Me-anne-eh. Falconer by day, witch by night.
Miane is tall and slim, with light brown hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. Her face has a light smattering of freckles. She has a few scars across her forearms and hands from accidents with her birds over the years, though most of them are old and faded now.
Skills and Abilities
Miane is skilled in management in a variety of areas: she maintains a small keep with a decent amount of private soldiers in her employ, as well as several servants who maintain the household.
Miane is a skilled swordswoman and falconer.
As a witch in hiding, Miane has not honed her numerous magical abilities as much as she would like. Her greatest magical skill, though, is her ability to merge her mind with animals for a short period of time, and see through their eyes and communicate with them. She is able to do this with greater ability and for longer amounts of time with her familiar, a barred owl she saved from an inept falconer at a market in Kherkhana a few years before. She calls her owl familiar Akea.
Miane is able to work some minor spells of various kinds, and has an un-honed talent for divination.
Miane is able to work some minor spells of various kinds, and has an un-honed talent for divination.
Miane is, above all, stoic. But if something ignites her ire she can be quite sharp-tongued. She is most content alone with her owl-familiar, deep in the wilderness.