Hello Everyone!


Character Biography
Hi there! Name's Gerhold, albeit you can call me Steely if you prefer not to use my (soon-to-be-created) character's name. I'm a 17 year old student about to start college life this year, with a great passion for writing and world building. Currently, I'm on vacations till my classes start, so I'm only limited by my own motivation and whatever pops up during these days. While I do have a couple of years of experience with writing and roleplaying, I still consider myself as a learner, specially since English's not my mother tongue.

Anyways, I hope to meet quite a lot of people around here! I'm friendly and, most of the time, down to hash a story or two out, specially given this site's pre-defined world. So, once again, hello to all, and let's see what wonderful stories we can get going!
Welcome! It's great to have you here. You'll find we have a lot of others here that have English as a second language so don't be intimidated. You'll fit in great. Can wait to see you around. Enjoy that break!