Looking to get a feel for things!

Hello! Shortly after finally finishing my first character, I fell ill for several weeks and wasn't able to do much more than lay around all day. Now that I'm feeling better, I'd really like to find a nice small RP to get a feel for things here, and to stretch my wings out as Varys. I'm extremely open to any and all scenarios, and as I'm not too sure where I'd like to start things, feel free to shoot me an idea or two! I'd love to get started with you!

I'm not stingy on post length or reply waits, as long as we both have fun, that's all that matters to me!
  • Yay
Reactions: Tian
Hum, ho-hum, do I take another thread on? It says yes, so perhaps yes it should be.

I might be interested in starting something up with you. I have a handful of active characters (Aeyliea, Lyssia D'avore, Maranae, Tian, Seska the Dragonslayer).

Did you have something in mind?
Hum, ho-hum, do I take another thread on? It says yes, so perhaps yes it should be.

I might be interested in starting something up with you. I have a handful of active characters (Aeyliea, Lyssia D'avore, Maranae, Tian, Seska the Dragonslayer).

Did you have something in mind?
More or less just looking for a reason to get him out of his home city and out travelling. Not anything crazy to start.
Tian or Seska, then. Definitely easier to have low-stakes threads with either of them, since one is not bound to any particular place and the other is already in the Falwood area. I do not know if I can kick start someone moving out of the city, but I can make a thread.

The real question is, what kind of thread are you looking for? Adventure? Dialogue-y? Action-y?