooded cloak to help conceal her identity or blend into a crowd.
Skills and Abilities
Diplomacy - The pen is mightier than the sword! If possible she tries to avoid violence and has gotten good at talking her way out of unpleasant situations. Although, if the coin is right she’s open to assassination jobs.
Daggers and Knives - These are Myrra’s preferred weapons if she isn’t using magic. Whether used for throwing, stabbing, or slashing.
Delumens - She can reduce the level of light around her helping her to sneak in illuminated areas. When engaging in this magic photons of light die out around her. This ability, when used too long, causes a sense of dread and depression to wash over Myrra along with any other sentient beings standing too close to her.
Hydromancy - Myrra can control water to a startling degree. She can freeze the water in the air molecules around her to create shards of ice which can be launched at foes. She can envelop someone in a torrent of water in an attempt to drown them. She can superheat water to burn an adversary or create steam in an attempt to temporarily blind them. She can even freeze flesh if touching it.
Depending on the level of the hydromancy at work she will become extremely fatigued, sometimes to the point of fainting. In addition, she becomes dehydrated as she engages in these abilities requiring her to drink large amounts of water to avoid headaches or more severe health risks.
Daggers and Knives - These are Myrra’s preferred weapons if she isn’t using magic. Whether used for throwing, stabbing, or slashing.
Delumens - She can reduce the level of light around her helping her to sneak in illuminated areas. When engaging in this magic photons of light die out around her. This ability, when used too long, causes a sense of dread and depression to wash over Myrra along with any other sentient beings standing too close to her.
Hydromancy - Myrra can control water to a startling degree. She can freeze the water in the air molecules around her to create shards of ice which can be launched at foes. She can envelop someone in a torrent of water in an attempt to drown them. She can superheat water to burn an adversary or create steam in an attempt to temporarily blind them. She can even freeze flesh if touching it.
Depending on the level of the hydromancy at work she will become extremely fatigued, sometimes to the point of fainting. In addition, she becomes dehydrated as she engages in these abilities requiring her to drink large amounts of water to avoid headaches or more severe health risks.
Pragmatic and practical, Myrra can sometimes rub thin-skinned folk the wrong way. She is cunning, clever, and sometimes a bit of a know it all. However she is not above acting dumb if the situation calls for it.