Fëanáro Amroth Elrohir
Average on most accounts, Fëanáro stands at a respectable five foot ten, well built and lean, she retains the lithe appearance of many of her kin, but also the tell-tale signs of her heavy armour use over the years and her training. None would consider her especially pretty, her features hardened from the years but she retains the no less fair complexion and alluring gaze of her people.
Fëanáro sports a number of tattooed markings upon her face, optional additions when achieving ranks within the Mehtayar Order, showing ones ability and desire to serve the Order with their lives. Much like everything else in her life, her attire is both elegant but also practical, never being caught dead in a gown, but not throwing aside the more noble clothing among her people.
Skills and Abilities
Swordsmanship: Fëanáro is an exceptionally skilled swordsmoman, having honed the skill most of her Templar life, as one would expect with her age. She can handle most foes that come her way, however, she herself would not declare herself a master swordswoman in arrogance.
Mounted Combat: Like all Mehtayar Templar Knights, Fëanáro is well versed in the art of mounted combat atop a charging steed, knowing where to land her lance and when to lower her blade for optimal undead-slaying. Specifically, her Order is trained in the art of shock cavalry, preferring to charge through an enemy formation, instead of engaging in melee.
Tactical Knowledge: With rank comes responsibility and Fëanáro is no stranger to such. During her promotions she spent many a night burning the midnight oil in the grand libraries and scholarly chambers of Fal'Addas, researching and learning the techniques used by victorious generals and commanders, as well as the mistakes that caused the downfall of others, so as not to repeat them. She can command her cavalry unit to an effective standard and knows how to keep as many of her people alive as she can.
Noble Etiquette: Being a Knight of the Mehtayar Order does bring with it downsides. Though not entirely lacking in this regard, Fëanáro is not exactly a Lady of the Court, nor is she a particularly respectable courtship target. This causes a significant strain on her family and a fair amount of stress, from those who carry the noble blood that runs through her veins.
Pyromancy: One aspect of Fëanáro that does break the mold of mediocrity is her innate ability to conjure flames, like many of the Mehtayar Order, she is a Pyromancer, her flames dedicated to the extermination and purification of Undead and any cursed by Dark Magics. Full tuition at the College of Elbion, thanks to the sway of her Father, has allowed her to hone her magic into three select forms.
Mounted Combat: Like all Mehtayar Templar Knights, Fëanáro is well versed in the art of mounted combat atop a charging steed, knowing where to land her lance and when to lower her blade for optimal undead-slaying. Specifically, her Order is trained in the art of shock cavalry, preferring to charge through an enemy formation, instead of engaging in melee.
Tactical Knowledge: With rank comes responsibility and Fëanáro is no stranger to such. During her promotions she spent many a night burning the midnight oil in the grand libraries and scholarly chambers of Fal'Addas, researching and learning the techniques used by victorious generals and commanders, as well as the mistakes that caused the downfall of others, so as not to repeat them. She can command her cavalry unit to an effective standard and knows how to keep as many of her people alive as she can.
Noble Etiquette: Being a Knight of the Mehtayar Order does bring with it downsides. Though not entirely lacking in this regard, Fëanáro is not exactly a Lady of the Court, nor is she a particularly respectable courtship target. This causes a significant strain on her family and a fair amount of stress, from those who carry the noble blood that runs through her veins.
Pyromancy: One aspect of Fëanáro that does break the mold of mediocrity is her innate ability to conjure flames, like many of the Mehtayar Order, she is a Pyromancer, her flames dedicated to the extermination and purification of Undead and any cursed by Dark Magics. Full tuition at the College of Elbion, thanks to the sway of her Father, has allowed her to hone her magic into three select forms.
- Sindar Cyettir - When concentrating -without any physical distractions to her person- Fëanáro can channel her pyromancy into a tendril of flame against a single target, immobilizing and then engulfing them in white-hot fire. This spell requires total concentration on a single target and requires her to be immobile during the casting. Once broken, the longer the tendril of fire was lit, the weaker physically she will be.
- Sindar Paerres - A quicker spell than Cyettir Fëanáro can form her pyromantic abilities into a singular, or several smaller pillars of flame at the location of her targets, each pillar must be announced via a spell word, but many can be called forth in quick succession. The pillars are short-lived and grow in intensity the lower the number, causing a quick bout of immolation, to remove any of those shambling corpses covering your path. Consecutive calls of the pillars will tax Fëanáro further and further, eventually rendering her unable to cast any further, as well as physically and mentally exhausted.
- Sindar Aoise - Something she considers her piece la resistance, Aoise is a defensive spell, as well as an offensive depending on the situation. Calling forth her abilities with a chant, Fëanáro can form a circular ring covering anywhere from three to ten feet in diameter, once the ring is complete it will burst into a wall of purging, immolating flames. The spell will follow her, burning itself into the ground to retain shape, consuming both magic and physical properties of anything that strikes it from both sides. The spell is entirely dependent on her preparation, within the moment cast resulting in a less powerful, far smaller area of effect, whereas the full ritual will result in a billowing wall of flame that any she deems allowed can pass through. However, both forms of the spell are incredibly taxing to upkeep and can very easily result in either complete collapse or even death.
Fëanáro is neither stubborn nor aloof, fitting somewhere between the two in her day to day life. Her attitude to others and happenings around her are often subject to the time of day, the weather and perhaps even her own mood. Though calling her somewhat arrogant would not be far from the truth. Like most of her kin, she does hold an air of superiority, even among her Templars, which in the past has caused conflict and friction within the Order. Friendly enough in the right circumstances, she can be, simply put, a bit of a bitch.