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For writers to keep standing adverts about their writing interests. Post one thread. You may bump it weekly.

Welcome to Aeraesar!

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Erën, Anárion, Ánië Táralóm, etc - Isilya, Hilte, Vordrakel Deaz'renith
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Aeraesar (Eastern Falwood)
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Hello. Almë.

For those of you who do not know me, I am known on site probably the best, as Erën. On Discord I am known as Offensive Bias.

You, if you like, can call me Jer.

After much work, and strife, and help from my fellow writers, I bring to you this:

My vision with this ecumene is to establish a group environment where collaboration and mutual respect are foundational. For my part, I have largely focused on the creation of the...

The doctor is in

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Nuir the elven healer and scholar
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I only have the one character at the moment.
I'm open to 1x1 or to tag along in a larger thread. Not sure where to get started and a bit shy but happy to talk plot on discord.
Please feel free to reach out.

Siren's Writing Advert :)

Active Characters
Byanka Valkas- knight turned noble lady
Daniele Bergara- sassy mercenary
Izzetta Rex- drunk pirate captain
Julian Benavide- hot simp
Serryn- assassin
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Anywhere and everywhere (particularly Alliria)
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Hey hey hey, Siren here :) I'm back after a bit of a random hiatus that I didn't really plan, but I'd like to get back into writing. My discord on the forum is Siren (SleepingBeauty1280 off the forum). Feel free to reach out if any of these characters interest you! (I'd also be down to create new characters if we cook up a good plot!)

Abigail in Wonderland

Active Characters
Bula, Emmeline Hildebrandt, Larewen Dragana, Maeve Blackwood
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Hey guys! I'll be listing my characters and any plot ideas I have associated with them here. I keep meaning to do this, but I'm too scatterbrained to brain it all at once, so I'll update it as I go! If any of the plots look like something you want to join in on, send me a DM via Discord! (It's listed under this name.)

For ease, I'll keep my characters in alphabetical order by their first names in case you're looking to write with a certain one of them in particular!

If you have a...
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Looking for connection!

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Hi all! I'm a recent joiner which currently, have exactly one character in my roster: Wordweaver.

As she's a fae that styled herself as an entertainer, flitting from court to court, parlor to parlor, even crossing realms to the mundane works, I'd like the opportunity to make connections.

Friends? Foes? Enemies? Family? Ex-lovers? That weird person you met at the bar? I'm up to brainstorm ideas!


Raiders Rotter Plotter

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Hey there, I'm Gob-Bregaid, resently joined and this pathetic little Geenbean Raider, is my first character.
I'm open to really any kind of roleplay, whether it's playing a minion of a character, meeting in a bar or cell, sharing gossip info, robbing the same house, or just beating up my character for one reason or another. Portraying low-level bad guys is always enjoyable.

I'm truly eager to connect with some of the amazing characters here; there's nothing I love more than...

Opportunities in Gild

Active Characters
Ruslan Gildal, Akiza Sonshal, Nemeska Elissal, Boesarius Terral, Irene Savashal, Leah Kadashal, Marta Maisal, Castulo Arnal, Ruka Kargatal, Suleiman Jemeital, Melek Ishikal, Mogrin Dhuumal, Anfisa Ironhammer
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Gild, Campania, possibly more distant locations
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I'm VigiloConfido, and I wanted to make this advert just to clearly showcase avenues for RP in Gild, for those interested in a more low fantasy and anti-magic style of story. The official post I made in the Roleplay Planning section of forum is the place where tons more in-depth information can be found.

As for the opportunities, here are some of them:

-- Praetors and Regulators, both of which would see a lot of combat and action-oriented threads...
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Saderzaine's Plotter!

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Vel Anir, mostly, but I am open to other places under the context of missions!
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Hello, I'm MrKrebs and Sader is my first character! I'm super excited to roleplay with them!

I'm really up for anything (within reason) if it makes sense for him as a character!

If ya'd like to contact me I'm also MrKrebs on the discord! DMs are open!
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Let's write together.

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Any, can always make it work.
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Open to brainstorming ideas with the characters listed, can also make others to fit in where needed,  if needed. Some of the characters listed need a little reworked as either the storylines they wete apart of are no longer or the writers are no longer writing. Let's just have some fun! If you'd like to get ahold of me through Discord, name is WynterWillow.
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LF RP - Dread

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I'm looking for any sort of adventure. I'm also willing to create characters to fit into someones role play/story; I can create a sister, brother, rival, anything if the story suits my fancy!
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Allirian Reach
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