Kade Anvar
Appearance and Equipment
* Short brown hair, green eyes, tanned skin, 5'11", limber build. Small dark birthmark beneath the left corner of his mouth.
* Usually wears a faded green vest over top of a darker, short-sleeved green tunic, torn beige scarf, khaki pants, ankle-high sandals. Wears wristwraps and fingerless gloves for gathering plants and herbs, and carries full, thick gloves as backup.
* Usually carries a utility knife that could be used as a weapon in a pinch.
Skills and Abilities
Journeyman Alchemist: Over the course of his time gathering ingredients for the Master Alchemist Jalil Ruubin, Kade has showed an aptitude that garnered him notice. Master Jalil took Kade into an apprenticeship when he turned seventeen, and under his tutelage Kade went from a novice to a journeyman. With this knowledge Kade can concoct simple potions and elixirs and salves. As well from his time as a gatherer, he has an eye for useful reagents and ingredients.
Sleight of Hand: Being the oldest of three, and with his father's work as a stonemason hindered by his missing right hand and his mother's work as a fruit-seller being unreliable, Kade often took it upon himself to help provide for his younger sister and baby brother. Kade does not possess any true magic of his own, but his hands can work like a mundane street magician's: smooth, quick, unnoticed amid opportunistic or planned misdirections to make things appear or disappear.
Gymnastic Agility: Going hand-in-hand with his Sleight of Hand, and not being one for straightforward fighting, Kade relies heavily on fluid agility to escape or beguile his adversaries. Even when he's not in any particular trouble (at the moment) he often practices parkour and other maneuvers around Ragash, and the environment of the city lends itself quite well to his natural talent in this.
Personality and Characteristics
* Cheerful and good-spirited, despite his family being of poor means. A humble, "aw shucks" kind of guy. Very casual and down to earth, and as such can have problems with rigid formality and decorum.
* Open and honest with his friends and family, but can lie as easily as he breathes with foes if and when a situation calls for it.
* Has a "never back down" mentality when he needs to get something done, no matter who or what he's up against. Even if success involves plenty of retreats and trying again, he'll keep at it.
* Optimistic. Firm believer in the adage of "If there's a will, there's a way."
* Altruistic yes, but only with close friends and his family. Whatever regrets he's felt in the past for the suffering of others outside of his circle have been blunted by necessity. Family comes first, and that's the hard truth.
* Not really one for rules. Breaks them at his convenience.
+ Not a lick of facial hair, just like his father, even though he envies the look.
+ Can be very animated and fast-talking when excited.
+ Drums are his favorite instrument.
+ Something of a stargazer. No learned astronomer from the Madrassa of Peace, but he does have a curious interest.
+ Wary of Gerra's Empire at first, but now a supporter of it.
+ Has an irrational fear of needles. A hall of seamstresses or tailor's shop is a nightmare for him.
+ Easily gets seasick, and so hates sailing on boats of any size.