Gerhold Zimmermann
Strumwalder Castle (Former)
Gerhold is, first and foremost, an imposing, often intimidating man. Broad-shouldered and of tall stature, he towers over most of his human peers. His eyes are of an icy blue, observant and piercing, as well as extremely expressive. He boasts a well-trimmed blonde beard, albeit since his exile from his knight order, his shoulder-length, slightly curly blonde mane has taken a wilder, disheveled style. Despite his extensive military experience as a knight, his face is free of scars; those are instead found across his torso and limbs; the most noticeable one is a horrid slash across the left side of his abdomen, inflicted on him by a charging lancer.
While one could say that he is certainly a handsome man, stress has chiseled his features to be far too mature for his age, and the stern looks he often carries on his eyes tend to put off new acquaintances.
Gerhold tends to stand out in crowds due to his stoic expressions and weathered armor. Even when out of armor and in more casual clothing, his height makes it hard for him to blend in with any masses.
While one could say that he is certainly a handsome man, stress has chiseled his features to be far too mature for his age, and the stern looks he often carries on his eyes tend to put off new acquaintances.
Gerhold tends to stand out in crowds due to his stoic expressions and weathered armor. Even when out of armor and in more casual clothing, his height makes it hard for him to blend in with any masses.
Skills and Abilities
A trained knight with almost a decade and a half of military service, Gerhold is a reliable warrior and well-tested with the sword and shield. While far from legendary, his capability of remaining focused and his natural observant nature shaped him into a stellar fighter, capable of exploiting weaknesses and delivering powerful, critical blows in battle. He is also knowledgeable in the arts of the lance, though given his expulsion from the Order, he rarely finds a situation where a devastating charge on horseback can change the tide of a battle.
Aside from his combat abilities, he is adept at survival, knowing how to find proper shelter in the wild, setting up fires, tending to minor wounds, skinning animals and cooking meals. Since his exile, he has taken up the bow and arrow to hunt, though he never relies on it when threatened by bandits and such.
On the other hand, Gerhold is also adept at Ringen, a Ludwessian martial art. It consists mostly of grapples, holds and strikes aimed to stun, as a means to wear out the opponent throughout the fight while preserving the user's own stamina. The style's philosophy also involves resilience and patience, with a great emphasis on counters. Ringen fits perfectly with Gerhold's large and toned frame, making it a viable alternative when no other weapons are present.
Aside from his combat abilities, he is adept at survival, knowing how to find proper shelter in the wild, setting up fires, tending to minor wounds, skinning animals and cooking meals. Since his exile, he has taken up the bow and arrow to hunt, though he never relies on it when threatened by bandits and such.
On the other hand, Gerhold is also adept at Ringen, a Ludwessian martial art. It consists mostly of grapples, holds and strikes aimed to stun, as a means to wear out the opponent throughout the fight while preserving the user's own stamina. The style's philosophy also involves resilience and patience, with a great emphasis on counters. Ringen fits perfectly with Gerhold's large and toned frame, making it a viable alternative when no other weapons are present.
First and foremost, Gerhold is a cold, stoic man. While that doesn't directly translate into anti-social behavior - after all, he doesn't shy away from conversations nor considers his peers to be a bother - he often prefers to be objective with whoever talks with him, and rarely strays into small talk. His first impressions may lead some to believe him to be a disrespectful and arrogant man, though he is rather polite in his dealings unless the other party shows no respect themselves.
He is infamous for his temper, which ultimately stained the reputation of his Order and resulted in his exile. In his youth, Gerhold was often made hostage of his own volatile emotions, all of which eventually dissolved into seething rage. After the events that changed his life for the worse, he takes extra caution to avoid tantrums and losses of control, albeit he is still prone to going 'berserk' in situations where his meticulously trained patience is strained beyond its limits.
In terms of morality, Gerhold is definitely a complicated case. While some values of the universal code of chivalry stuck with him, he cares not about the moral consequences of taking more questionable paths and decisions. Even though the events at the Order spurred him into a new time of self-reflection and restraints, he still is adamant with his views. In the end, the knight is contrary to needless slaughter and any unnecessary infliction of suffering upon those whom he believes undeserving of such treatment.
Biography & Lore
Born as the single child of a minor baroness and a knight in the small Kingdom of Ludwess, Gerhold Zimmermann was instantaneously inserted into Ludwess' newest 'vassal': a highly-disciplined Knightly Order, created in an attempt to finally defeat the Kingdom's long-standing rival, the state of Novakzic. The order in itself was called the Rabenschwarz Order, carrying a pitch-black raven on its snowy white crest. The boy was never fully inserted in the Ludwessian court; he was instead raised at a border village, in his parents' manor. Despite the distance from the main capital, he still received education and training worthy of a knight. His childhood was an uneventful one, surrounded by a group of friends which he eventually came to 'lead'.
The peace and quiet of his village life was broken one day, however. A cease-fire signed between Ludwess and Novakzic expired, and the Novakian nobility quickly mobilized into a lightning assault. One of their lords, Pyotr Kabowicz, led a small group of raiders into Gerhold's village, in an attempt to deal a serious blow to Ludwess' food supply. The attack was successful due to Kabowicz' elite raiders, but its results were devastating. Gerhold's father joined the defenders but was easily dispatched by Pyotr's mages. His mother attempted to run away with the boy, yet a stray arrow struck her in back, rendering her unable to walk. Terrified and exhausted, Gerhold was forced to carry his wounded mother to the castle of Strumwalder. He dared to look back, and the image of Pyotr smiling as his men sacked the settlement ignited a hateful fire that would never be put out within the young knight.
Upon reaching the Strumwalder, Gerhold and his mother were properly settled and cared for. His mother was unfortunately robbed of her ability to walk, albeit her spirit found support in the figure of her growing son. Gerhold, in turn, aimed his newfound vigor and anger towards his training. Under the supervision of a seasoned knight, the boy became a stellar warrior, albeit his motivations for improving were far from noble: he wished nothing but the death of Pyotr, by his own blade.
Once he came of age, Gerhold began his military career in the battlefields of the fringe regions of Allir Reach. Years passed like seconds before him, and at the age of 21, the boy was now an experienced man with a considerable reputation among both friend and foe, already leading his band of knights into battle against Novakzic. Around this time, he met a supposed deserter from Novakzic, Erykssen. Due to his combat proficiency and profound knowledge of Novakzic's military plans, the deserter quickly climbed the ranks without much suspicion, and became a close friend of Gerhold in the process.
After 3 years in action, Erykssen disappeared under concerning circumstances. A fire consumed most of Strumwalder Castle's library overnight, and with Erykssen, numerous vital documents regarding Ludwessian battle plans and troop mobilizations vanished. Novakzic's attacks became more frequent and obscenely more devastating, striking critical locations and fortifications. The Order's high brass, together with Ludwess' traditional military quickly realized their mistake in accepting Erykssen's assistance; Gerhold, on the other hand, was devastated, spiraling into a cascade of denial and madness. As much as he had matured, he still regarded friendships with great naivety, and the idea that a friend could turn on him was foreign to the knight until that point.
Overtaken by anger and the bitter taste of betrayal, Gerhold led his men into a series of brutal attacks into Novakian territory, sparing no prisoners. Aside from hunting for Pyotr, the knight directed his efforts towards finding Erykssen. By leading his band in increasingly ungodly attacks, Gerhold gained the title of 'White Demon', thanks to the white surcoat bearing the Order's raven, as well as the ceremonial horned helmet worn by himself and his men. Bloodstained and vicious, his presence in the battlefield often terrified the combatants
. His campaign lasted longer than expected, but eventually, Gerhold came face to face with his old partner. A duel ensued, and Erykssen was executed in a merciless fashion. Engulfed by a raging fire of wrath, Gerhold started a violent campaign against Novakzic, allowing his men to freely pillage towns and villages while he pursued Pyotr and those involved in Erykssen's betrayal.
Pyotr was finally found one day. Gerhold dispatched him ruthlessly, though his display of needless violence did nothing to shock the army ready to ambush his knights while they pillaged yet another settlement. Surprised and outnumbered, he was quick to fall on the battlefield, his soldiers slain. Even then, he miraculously survived the onslaught. Hanging onto life by a thread, he was rescued by the Order's troops sent to retrieve what remained of his band.
Nursed back to health, Gerhold was faced with a harsh reality. His reckless, hate-fueled crusade only managed to stain the Order's reputation, as neighboring realms quickly started to pressure Ludwess for its dissolution under the threat of war. His mother had passed away not a week ago, wounded by how twisted her son had become. Left without any allies within the Order, he was judged and narrowly avoided execution, instead striped of his allegiance and exiled from the Order and Ludwess as a whole.
He spent his first months of exile reflecting, wrestling his own conscience weighing worlds from his diabolical deeds. One day, however, after meeting with an eccentric yet empathetic sage in the wild, he was taught how to survive and lead a new life in exchange for a promise to change his ways.
Not much is known about his trajectory since then, but now, Gerhold Zimmermann inhabits the Allir Reach as a wandering knight, offering his services to those in need - or, rarely, to the highest bidder. Gerhold's name is still stained with the sins of the White Demon, a name still used to describe him to this day, and little does he know that some figures would rather see him dead than wandering foreign lands, their motivations ranging from political clean-ups to fanatical faith.
The peace and quiet of his village life was broken one day, however. A cease-fire signed between Ludwess and Novakzic expired, and the Novakian nobility quickly mobilized into a lightning assault. One of their lords, Pyotr Kabowicz, led a small group of raiders into Gerhold's village, in an attempt to deal a serious blow to Ludwess' food supply. The attack was successful due to Kabowicz' elite raiders, but its results were devastating. Gerhold's father joined the defenders but was easily dispatched by Pyotr's mages. His mother attempted to run away with the boy, yet a stray arrow struck her in back, rendering her unable to walk. Terrified and exhausted, Gerhold was forced to carry his wounded mother to the castle of Strumwalder. He dared to look back, and the image of Pyotr smiling as his men sacked the settlement ignited a hateful fire that would never be put out within the young knight.
Upon reaching the Strumwalder, Gerhold and his mother were properly settled and cared for. His mother was unfortunately robbed of her ability to walk, albeit her spirit found support in the figure of her growing son. Gerhold, in turn, aimed his newfound vigor and anger towards his training. Under the supervision of a seasoned knight, the boy became a stellar warrior, albeit his motivations for improving were far from noble: he wished nothing but the death of Pyotr, by his own blade.
Once he came of age, Gerhold began his military career in the battlefields of the fringe regions of Allir Reach. Years passed like seconds before him, and at the age of 21, the boy was now an experienced man with a considerable reputation among both friend and foe, already leading his band of knights into battle against Novakzic. Around this time, he met a supposed deserter from Novakzic, Erykssen. Due to his combat proficiency and profound knowledge of Novakzic's military plans, the deserter quickly climbed the ranks without much suspicion, and became a close friend of Gerhold in the process.
After 3 years in action, Erykssen disappeared under concerning circumstances. A fire consumed most of Strumwalder Castle's library overnight, and with Erykssen, numerous vital documents regarding Ludwessian battle plans and troop mobilizations vanished. Novakzic's attacks became more frequent and obscenely more devastating, striking critical locations and fortifications. The Order's high brass, together with Ludwess' traditional military quickly realized their mistake in accepting Erykssen's assistance; Gerhold, on the other hand, was devastated, spiraling into a cascade of denial and madness. As much as he had matured, he still regarded friendships with great naivety, and the idea that a friend could turn on him was foreign to the knight until that point.
Overtaken by anger and the bitter taste of betrayal, Gerhold led his men into a series of brutal attacks into Novakian territory, sparing no prisoners. Aside from hunting for Pyotr, the knight directed his efforts towards finding Erykssen. By leading his band in increasingly ungodly attacks, Gerhold gained the title of 'White Demon', thanks to the white surcoat bearing the Order's raven, as well as the ceremonial horned helmet worn by himself and his men. Bloodstained and vicious, his presence in the battlefield often terrified the combatants
. His campaign lasted longer than expected, but eventually, Gerhold came face to face with his old partner. A duel ensued, and Erykssen was executed in a merciless fashion. Engulfed by a raging fire of wrath, Gerhold started a violent campaign against Novakzic, allowing his men to freely pillage towns and villages while he pursued Pyotr and those involved in Erykssen's betrayal.
Pyotr was finally found one day. Gerhold dispatched him ruthlessly, though his display of needless violence did nothing to shock the army ready to ambush his knights while they pillaged yet another settlement. Surprised and outnumbered, he was quick to fall on the battlefield, his soldiers slain. Even then, he miraculously survived the onslaught. Hanging onto life by a thread, he was rescued by the Order's troops sent to retrieve what remained of his band.
Nursed back to health, Gerhold was faced with a harsh reality. His reckless, hate-fueled crusade only managed to stain the Order's reputation, as neighboring realms quickly started to pressure Ludwess for its dissolution under the threat of war. His mother had passed away not a week ago, wounded by how twisted her son had become. Left without any allies within the Order, he was judged and narrowly avoided execution, instead striped of his allegiance and exiled from the Order and Ludwess as a whole.
He spent his first months of exile reflecting, wrestling his own conscience weighing worlds from his diabolical deeds. One day, however, after meeting with an eccentric yet empathetic sage in the wild, he was taught how to survive and lead a new life in exchange for a promise to change his ways.
Not much is known about his trajectory since then, but now, Gerhold Zimmermann inhabits the Allir Reach as a wandering knight, offering his services to those in need - or, rarely, to the highest bidder. Gerhold's name is still stained with the sins of the White Demon, a name still used to describe him to this day, and little does he know that some figures would rather see him dead than wandering foreign lands, their motivations ranging from political clean-ups to fanatical faith.
Picture drawn by Simeon Simeonov. If requested, it will be taken down. Link here: https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/asset...imeon-simeonov-slatty-the-lx-3.jpg?1477132004