Gwynnestri Ravaneiros
Love was a strange thing. It snatched you up by the heart and made everything else dim in comparison to that one person, the person that made you feel such strong things and put in you a longing and desire beyond compare. Every day, it served as a reminder of why you walked the earth and what you breathed and bled for. Love both grounded you in humanity and yet also gave you a taste of magic and dreams.
Gwynnestri has long, white blonde hair, and pale blue eyes. With her fair skin and soft features, some have said she resembles a porcelain doll. She has a button nose and an angled chin. She is small by elf standards, and while a young adult by Avelion aging, she still appears young.
Her head is usually adorned with a golden crown or circlet of some sort and her neck and pointed ears with jewelry. She wears simple but elegant clothes, usually dresses, save for when she rides her Great Eagle, Gavne.
She appears fragile and delicate, which in part she is, but her thin, lithe frame hides her inner strength.
Her head is usually adorned with a golden crown or circlet of some sort and her neck and pointed ears with jewelry. She wears simple but elegant clothes, usually dresses, save for when she rides her Great Eagle, Gavne.
She appears fragile and delicate, which in part she is, but her thin, lithe frame hides her inner strength.

Skills and Abilities
Gwynnestri can fly as well as some of the dragoons, but is less skilled at combat while flying.
While not suited for combat, Gwynn can defend herself and knows how to handle a simple blade, and how to land a punch.
Either her greatest strength or her greatest weakness; Gwynn is well-loved by nearly everyone she meets which can give her a leg up but also leave her open to attack. Despite this, she is good at maneuvering through politics and reading between the lines of fancy, thick words.
She was born with the innate ability to wield magic, like many of her Elven relatives. She is well trained by royal mages and her strengths lie in wind and self-enchancement (like speed, strength, sight, hearing, etc)
Gwynnestri can fly as well as some of the dragoons, but is less skilled at combat while flying.
While not suited for combat, Gwynn can defend herself and knows how to handle a simple blade, and how to land a punch.
Either her greatest strength or her greatest weakness; Gwynn is well-loved by nearly everyone she meets which can give her a leg up but also leave her open to attack. Despite this, she is good at maneuvering through politics and reading between the lines of fancy, thick words.
She was born with the innate ability to wield magic, like many of her Elven relatives. She is well trained by royal mages and her strengths lie in wind and self-enchancement (like speed, strength, sight, hearing, etc)
Gwynn is quiet but this does not mean she is weak. Some wrongly assume she is a figurehead and pushover, and others believe she is too perfect. In reality, she is somewhere in the middle- while not naive, she has a tendency to want to make everyone happy. Growing up with the weight of the crown on her shoulders has added a layer of difficulty to her life that some don't see.
She is usually composed, but only because she was raised to believe that the Queen can not show weakness- she has to appear perfect to her people so that they believe in her. She is very good at hiding her emotions but when she is alone and/or with Gavne, her rare wild side comes out. She has a deeply submerged desire to rebel but has never acted on it; at least not significantly.
She is very close to her rohk, and the pair has an almost sisterly bond, if one was possible between elf and creature.
She is usually composed, but only because she was raised to believe that the Queen can not show weakness- she has to appear perfect to her people so that they believe in her. She is very good at hiding her emotions but when she is alone and/or with Gavne, her rare wild side comes out. She has a deeply submerged desire to rebel but has never acted on it; at least not significantly.
She is very close to her rohk, and the pair has an almost sisterly bond, if one was possible between elf and creature.