Lazarus Erca'Ryt
It was for the workers, the ship builders, and the soiled lot...

Often pre-occupied and adorned with a distant expression, Lazarus carries a weighty aura. With facial and bodily scars, along with tattoos, he is considerably passable given his heritage. Eyes of verdant and azure, his complexion is that of a man who works often in the high sun.
Despite his elven bloodline, his jawline is strong, his face is particularly non-almond in shape, and his body is bulky and far from anything resembling sinewy. He carries himself with a gait that indicates experience in a fight and no clear reluctance to avoid confrontation.
Skills and Abilities
Lazarus' skill vary widely when it comes to physical and magical feats. Working his way through the College of Elbion, he was noted as having particular proficiency with various divination practices and telekinesis. But, what perhaps garnered the most attention from certain instructors, was his natural skill with Goetia.
Physically, Laz carries the skill of a standard military warrior. Handy with a crossbow, quick to mount a horse, and adept with a blade. Laz is no stranger to hand-to-hand combat and he hardly shies from the notions of taking a life.
If Lazarus seems distant, it's simply because he's focusing.
Since a very young age, he's been the victim of constant mental attacks that resemble a festoon of demonic flourishes. While his mother never confirmed the reasoning for his tortured disposition, she always quietly assumed that it was an affliction caused by the mixing of bloodlines. Of her six children, Lazarus was the only to be born from the womb absent physical deformation. A bout of mental disorders wasn't surprising. But this ailment comes in the form of demonic conversation, images of mass slaughtering, and macabre rituals. Little did his mother know, but these afflictions were far more than just the evidence of a wandering or untethered mind.

When lucid, Lazarus is a man of many talents and loquaciousness. Of these talents, his propensity for intuition and perception is always evident. While it could be laid at his natural talents for divination, the fact of the matter is that he is impressively perceptive and equally taciturn regarding noticed and significant details.
Lazarus spent many nights and days in nameless towers in Elbion. Time spent under the knife or other various interrogation devices gave him a certain appreciation for being soft spoken and willful. He learned that words, secrets, and information were the ultimate source of power. And in this journey, he was informed through the medium of pain. It was through this constant experience that he overcame concern for pain, mortality, or consequence. In that regard, his life experiences have given him a certain appreciation for the act of throwing caution to the wind, tossing away concern for causality, and pursuing goals without notion of reason and pragmatism.
Lazarus of Minaris, as his name would suggest, was born on a transport ferry moving along port at the prominent trading town of the Isles of Sheketh. Aboard the vessel were various stockpiles of precious minerals and metals, headed towards the Drakefall Fortress as part of a levied tax for distribution of goods through water-bodies that flowed into the Akinawa sea. The ferry was manned by several men hired from Alliria and one stubborn and pregnant human. What preceded the nine months prior to this event laid the path that would stretch out, 75 years into the future.
Idelath Erca'Ryt was an unspoken sidereal elf, trained from a young age in arcane magics tied to divination and constellation tracking. Gifted from very young as a mage, he prospered well in the tenants of the culture and their general ideologies. However, as he matured, he learned that his power was tied heavily to more nefarious sources- a thing that he kept secret for the remainder of his life following banishment from the Spine. His excommunication was a result of unleashing a particular power, which inhabited a good friend, and led to the death of numerous elves.
En route to a small port town along the Ryt coast, Idelath was heavily wounded by a nomadic clan of Orcs. He was found by a family near where he was attacked and nearly killed. Despite the concern associated with helping someone with such powers, unknown to them, they nursed him back to health. But the injuries he sustained had destroyed his natural abilities to tap into his various powers, leaving him dependent entirely on the human family for recovery.
Perhaps it was out of boredom or maybe it was love, but Idelath fell for the oldest daughter of that family. She was stubborn, willful, and gave no leave to the elf despite his once held talents and graceful beauty. It may have been that property alone that drew him to her. To Alasiah.
The elf and human had six children total. Of them, only two gave no appearance of being a half-elf hybrid and all but one of them were doomed to physical deformities as a result of the blood mixing. This was to be Idelaths greatest source of shame. He put all his hopes and dreams into their oldest child, Lazarus.
Lazarus was clearly gifted with magic from the first moments he could speak. Able to perceive and pull from various sources, he had the makings of a powerful mage. But he was taunted by voices, images, and macabre scenes that couldn’t be explained. Both parents wrote it off as an overactive imagination, but the affliction plagued him for all of his young age. Yet, despite this, he was eventually sent to Elbion to train - with bags filled with coin due to Idelaths many fortunes in the seafaring profession. It was that donation that allowed Lazarus to train at Elbion.
Lazarus’ talents were immediately noticed by two ambitious magicians, inclined towards immoral pursuits for the sake of knowledge. What may have once been thought to be an affliction of the mind, they believed was something far more profound. Able to ascertain Lazarus’ heritage, they discovered that his mental ailments were a result of his bloodline and the resulting proficiency with Goetia. It wasn’t that Lazarus was hearing voices, it was that he was communing with demons and evil specters that existed on a different plane. The years that followed, until Lazarus’ eventual graduation, were mired with unfortunate experimentation, non-fatal vivisections, and blood and ink-letting in an effort to contain his power. After graduations, there was no plan for the mages to allow Lazarus to leave - but after conjurations and deals that were sealed in blood, the Mage’s disappeared from the academy and Lazarus escaped across the continent.
He, eventually, landed back in Elbion. His intent was to change his profession, escape to sea, and never hear from the mages, their council, or their agents again. It was in the docks and ports that he became a successful businessman, working his way up through the shipwright ranks, until he began acquiring his own resources. And with that, a reputation for reckless endeavors and an almost mystical capability for getting what he wants.
What that is, for those who are not intimate with the workings of his mind, is and will remain entirely unclear.
Current Status
Lazarus passes his time moving along the coast from Alliria to Elbion, trading and working the small business he has established in the Port District. Occasionally, he will make his way north through the Spine or along the Steppes and even more rare, he will find his way back to the Isles of Sheketh - where he only had a passing relationship. In general, he travels predominantly by water and where possible, spends his time at sea.