Lyssia D'Avore
Lyssia appears much younger than she physically is.
Lyssia has a frail-appearing frame lacking much in the way of curves or any other charms of a woman grown. Although she is in her thirties, she is still not fully mature in a physical way. Her people tend to mature fully in their forties to fifties, but slow in apparent physical aging much earlier than that. As a result, she is much shorter than most other races at her age, and will not likely grow any taller. Her uncommon ancestry lend her other traits that are unique to the people, such as the disconcertingly pale violet eyes that glow ever so faintly with an inner light.
Lyssia has lustrous red hair that she wears long either loose, tied at the nape of the neck, or otherwise wears in a thick braid. Her amethyst eyes rest in a narrow face, finely boned and with high cheekbones. Her skin is rather pallid, making the freckles that pepper her face and the rest of her body more evident.
Lyssia carries herself with a nobles' bearing, although it is sometimes inexpertly delivered. She tends to wear dresses but is not averse to wearing more serviceable clothing when the work requires it. She is a Lady born of privilege, even if everything has been cast down around her ears, and she tries to maintain the illusion of what she once was at all times.
Lyssia has a frail-appearing frame lacking much in the way of curves or any other charms of a woman grown. Although she is in her thirties, she is still not fully mature in a physical way. Her people tend to mature fully in their forties to fifties, but slow in apparent physical aging much earlier than that. As a result, she is much shorter than most other races at her age, and will not likely grow any taller. Her uncommon ancestry lend her other traits that are unique to the people, such as the disconcertingly pale violet eyes that glow ever so faintly with an inner light.
Lyssia has lustrous red hair that she wears long either loose, tied at the nape of the neck, or otherwise wears in a thick braid. Her amethyst eyes rest in a narrow face, finely boned and with high cheekbones. Her skin is rather pallid, making the freckles that pepper her face and the rest of her body more evident.
Lyssia carries herself with a nobles' bearing, although it is sometimes inexpertly delivered. She tends to wear dresses but is not averse to wearing more serviceable clothing when the work requires it. She is a Lady born of privilege, even if everything has been cast down around her ears, and she tries to maintain the illusion of what she once was at all times.
Skills and Abilities
Strengths and Talents
Lyssia is pure blood Sidhe, and as such has a natural talent for many things magical. She is very young, though, for her people, but despite this she has already manifested the affinities that will remain with her through her long life. As a result of her lineage, she also has a great deal of resistence to magical effects, and can detect and identify magical effects being used on her or near her if they are familiar enough, and if they are not she can sense their mere presence if not intent.
Lyssia is aligned to wind and light - light as in the divine, as many of the clerics and people of the gods, ancient and present, would call it. She does not have a great repertoire of offensive abilities, but she has a keen sense for support abilities, such as healing and enhancing allies or defending charges from harm either directly or indirectly.
She is not a fighter, however.
Lady D'Avore has a sharp mind and a quick - if dry - wit about her. She can think through situations and generally come out ahead, seeing pitfalls that might be hidden to others. She has training in diplomatic affairs and mercantile dealings, although her age does limit her experience somewhat. Still, she does have the ability to charm and also the ability to mislead; she knows she is small, unprepossessing, and appears a child, and she uses it to her advantage when she can.
Weaknesses and Faults
As a full blooded Sidhe, Lyssia is resistant to all forms of magic, including beneficial magic. It requires a great deal of effort to effect healing upon her, and enhancing abilities cannot be cast on her by herself.
Lyssia is not a fighter. She was raised to be a noblewoman's daughter, and eventually would likely have been wed to secure alliances with another House. She was intended to be the next scion of the House. Since the dissolution of House D'Avore due to treachery, she is no longer able to fulfill that capacity as she once would have. She also has enemies, now, that want all traces of the D'Avore family erased. She does not understand why, as this was thrust upon her when she was much younger.
Although she is a caster, anything that is not related to her talents - healing and support - is unreliable. Offensive spells require a great deal more effort for her to cast (a fact that frustrates her) and are much more likely to go haywire and cause unintended consequences.
Lyssia is small and physically weak, which not uncommon among her people. She is easier to physically harm and overpower than most other of her height and weight, and she has limited physical strength for carrying or lifting items.
Lyssia is pure blood Sidhe, and as such has a natural talent for many things magical. She is very young, though, for her people, but despite this she has already manifested the affinities that will remain with her through her long life. As a result of her lineage, she also has a great deal of resistence to magical effects, and can detect and identify magical effects being used on her or near her if they are familiar enough, and if they are not she can sense their mere presence if not intent.
Lyssia is aligned to wind and light - light as in the divine, as many of the clerics and people of the gods, ancient and present, would call it. She does not have a great repertoire of offensive abilities, but she has a keen sense for support abilities, such as healing and enhancing allies or defending charges from harm either directly or indirectly.
She is not a fighter, however.
Lady D'Avore has a sharp mind and a quick - if dry - wit about her. She can think through situations and generally come out ahead, seeing pitfalls that might be hidden to others. She has training in diplomatic affairs and mercantile dealings, although her age does limit her experience somewhat. Still, she does have the ability to charm and also the ability to mislead; she knows she is small, unprepossessing, and appears a child, and she uses it to her advantage when she can.
Weaknesses and Faults
As a full blooded Sidhe, Lyssia is resistant to all forms of magic, including beneficial magic. It requires a great deal of effort to effect healing upon her, and enhancing abilities cannot be cast on her by herself.
Lyssia is not a fighter. She was raised to be a noblewoman's daughter, and eventually would likely have been wed to secure alliances with another House. She was intended to be the next scion of the House. Since the dissolution of House D'Avore due to treachery, she is no longer able to fulfill that capacity as she once would have. She also has enemies, now, that want all traces of the D'Avore family erased. She does not understand why, as this was thrust upon her when she was much younger.
Although she is a caster, anything that is not related to her talents - healing and support - is unreliable. Offensive spells require a great deal more effort for her to cast (a fact that frustrates her) and are much more likely to go haywire and cause unintended consequences.
Lyssia is small and physically weak, which not uncommon among her people. She is easier to physically harm and overpower than most other of her height and weight, and she has limited physical strength for carrying or lifting items.
She has become wiser to the ways of the world.While she is still young an inexperienced,she has faced trials and tribulations that might unman another.
Her temper remains as fiery as before, albeit what sets it off has changed. She still holds herself to a loose set of principles, but in the light of fading hopes of ever returning to the life she once knew, she has changed her goals and some of those principles to suit the newer, darker reality.
Lyssia does not like fighting, and is still very unreliable in a fight when pressed to it. She is emotionally and mentally traumatized from the few combat situations she has been in; for some reason, this does not stop her from rushing headlong into trouble when she feels there is dire need for it.
Lyssia still sees herself as something above the common man, if only because of a seeming predeliction for the common man to engage in terrible acts of violence and thievery. This likely has more to do with the company she has been forced to keep for the last few years than any basis in reality.
Her temper remains as fiery as before, albeit what sets it off has changed. She still holds herself to a loose set of principles, but in the light of fading hopes of ever returning to the life she once knew, she has changed her goals and some of those principles to suit the newer, darker reality.
Lyssia does not like fighting, and is still very unreliable in a fight when pressed to it. She is emotionally and mentally traumatized from the few combat situations she has been in; for some reason, this does not stop her from rushing headlong into trouble when she feels there is dire need for it.
Lyssia still sees herself as something above the common man, if only because of a seeming predeliction for the common man to engage in terrible acts of violence and thievery. This likely has more to do with the company she has been forced to keep for the last few years than any basis in reality.
Lyssia is young and relatively inexperienced in the ways of the world, although the degree of inexperience has dwindled greatly in the years following the destruction of her family and the stripping of the titles and lands that were once hers by hereditary right.
Even though it has been years, Lyssia still does not believe certain things can happen to her by dint of upbringing. She still carries a little of the hauteur of being a member of the privileged upper class, believing there is something fundamentally different between her and the common people of the world, something bred in the bone that no amount of foul luck could change.
She is very strong willed, and has little compunction with yelling at recalcitrant help, hired or not. She has a fiery temper that is so very much at odds with the fact that she is not violent in the slightest; tempermental outbursts generally involve empty threats, childish as it might be, but when the bluff is called she is unlikely to press further.
When her desires are not being challenged, she is rather quiet and reserved, quite nearly aloof. Every now and again, though, a piece of the fractured puzzle that hides beneath the surface reveals itself and the scared, scarred young woman that she is. She does not like to let others know what hides beneath the surface.
She is driven to avenge the deaths of her parents and the shattering of her life, but reluctant to do many of the things that would be required to move forward on those goals. She pretends to enlightened principles and hangs on the precipice when she is preparing to do something she thinks might violate the ideals she sees in her head, before moving forward and doing whatever it was she wanted in the first place.
Once, her brother would have acted as the reins, drawing her back from reckless action. There is still deep scarring in her soul from his death, a tragic affair that she has not and probably will never get over.
Even though it has been years, Lyssia still does not believe certain things can happen to her by dint of upbringing. She still carries a little of the hauteur of being a member of the privileged upper class, believing there is something fundamentally different between her and the common people of the world, something bred in the bone that no amount of foul luck could change.
She is very strong willed, and has little compunction with yelling at recalcitrant help, hired or not. She has a fiery temper that is so very much at odds with the fact that she is not violent in the slightest; tempermental outbursts generally involve empty threats, childish as it might be, but when the bluff is called she is unlikely to press further.
When her desires are not being challenged, she is rather quiet and reserved, quite nearly aloof. Every now and again, though, a piece of the fractured puzzle that hides beneath the surface reveals itself and the scared, scarred young woman that she is. She does not like to let others know what hides beneath the surface.
She is driven to avenge the deaths of her parents and the shattering of her life, but reluctant to do many of the things that would be required to move forward on those goals. She pretends to enlightened principles and hangs on the precipice when she is preparing to do something she thinks might violate the ideals she sees in her head, before moving forward and doing whatever it was she wanted in the first place.
Once, her brother would have acted as the reins, drawing her back from reckless action. There is still deep scarring in her soul from his death, a tragic affair that she has not and probably will never get over.