LFG Mysterious masked creature seeking a master to serve.

Character Biography
Hello! So, after a lot of work and brainstorming I've finally finished Len Dy't B-taa. He's got the most complex backstory I've written in quite a long time, and I'm eager to get started with him! I think he'll be really interesting to play out!

So here's the thing.

Len is not a normal thinking being. He's extremely single minded, believing himself to exist solely to protect and serve another. In a previous existence, he was a mighty vanguard who shielded the innocent. Now, that desire to shield is the only thing left in his body.

So, need a goon to do your bidding? A badass bodyguard to protect you from all forms of harm? Maybe you just want to be able to say you have a sword-dancer in full body armor at your beck and call. I'd be very eager to hear takers for bringing the masked man along. :)
Okay, I've got a couple characters and ideas!

Kalia Oro Khastan
He's also a man behind a mask, and while he's an adventurer and capable fighter and magic user he's slowly getting into other venues of business, going for positions where it would be beneath him to raise his hand against someone personally.

Tera Lynx
My defenseless squishy doctor that needs a bodyguard for when people try to get out of paying for her services and to watch her back when she goes into less than savory places looking to ply her trade in a charity sense.

If either of these interest you, please let me know!
Len Dy't B-taa

This character sounds amazing! I would love to have him along. Atrix is a rich boy/mage who is on a never ending quest for knowledge/power and having someone like you along would be great. I would need people to serve under Atrix as I am not quite sure what his future holds, but, having someone to do his bidding would be great. "Why get your hands dirty when you can PAY someone to do it for you." It would make sense as Atrix's entire purpose is to travel the world and gather whatever knowledge he can and having someone who could protect him and give him an extra security blanket when he needs to go to more..... dangerous locations would be awesome!
Len Dy't B-taa

This character sounds amazing! I would love to have him along. Atrix is a rich boy/mage who is on a never ending quest for knowledge/power and having someone like you along would be great. I would need people to serve under Atrix as I am not quite sure what his future holds, but, having someone to do his bidding would be great. "Why get your hands dirty when you can PAY someone to do it for you." It would make sense as Atrix's entire purpose is to travel the world and gather whatever knowledge he can and having someone who could protect him and give him an extra security blanket when he needs to go to more..... dangerous locations would be awesome!
I'd be happy to iron something out with you. If you have a specific place to start in mind feel free to message me. If not, let me know and I can figure things out.
  • Cthuulove
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